/* * babeltrace.i.in * * Babeltrace Python Module interface file * * Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc. * * Author: Danny Serres * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ %define DOCSTRING "BABELTRACE_VERSION_STR Babeltrace is a trace viewer and converter reading and writing the Common Trace Format (CTF). Its main use is to pretty-print CTF traces into a human-readable text output. To use this module, the first step is to create a Context and add a trace to it." %enddef %module(docstring=DOCSTRING) babeltrace %include "typemaps.i" %{ #define SWIG_FILE_WITH_INIT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "python-complements.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include %} typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef int bt_intern_str; /* ================================================================= PYTHON-COMPLEMENTS.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ FILE *_bt_file_open(char *file_path, char *mode); void _bt_file_close(FILE *fp); struct bt_definition **_bt_python_field_listcaller( const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, const struct bt_definition *scope, unsigned int *OUTPUT); struct bt_definition *_bt_python_field_one_from_list( struct bt_definition **list, int index); struct bt_ctf_event_decl **_bt_python_event_decl_listcaller( int handle_id, struct bt_context *ctx, unsigned int *OUTPUT); struct bt_ctf_event_decl *_bt_python_decl_one_from_list( struct bt_ctf_event_decl **list, int index); struct bt_ctf_field_decl **_by_python_field_decl_listcaller( struct bt_ctf_event_decl *event_decl, enum bt_ctf_scope scope, unsigned int *OUTPUT); struct bt_ctf_field_decl *_bt_python_field_decl_one_from_list( struct bt_ctf_field_decl **list, int index); struct definition_array *_bt_python_get_array_from_def( struct bt_definition *field); struct definition_sequence *_bt_python_get_sequence_from_def( struct bt_definition *field); int _bt_python_field_integer_get_signedness(const struct bt_ctf_field *field); enum ctf_type_id _bt_python_get_field_type(const struct bt_ctf_field *field); /* ================================================================= CONTEXT.H, CONTEXT-INTERNAL.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_context_create") bt_context_create(void); %rename("_bt_context_add_trace") bt_context_add_trace( struct bt_context *ctx, const char *path, const char *format, void (*packet_seek)(struct bt_stream_pos *pos, size_t index, int whence), struct bt_mmap_stream_list *stream_list, FILE *metadata); %rename("_bt_context_remove_trace") bt_context_remove_trace( struct bt_context *ctx, int trace_id); %rename("_bt_context_get") bt_context_get(struct bt_context *ctx); %rename("_bt_context_put") bt_context_put(struct bt_context *ctx); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_get_context") bt_ctf_event_get_context( const struct bt_ctf_event *event); struct bt_context *bt_context_create(void); int bt_context_add_trace(struct bt_context *ctx, const char *path, const char *format, void (*packet_seek)(struct bt_stream_pos *pos, size_t index, int whence), struct bt_mmap_stream_list *stream_list, FILE *metadata); void bt_context_remove_trace(struct bt_context *ctx, int trace_id); void bt_context_get(struct bt_context *ctx); void bt_context_put(struct bt_context *ctx); struct bt_context *bt_ctf_event_get_context(const struct bt_ctf_event *event); // class Context to prevent direct access to struct bt_context %pythoncode%{ class Context: """ The context represents the object in which a trace_collection is open. As long as this structure is allocated, the trace_collection is open and the traces it contains can be read and seeked by the iterators and callbacks. """ def __init__(self): self._c = _bt_context_create() def __del__(self): _bt_context_put(self._c) def add_trace(self, path, format_str, packet_seek=None, stream_list=None, metadata=None): """ Add a trace by path to the context. Open a trace. path is the path to the trace, it is not recursive. If "path" is None, stream_list is used instead as a list of mmap streams to open for the trace. format is a string containing the format name in which the trace was produced. packet_seek is not implemented for Python. Should be left None to use the default packet_seek handler provided by the trace format. stream_list is a linked list of streams, it is used to open a trace where the trace data is located in memory mapped areas instead of trace files, this argument should be None when path is not None. The metadata parameter acts as a metadata override when not None, otherwise the format handles the metadata opening. Return: the corresponding TraceHandle on success or None on error. """ if metadata is not None: metadata = metadata._file ret = _bt_context_add_trace(self._c, path, format_str, packet_seek, stream_list, metadata) if ret < 0: return None th = TraceHandle.__new__(TraceHandle) th._id = ret return th def add_traces_recursive(self, path, format_str): """ Open a trace recursively. Find each trace present in the subdirectory starting from the given path, and add them to the context. Return a dict of TraceHandle instances (the full path is the key). Return None on error. """ import os trace_handles = {} noTrace = True error = False for fullpath, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if "metadata" in files: trace_handle = self.add_trace(fullpath, format_str) if trace_handle is None: error = True continue trace_handles[fullpath] = trace_handle noTrace = False if noTrace and error: return None return trace_handles def remove_trace(self, trace_handle): """ Remove a trace from the context. Effectively closing the trace. """ try: _bt_context_remove_trace(self._c, trace_handle._id) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in remove_trace, " "argument 2 must be a TraceHandle instance") %} /* ================================================================= FORMAT.H, REGISTRY ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("lookup_format") bt_lookup_format(bt_intern_str qname); %rename("_bt_print_format_list") bt_fprintf_format_list(FILE *fp); %rename("register_format") bt_register_format(struct format *format); %rename("unregister_format") bt_unregister_format(struct bt_format *format); extern struct format *bt_lookup_format(bt_intern_str qname); extern void bt_fprintf_format_list(FILE *fp); extern int bt_register_format(struct bt_format *format); extern void bt_unregister_format(struct bt_format *format); %pythoncode %{ def print_format_list(babeltrace_file): """ Print a list of available formats to file. babeltrace_file must be a File instance opened in write mode. """ try: if babeltrace_file._file is not None: _bt_print_format_list(babeltrace_file._file) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in print_format_list, " "argument 1 must be a File instance") %} /* ================================================================= ITERATOR.H, ITERATOR-INTERNAL.