seeding and reading the PRNG Testcase name qualified with the module name This could be optional (minOccurs=0), but that would introduce another level of indirection. Instead, an empty reason string means "no reason". VERDICTOP_SETVERDICT VERDICTOP_FINAL MATCHING_M.* MATCHING_P.* mapped: MATCHING_[PM]M.* connected: MATCHING_[PM]C.* Must be "any port"! From TTCN_Runtime::create_component, after the create request was sent to the MC. From TTCN_Runtime::process_create_ptc, after fork in the HC. The component name is usually deducible from the component reference. However, there is one case when it isn't (before the create operation, when the name is supplied as a parameter). doubles as component name A complicated case of PARALLEL_PTC For PARALLEL_PORT(CONN|MAP) Enqueue/dequeue operations on both message and procedure ports. unhandled=true means that there were mappings which failed to handle the message; false means that the discard mapping was the only one