// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Philippe Proulx // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 // Render with Asciidoctor = argpar 15 March 2024 :bt2: Babeltrace{nbsp}2 ifdef::env-github[] :toc: macro endif::[] ifndef::env-github[] :toc: left endif::[] :idprefix: :idseparator: - **argpar**, an https://efficios.com/[EfficiOS] project, is yet another open-source command-line argument parser for C/{cpp} programs. ifdef::env-github[] toc::[] endif::[] == Features The most important features of argpar are: * A single MIT-licensed, independent C99 source file and its header that you can copy as is into your own project. * Declarative description of expected options: + [source,c] ---- enum my_opt_id { MY_OPT_ID_DATA, MY_OPT_ID_SQUEEZE, MY_OPT_ID_MEOW, }; static const struct argpar_opt_descr descrs[] = { { MY_OPT_ID_DATA, 'd', NULL, false }, { MY_OPT_ID_SQUEEZE, '\0', "squeeze", true }, { MY_OPT_ID_MEOW, 'm', "meow", true }, ARGPAR_OPT_DESCR_SENTINEL, }; ---- * Supports short (`-k`) and long (`--kernel`) options. + Multiple short options may be concatenated, and the argument of the last one may be "`attached`" (`-xvfmyfile`). + The argument of a long option may follow a space (`--meow{nbsp}mix`) or an `=` sign (`--meow=mix`). * Supports repeated options: + ---- --meow=mix salut -f4 /path/to/file --meow blend -cqc ---- * Fully documented, `const`-correct C99 API based on an argument iterator. + The `argpar_iter_next()` function produces items in the same order that it parses original arguments, including non-option items. This means, for example, that for: + ---- --hello --count=23 /path/to/file -ab --type file -- magie ---- + `argpar_iter_next()` produces the following items, in this order: ** Option item: `--hello`. ** Option item: `--count` with argument `23`. ** Non-option item: `/path/to/file`. ** Option item: `-a`. ** Option item: `-b`. ** Option item: `--type` with argument `file`. ** Non-option item: `--`. ** Non-option item: `magie`. * On parsing error, provides a detailed error object including the index of the argument (in `argv`) that caused the error as well as the name, if available, of the unknown option. == Known limitations Compared to other similar open-source command-line argument parsers, argpar has the following known limitations: * Doesn't support abbreviated long options. + For example, if your option descriptor describes `--fraction`, then `argpar_iter_next()` won't parse `--frac=23`: it will return an unknown option error instead. * Doesn't explicitly support "`end of option`" (`--`). + This is valid: + ---- --hello=world --meow -- mix --hut=23 ---- + `argpar_iter_next()` provides the `--` argument as a non-option item. * Doesn't support a non-option argument having the form of an option, for example if you need to pass the exact relative path `--calorie`. + In that case, you would need to pass `./--calorie`. There's no generic way to escape `-` as of this version. This is in part because argpar doesn't support "`end of option`" (`--`). + As a workaround, because argpar offers an iterator API, you may: + . Stop using `argpar_iter_next()` from the first `--` non-option item __**ITEM**__. . Use `argpar_item_non_opt_orig_index()` with __**ITEM**__ to get the original index __**I**__ of the first `--` within `argv` (as passed to `argpar_iter_create()`). . Read the remaining non-option arguments from `argv`, starting at __**I**__{nbsp}+{nbsp}1. * Doesn't handle the `-h`/`--help` option in a special way (doesn't show some automatic usage message). * Doesn't provide direct access to the value of an option. + This is because argpar offers an iterator API to support positional and repeated options. == Build argpar To use argpar in your own project, simply copy the `argpar/argpar.c` and `argpar/argpar.h` files and you're ready to go. To build this project, make sure you have https://docs.gtk.org/glib/[GLib]{nbsp}2 (required by the tests), and then: . **If you build from a Git clone**, run: + [role="term"] ---- $ ./bootstrap ---- + This generates the `configure` script and other important files. . Configure the project: + [role="term"] ---- $ ./configure ---- + See `./configure --help` for more options. . Build the project: + [role="term"] ---- $ make ---- == Build the API documentation To build the API documentation, make sure you have https://www.doxygen.nl/[Doxygen], and then: * From the root of the project, run: + ---- $ doxygen ---- Open `api-doc/html/index.html` with Netscape Navigator. == Run the tests To run the argpar tests: . <>. . Run the tests: + [role="term"] ---- $ make check ---- == Community argpar uses https://review.lttng.org/admin/repos/argpar,general[Gerrit] for code review. To report a bug, https://github.com/efficios/argpar/issues/new[create a GitHub issue].