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_iter_create") bt_iter_create(struct bt_context *ctx, const struct bt_iter_pos *begin_pos, const struct bt_iter_pos *end_pos); %rename("_bt_iter_destroy") bt_iter_destroy(struct bt_iter *iter); %rename("_bt_iter_next") bt_iter_next(struct bt_iter *iter); %rename("_bt_iter_get_pos") bt_iter_get_pos(struct bt_iter *iter); %rename("_bt_iter_free_pos") bt_iter_free_pos(struct bt_iter_pos *pos); %rename("_bt_iter_set_pos") bt_iter_set_pos(struct bt_iter *iter, const struct bt_iter_pos *pos); %rename("_bt_iter_create_time_pos") bt_iter_create_time_pos(struct bt_iter *iter, uint64_t timestamp); struct bt_iter *bt_iter_create(struct bt_context *ctx, const struct bt_iter_pos *begin_pos, const struct bt_iter_pos *end_pos); void bt_iter_destroy(struct bt_iter *iter); int bt_iter_next(struct bt_iter *iter); struct bt_iter_pos *bt_iter_get_pos(struct bt_iter *iter); void bt_iter_free_pos(struct bt_iter_pos *pos); int bt_iter_set_pos(struct bt_iter *iter, const struct bt_iter_pos *pos); struct bt_iter_pos *bt_iter_create_time_pos(struct bt_iter *iter, uint64_t timestamp); %rename("_bt_iter_pos") bt_iter_pos; %rename("SEEK_TIME") BT_SEEK_TIME; %rename("SEEK_RESTORE") BT_SEEK_RESTORE; %rename("SEEK_CUR") BT_SEEK_CUR; %rename("SEEK_BEGIN") BT_SEEK_BEGIN; %rename("SEEK_LAST") BT_SEEK_LAST; // This struct is taken from iterator.h // All changes to the struct must also be made here struct bt_iter_pos { enum { BT_SEEK_TIME, /* uses u.seek_time */ BT_SEEK_RESTORE, /* uses u.restore */ BT_SEEK_CUR, BT_SEEK_BEGIN, BT_SEEK_LAST } type; union { uint64_t seek_time; struct bt_saved_pos *restore; } u; }; %pythoncode%{ class IterPos: """This class represents the position where to set an iterator.""" __can_access = False def __init__(self, seek_type, seek_time = None): """ seek_type represents the type of seek to use. seek_time is the timestamp to seek to when using SEEK_TIME, it is expressed in nanoseconds Only use SEEK_RESTORE on IterPos obtained from the get_pos function in Iter class. """ self._pos = _bt_iter_pos() self._pos.type = seek_type if seek_time and seek_type == SEEK_TIME: self._pos.u.seek_time = seek_time self.__can_access = True def __del__(self): if not self.__can_access: _bt_iter_free_pos(self._pos) def _get_type(self): if not __can_access: raise AttributeError("seek_type is not available") return self._pos.type def _set_type(self, seek_type): if not __can_access: raise AttributeError("seek_type is not available") self._pos.type = seek_type def _get_time(self): if not __can_access: raise AttributeError("seek_time is not available") elif self._pos.type is not SEEK_TIME: raise TypeError("seek_type is not SEEK_TIME") return self._pos.u.seek_time def _set_time(self, time): if not __can_access: raise AttributeError("seek_time is not available") elif self._pos.type is not SEEK_TIME: raise TypeError("seek_type is not SEEK_TIME") self._pos.u.seek_time = time def _get_pos(self): return self._pos seek_type = property(_get_type, _set_type) seek_time = property(_get_time, _set_time) class Iterator: __with_init = False def __init__(self, context, begin_pos = None, end_pos = None, _no_init = None): """ Allocate a trace collection iterator. begin_pos and end_pos are optional parameters to specify the position at which the trace collection should be seeked upon iterator creation, and the position at which iteration will start returning "EOF". By default, if begin_pos is None, a BT_SEEK_CUR is performed at creation. By default, if end_pos is None, a BT_SEEK_END (end of trace) is the EOF criterion. """ if _no_init is None: if begin_pos is None: bp = None else: try: bp = begin_pos._pos except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in __init__, " "argument 3 must be a IterPos instance") if end_pos is None: ep = None else: try: ep = end_pos._pos except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in __init__, " "argument 4 must be a IterPos instance") try: self._bi = _bt_iter_create(context._c, bp, ep) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in __init__, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") self.__with_init = True else: self._bi = _no_init def __del__(self): if self.__with_init: _bt_iter_destroy(self._bi) def next(self): """ Move trace collection position to the next event. Returns 0 on success, a negative value on error. """ return _bt_iter_next(self._bi) def get_pos(self): """Return a IterPos class of the current iterator position.""" ret = IterPos(0) ret.__can_access = False ret._pos = _bt_iter_get_pos(self._bi) return ret def set_pos(self, pos): """ Move the iterator to a given position. On error, the stream_heap is reinitialized and returned empty. Return 0 for success. Return EOF if the position requested is after the last event of the trace collection. Return -EINVAL when called with invalid parameter. Return -ENOMEM if the stream_heap could not be properly initialized. """ try: return _bt_iter_set_pos(self._bi, pos._pos) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in set_pos, " "argument 2 must be a IterPos instance") def create_time_pos(self, timestamp): """ Create a position based on time This function allocates and returns a new IterPos to be able to restore an iterator position based on a timestamp. """ if timestamp < 0: raise TypeError("timestamp must be an unsigned int") ret = IterPos(0) ret.__can_access = False ret._pos = _bt_iter_create_time_pos(self._bi, timestamp) return ret %} /* ================================================================= CLOCK-TYPE.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *** Enum copied from clock-type.h­ All changes must also be made here */ %rename("CLOCK_CYCLES") BT_CLOCK_CYCLES; %rename("CLOCK_REAL") BT_CLOCK_REAL; enum bt_clock_type { BT_CLOCK_CYCLES = 0, BT_CLOCK_REAL }; /* ================================================================= TRACE-HANDLE.H, TRACE-HANDLE-INTERNAL.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_trace_handle_create") bt_trace_handle_create(struct bt_context *ctx); %rename("_bt_trace_handle_destroy") bt_trace_handle_destroy(struct bt_trace_handle *bt); struct bt_trace_handle *bt_trace_handle_create(struct bt_context *ctx); void bt_trace_handle_destroy(struct bt_trace_handle *bt); %rename("_bt_trace_handle_get_path") bt_trace_handle_get_path(struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id); %rename("_bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_begin") bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_begin( struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id, enum bt_clock_type type); %rename("_bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_end") bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_end( struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id, enum bt_clock_type type); const char *bt_trace_handle_get_path(struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id); uint64_t bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_begin(struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id, enum bt_clock_type type); uint64_t bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_end(struct bt_context *ctx, int handle_id, enum bt_clock_type type); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_get_handle_id") bt_ctf_event_get_handle_id( const struct bt_ctf_event *event); int bt_ctf_event_get_handle_id(const struct bt_ctf_event *event); %pythoncode%{ class TraceHandle(object): """ The TraceHandle allows the user to manipulate a trace file directly. It is a unique identifier representing a trace file. Do not instantiate. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("TraceHandle cannot be instantiated") def __repr__(self): return "Babeltrace TraceHandle: trace_id('{0}')".format(self._id) def get_id(self): """Return the TraceHandle id.""" return self._id def get_path(self, context): """Return the path of a TraceHandle.""" try: return _bt_trace_handle_get_path(context._c, self._id) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_path, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") def get_timestamp_begin(self, context, clock_type): """Return the creation time of the buffers of a trace.""" try: return _bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_begin( context._c, self._id,clock_type) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_timestamp_begin, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") def get_timestamp_end(self, context, clock_type): """Return the destruction timestamp of the buffers of a trace.""" try: return _bt_trace_handle_get_timestamp_end( context._c, self._id, clock_type) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_timestamp_end, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") %} // ================================================================= // CTF // ================================================================= /* ================================================================= ITERATOR.H, EVENTS.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ //Iterator %rename("_bt_ctf_iter_create") bt_ctf_iter_create(struct bt_context *ctx, const struct bt_iter_pos *begin_pos, const struct bt_iter_pos *end_pos); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_iter") bt_ctf_get_iter(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); %rename("_bt_ctf_iter_destroy") bt_ctf_iter_destroy(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); %rename("_bt_ctf_iter_read_event") bt_ctf_iter_read_event(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); struct bt_ctf_iter *bt_ctf_iter_create(struct bt_context *ctx, const struct bt_iter_pos *begin_pos, const struct bt_iter_pos *end_pos); struct bt_iter *bt_ctf_get_iter(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); void bt_ctf_iter_destroy(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); struct bt_ctf_event *bt_ctf_iter_read_event(struct bt_ctf_iter *iter); //Events %rename("_bt_ctf_get_top_level_scope") bt_ctf_get_top_level_scope(const struct bt_ctf_event *event, enum bt_ctf_scope scope); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_name") bt_ctf_event_name(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_timestamp") bt_ctf_get_timestamp( const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_cycles") bt_ctf_get_cycles( const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_field") bt_ctf_get_field(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, const struct bt_definition *scope, const char *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_index") bt_ctf_get_index(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, const struct bt_definition *field, unsigned int index); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_name") bt_ctf_field_name(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type") bt_ctf_field_type(const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_int_signedness") bt_ctf_get_int_signedness( const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_int_base") bt_ctf_get_int_base(const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_int_byte_order") bt_ctf_get_int_byte_order( const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_int_len") bt_ctf_get_int_len(const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_enum_int") bt_ctf_get_enum_int(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_enum_str") bt_ctf_get_enum_str(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_encoding") bt_ctf_get_encoding(const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_array_len") bt_ctf_get_array_len(const struct bt_declaration *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_uint64") bt_ctf_get_uint64(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_int64") bt_ctf_get_int64(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_char_array") bt_ctf_get_char_array(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_string") bt_ctf_get_string(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_float") bt_ctf_get_float(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_variant") bt_ctf_get_variant(const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_get_error") bt_ctf_field_get_error(void); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_decl_event_name") bt_ctf_get_decl_event_name(const struct bt_ctf_event_decl *event); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_decl_field_name") bt_ctf_get_decl_field_name( const struct bt_ctf_field_decl *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def") bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def( const struct bt_definition *field); %rename("_bt_array_index") bt_array_index(struct definition_array *array, uint64_t i); %rename("_bt_sequence_len") bt_sequence_len(struct definition_sequence *sequence); %rename("_bt_sequence_index") bt_sequence_index(struct definition_sequence *sequence, uint64_t i); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_struct_field_count") bt_ctf_get_struct_field_count(const struct bt_definition *structure); %rename("_bt_ctf_get_struct_field_index") bt_ctf_get_struct_field_index(const struct bt_definition *structure, uint64_t i); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_top_level_scope(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, enum bt_ctf_scope scope); const char *bt_ctf_event_name(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); uint64_t bt_ctf_get_timestamp(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); uint64_t bt_ctf_get_cycles(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_field(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, const struct bt_definition *scope, const char *field); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_index(const struct bt_ctf_event *ctf_event, const struct bt_definition *field, unsigned int index); const char *bt_ctf_field_name(const struct bt_definition *field); enum ctf_type_id bt_ctf_field_type(const struct bt_declaration *field); int bt_ctf_get_int_signedness(const struct bt_declaration *field); int bt_ctf_get_int_base(const struct bt_declaration *field); int bt_ctf_get_int_byte_order(const struct bt_declaration *field); ssize_t bt_ctf_get_int_len(const struct bt_declaration *field); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_enum_int(const struct bt_definition *field); const char *bt_ctf_get_enum_str(const struct bt_definition *field); enum ctf_string_encoding bt_ctf_get_encoding(const struct bt_declaration *field); int bt_ctf_get_array_len(const struct bt_declaration *field); struct bt_definition *bt_array_index(struct definition_array *array, uint64_t i); uint64_t bt_ctf_get_uint64(const struct bt_definition *field); int64_t bt_ctf_get_int64(const struct bt_definition *field); char *bt_ctf_get_char_array(const struct bt_definition *field); char *bt_ctf_get_string(const struct bt_definition *field); double bt_ctf_get_float(const struct bt_definition *field); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_variant(const struct bt_definition *field); int bt_ctf_field_get_error(void); const char *bt_ctf_get_decl_event_name(const struct bt_ctf_event_decl *event); const char *bt_ctf_get_decl_field_name(const struct bt_ctf_field_decl *field); const struct bt_declaration *bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(const struct bt_definition *field); uint64_t bt_sequence_len(struct definition_sequence *sequence); struct bt_definition *bt_sequence_index(struct definition_sequence *sequence, uint64_t i); uint64_t bt_ctf_get_struct_field_count(const struct bt_definition *structure); const struct bt_definition *bt_ctf_get_struct_field_index(const struct bt_definition *structure, uint64_t i); %pythoncode%{ class CTFStringEncoding: NONE = 0 UTF8 = 1 ASCII = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 #enum equivalent, accessible constants #These are taken directly from ctf/events.h #All changes to enums must also be made here class CTFTypeId: UNKNOWN = 0 INTEGER = 1 FLOAT = 2 ENUM = 3 STRING = 4 STRUCT = 5 UNTAGGED_VARIANT = 6 VARIANT = 7 ARRAY = 8 SEQUENCE = 9 NR_CTF_TYPES = 10 def get_type_name(id): name = "UNKNOWN" constants = [attr for attr in dir(CTFTypeId) if not callable(getattr(CTFTypeId, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")] for attr in constants: if getattr(CTFTypeId, attr) == id: name = attr break return name class CTFReader: class scope: TRACE_PACKET_HEADER = 0 STREAM_PACKET_CONTEXT = 1 STREAM_EVENT_HEADER = 2 STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT = 3 EVENT_CONTEXT = 4 EVENT_FIELDS = 5 class Iterator(Iterator, object): """ Allocate a CTF trace collection iterator. begin_pos and end_pos are optional parameters to specify the position at which the trace collection should be seeked upon iterator creation, and the position at which iteration will start returning "EOF". By default, if begin_pos is None, a SEEK_CUR is performed at creation. By default, if end_pos is None, a SEEK_END (end of trace) is the EOF criterion. Only one iterator can be created against a context. If more than one iterator is being created for the same context, the second creation will return None. The previous iterator must be destroyed before creation of the new iterator for this function to succeed. """ def __new__(cls, context, begin_pos = None, end_pos = None): # __new__ is used to control the return value # as the CTFReader.Iterator class should return None # if bt_ctf_iter_create returns NULL if begin_pos is None: bp = None else: bp = begin_pos._pos if end_pos is None: ep = None else: ep = end_pos._pos try: it = _bt_ctf_iter_create(context._c, bp, ep) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in __init__, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") if it is None: return None ret_class = super(CTFReader.Iterator, cls).__new__(cls) ret_class._i = it return ret_class def __init__(self, context, begin_pos = None, end_pos = None): Iterator.__init__(self, None, None, None, _bt_ctf_get_iter(self._i)) def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_iter_destroy(self._i) def read_event(self): """ Read the iterator's current event data. Return current event on success, None on end of trace. """ ret = _bt_ctf_iter_read_event(self._i) if ret is None: return ret ev = CTFReader.Event.__new__(CTFReader.Event) ev._e = ret return ev class Event(object): """ This class represents an event from the trace. It is obtained with read_event() from CTFReader.Iterator. Do not instantiate. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("CTFReader.Event cannot be instantiated") def get_top_level_scope(self, scope): """ Return a definition of the top-level scope Top-level scopes are defined in CTFReader.scope. In order to get a field or a field list, the user needs to pass a scope as argument, this scope can be a top-level scope or a scope relative to an arbitrary field. This function provides the mapping between the scope and the actual definition of top-level scopes. On error return None. """ evDef = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) evDef._d = _bt_ctf_get_top_level_scope(self._e, scope) if evDef._d is None: return None return evDef def get_name(self): """Return the name of the event or None on error.""" return _bt_ctf_event_name(self._e) def get_cycles(self): """ Return the timestamp of the event as written in the packet (in cycles) or -1ULL on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_cycles(self._e) def get_timestamp(self): """ Return the timestamp of the event offsetted with the system clock source or -1ULL on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_timestamp(self._e) def get_field_with_scope(self, scope, field): """ Return the definition of a specific field. Return None on error. """ evDef = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) try: evDef._d = _bt_ctf_get_field(self._e, scope._d, field) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_field, argument 2 must be a " "Definition (scope) instance") if evDef._d is None: return None evDef._s = scope return evDef def get_field(self, field): """ Return the definition of fields by a name Return None on error """ eventScope = self.get_top_level_scope(CTFReader.scope.EVENT_FIELDS) streamScope = self.get_top_level_scope(CTFReader.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT) fields_by_name = [] if eventScope is not None: evDef = self.get_field_with_scope(eventScope, field) if evDef is not None: fields_by_name.append(evDef) if streamScope is not None: evDef = self.get_field_with_scope(streamScope, field) if evDef is not None: fields_by_name.append(evDef); if not fields_by_name: return None return fields_by_name def get_field_list_with_scope(self, scope): """ Return a list of Definitions associated with the scope Return None on error. """ try: field_lc, count = _bt_python_field_listcaller(self._e, scope._d) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_field_list, argument 2 must be a " "Definition (scope) instance") if field_lc is None: return None def_list = [] for i in range(count): tmp = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) tmp._d = _bt_python_field_one_from_list(field_lc, i) tmp._s = scope def_list.append(tmp) return def_list def get_field_list(self): """Return a list of Definitions or None on error.""" eventScope = self.get_top_level_scope(CTFReader.scope.EVENT_FIELDS) streamScope = self.get_top_level_scope(CTFReader.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT) def_list = [] if eventScope is not None: event_field_list = self.get_field_list_with_scope(eventScope) if event_field_list is not None: def_list = event_field_list if streamScope is not None: event_field_list = self.get_field_list_with_scope(streamScope) if event_field_list is not None: def_list.extend(event_field_list) if not def_list: return None return def_list def get_index(self, field, index): """ If the field is an array or a sequence, return the element at position index, otherwise return None """ evDef = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) try: evDef._d = _bt_ctf_get_index(self._e, field._d, index) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_index, argument 2 must be a " "Definition (field) instance") if evDef._d is None: return None return evDef def get_handle(self): """ Get the TraceHandle associated with an event Return None on error """ ret = _bt_ctf_event_get_handle_id(self._e) if ret < 0: return None th = TraceHandle.__new__(TraceHandle) th._id = ret return th def get_context(self): """ Get the context associated with an event. Return None on error. """ ctx = Context() ctx._c = _bt_ctf_event_get_context(self._e); if ctx._c is None: return None else: return ctx class FieldError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class Definition(object): """Definition class. Do not instantiate.""" def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("CTFReader.Definition cannot be instantiated") def __repr__(self): return "Babeltrace Definition: name('{0}'), type({1})".format( self.field_name(), self.field_type()) def field_name(self): """Return the name of a field or None on error.""" return _bt_ctf_field_name(self._d) def field_type(self): """Return the type of a field or -1 if unknown.""" return _bt_ctf_field_type(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_int_signedness(self): """ Return the signedness of an integer: 0 if unsigned; 1 if signed; -1 on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_int_signedness(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_int_base(self): """Return the base of an int or a negative value on error.""" return _bt_ctf_get_int_base(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_int_byte_order(self): """ Return the byte order of an int or a negative value on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_int_byte_order(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_int_len(self): """ Return the size, in bits, of an int or a negative value on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_int_len(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_enum_str(self): """ Return the string matching the current enumeration. Return None on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_enum_str(self._d) def get_encoding(self): """ Return the encoding of an int or a string. Return a negative value on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_encoding(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_array_len(self): """ Return the len of an array or a negative value on error. """ return _bt_ctf_get_array_len(_bt_ctf_get_decl_from_def(self._d)) def get_array_element_at(self, index): """ Return the array's element at position index. Return None on error """ array = _bt_python_get_array_from_def(self._d) if array is None: return None element = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) element._d = _bt_array_index(array, index) if element._d is None: return None return element def get_sequence_len(self): """ Return the len of a sequence or a negative value on error. """ seq = _bt_python_get_sequence_from_def(self._d) return _bt_sequence_len(seq) def get_sequence_element_at(self, index): """ Return the sequence's element at position index, otherwise return None """ seq = _bt_python_get_sequence_from_def(self._d) if seq is not None: element = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) element._d = _bt_sequence_index(seq, index) if element._d is not None: return element return None def get_uint64(self): """ Return the value associated with the field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_uint64(self._d) def get_int64(self): """ Return the value associated with the field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_int64(self._d) def get_char_array(self): """ Return the value associated with the field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_char_array(self._d) def get_str(self): """ Return the value associated with the field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_string(self._d) def get_float(self): """ Return the value associated with the field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_float(self._d) def get_variant(self): """ Return the variant's selected field. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_variant(self._d) def get_struct_field_count(self): """ Return the number of fields contained in the structure. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. """ return _bt_ctf_get_struct_field_count(self._d) def get_struct_field_at(self, i): """ Return the structure's field at position i. If the field does not exist or is not of the type requested, the value returned is undefined. To check if an error occured, use the CTFReader.field_error() function after accessing a field. """ return _bt_ctf_get_struct_field_index(self._d, i) def get_value(self): """ Return the value associated with the field according to its type. Return None on error. """ id = self.field_type() value = None if id == CTFTypeId.STRING: value = self.get_str() elif id == CTFTypeId.ARRAY: value = [] for i in range(self.get_array_len()): element = self.get_array_element_at(i) value.append(element.get_value()) elif id == CTFTypeId.INTEGER: if self.get_int_signedness() == 0: value = self.get_uint64() else: value = self.get_int64() elif id == CTFTypeId.ENUM: value = self.get_enum_str() elif id == CTFTypeId.SEQUENCE: seq_len = self.get_sequence_len() value = [] for i in range(seq_len): evDef = self.get_sequence_element_at(i) value.append(evDef.get_value()) elif id == CTFTypeId.FLOAT: value = self.get_float() elif id == CTFTypeId.VARIANT: variant = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) variant._d = self.get_variant(); value = variant.get_value() elif id == CTFTypeId.STRUCT: value = {} for i in range(self.get_struct_field_count()): member = CTFReader.Definition.__new__(CTFReader.Definition) member._d = self.get_struct_field_at(i); value[member.field_name()] = member.get_value() if CTFReader.field_error(): raise CTFReader.FieldError("Error occured while accessing field {} of type {}".format(self.field_name(), CTFTypeId.get_type_name(self.field_type()))) return value def get_scope(self): """Return the scope of a field or None on error.""" return self._s class EventDecl(object): """Event declaration class. Do not instantiate.""" def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("CTFReader.EventDecl cannot be instantiated") def __repr__(self): return "Babeltrace EventDecl: name {0}".format(self.get_name()) def get_name(self): """Return the name of the event or None on error""" return _bt_ctf_get_decl_event_name(self._d) def get_decl_fields(self, scope): """ Return a list of CTFReader.FieldDecl Return None on error. """ ptr_list = _by_python_field_decl_listcaller(self._d, scope) if ptr_list is None: return None decl_list = [] i = 0 while True: tmp = CTFReader.FieldDecl.__new__(CTFReader.FieldDecl) tmp._d = _bt_python_field_decl_one_from_list( ptr_list, i) if tmp._d is None: #Last item of list is None break decl_list.append(tmp) i += 1 return decl_list class FieldDecl(object): """Field declaration class. Do not instantiate.""" def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("CTFReader.FieldDecl cannot be instantiated") def __repr__(self): return "Babeltrace FieldDecl: name {0}".format(self.get_name()) def get_name(self): """Return the name of a FieldDecl or None on error""" return _bt_ctf_get_decl_field_name(self._d) @staticmethod def field_error(): """ Return the last error code encountered while accessing a field and reset the error flag. Return 0 if no error, a negative value otherwise. """ return _bt_ctf_field_get_error() @staticmethod def get_event_decl_list(trace_handle, context): """ Return a list of CTFReader.EventDecl Return None on error. """ try: handle_id = trace_handle._id except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_event_decl_list, " "argument 1 must be a TraceHandle instance") try: ptr_list, count = _bt_python_event_decl_listcaller(handle_id, context._c) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("in get_event_decl_list, " "argument 2 must be a Context instance") if ptr_list is None: return None decl_list = [] for i in range(count): tmp = CTFReader.EventDecl.__new__(CTFReader.EventDecl) tmp._d = _bt_python_decl_one_from_list(ptr_list, i) decl_list.append(tmp) return decl_list %} // ================================================================= // NEW FUNCTIONS // File and list-related // python-complements.h // ================================================================= %pythoncode %{ class File(object): """ Open a file for babeltrace. file_path is a string containing the path or None to use the standard output in writing mode. The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default), writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when opened for writing. Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files. Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing. """ def __new__(cls, file_path, mode='r'): # __new__ is used to control the return value # as the File class should return None # if _bt_file_open returns NULL # Type check if file_path is not None and type(file_path) is not str: raise TypeError("in method __init__, argument 2 of type 'str'") if type(mode) is not str: raise TypeError("in method __init__, argument 3 of type 'str'") # Opening file file_ptr = _bt_file_open(file_path, mode) if file_ptr is None: return None # Class instantiation file_inst = super(File, cls).__new__(cls) file_inst._file = file_ptr return file_inst def __init__(self, file_path, mode='r'): self._opened = True self._use_stdout = False if file_path is None: # use stdout file_path = "stdout" mode = 'w' self._use_stdout = True self._file_path = file_path self._mode = mode def __del__(self): self.close() def __repr__(self): if self._opened: stat = 'opened' else: stat = 'closed' return "{0} babeltrace File; file_path('{1}'), mode('{2}')".format( stat, self._file_path, self._mode) def close(self): """Close the file. Is also called using del.""" if self._opened and not self._use_stdout: _bt_file_close(self._file) self._opened = False %} // ================================================================= // CTF Writer // ================================================================= /* ================================================================= CLOCK.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_create") bt_ctf_clock_create(const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_description") bt_ctf_clock_set_description(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, const char *desc); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_frequency") bt_ctf_clock_set_frequency(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t freq); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_precision") bt_ctf_clock_set_precision(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t precision); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_offset_s") bt_ctf_clock_set_offset_s(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t offset_s); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_offset") bt_ctf_clock_set_offset(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t offset); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_is_absolute") bt_ctf_clock_set_is_absolute(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, int is_absolute); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_set_time") bt_ctf_clock_set_time(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t time); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_get") bt_ctf_clock_get(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); %rename("_bt_ctf_clock_put") bt_ctf_clock_put(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); struct bt_ctf_clock *bt_ctf_clock_create(const char *name); int bt_ctf_clock_set_description(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, const char *desc); int bt_ctf_clock_set_frequency(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t freq); int bt_ctf_clock_set_precision(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t precision); int bt_ctf_clock_set_offset_s(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t offset_s); int bt_ctf_clock_set_offset(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t offset); int bt_ctf_clock_set_is_absolute(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, int is_absolute); int bt_ctf_clock_set_time(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock, uint64_t time); void bt_ctf_clock_get(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); void bt_ctf_clock_put(struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); /* ================================================================= EVENT-TYPES.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_integer_create") bt_ctf_field_type_integer_create(unsigned int size); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_signed") bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_signed(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, int is_signed); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_base") bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_base(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, enum bt_ctf_integer_base base); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding") bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, enum ctf_string_encoding encoding); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_create") bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer_container_type); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping") bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping(struct bt_ctf_field_type *enumeration, const char *string, int64_t range_start, int64_t range_end); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_create") bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_create(void); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_exponent_digits") bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_exponent_digits(struct bt_ctf_field_type *floating_point, unsigned int exponent_digits); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_mantissa_digits") bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_mantissa_digits(struct bt_ctf_field_type *floating_point, unsigned int mantissa_digits); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_structure_create") bt_ctf_field_type_structure_create(void); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_structure_add_field") bt_ctf_field_type_structure_add_field(struct bt_ctf_field_type *structure, struct bt_ctf_field_type *field_type, const char *field_name); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_variant_create") bt_ctf_field_type_variant_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *enum_tag, const char *tag_name); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_variant_add_field") bt_ctf_field_type_variant_add_field(struct bt_ctf_field_type *variant, struct bt_ctf_field_type *field_type, const char *field_name); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_array_create") bt_ctf_field_type_array_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *element_type, unsigned int length); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_create") bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *element_type, const char *length_field_name); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_string_create") bt_ctf_field_type_string_create(void); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_string_set_encoding") bt_ctf_field_type_string_set_encoding(struct bt_ctf_field_type *string, enum ctf_string_encoding encoding); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment") bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, unsigned int alignment); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order") bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, enum bt_ctf_byte_order byte_order); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_get") bt_ctf_field_type_get(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_type_put") bt_ctf_field_type_put(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_integer_create(unsigned int size); int bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_signed(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, int is_signed); int bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_base(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, enum bt_ctf_integer_base base); int bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer, enum ctf_string_encoding encoding); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *integer_container_type); int bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping(struct bt_ctf_field_type *enumeration, const char *string, int64_t range_start, int64_t range_end); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_create(void); int bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_exponent_digits(struct bt_ctf_field_type *floating_point, unsigned int exponent_digits); int bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_mantissa_digits(struct bt_ctf_field_type *floating_point, unsigned int mantissa_digits); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_structure_create(void); int bt_ctf_field_type_structure_add_field(struct bt_ctf_field_type *structure, struct bt_ctf_field_type *field_type, const char *field_name); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_variant_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *enum_tag, const char *tag_name); int bt_ctf_field_type_variant_add_field(struct bt_ctf_field_type *variant, struct bt_ctf_field_type *field_type, const char *field_name); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_array_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *element_type, unsigned int length); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *element_type, const char *length_field_name); struct bt_ctf_field_type *bt_ctf_field_type_string_create(void); int bt_ctf_field_type_string_set_encoding(struct bt_ctf_field_type *string, enum ctf_string_encoding encoding); int bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, unsigned int alignment); int bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, enum bt_ctf_byte_order byte_order); void bt_ctf_field_type_get(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); void bt_ctf_field_type_put(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); /* ================================================================= EVENT-FIELDS.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_field_create") bt_ctf_field_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_structure_get_field") bt_ctf_field_structure_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *structure, const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_array_get_field") bt_ctf_field_array_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *array, uint64_t index); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_sequence_set_length") bt_ctf_field_sequence_set_length(struct bt_ctf_field *sequence, struct bt_ctf_field *length_field); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_sequence_get_field") bt_ctf_field_sequence_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *sequence, uint64_t index); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_variant_get_field") bt_ctf_field_variant_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *variant, struct bt_ctf_field *tag); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_enumeration_get_container") bt_ctf_field_enumeration_get_container(struct bt_ctf_field *enumeration); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_signed_integer_set_value") bt_ctf_field_signed_integer_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *integer, int64_t value); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_unsigned_integer_set_value") bt_ctf_field_unsigned_integer_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *integer, uint64_t value); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_floating_point_set_value") bt_ctf_field_floating_point_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *floating_point, double value); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_string_set_value") bt_ctf_field_string_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *string, const char *value); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_get") bt_ctf_field_get(struct bt_ctf_field *field); %rename("_bt_ctf_field_put") bt_ctf_field_put(struct bt_ctf_field *field); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_create(struct bt_ctf_field_type *type); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_structure_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *structure, const char *name); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_array_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *array, uint64_t index); int bt_ctf_field_sequence_set_length(struct bt_ctf_field *sequence, struct bt_ctf_field *length_field); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_sequence_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *sequence, uint64_t index); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_variant_get_field(struct bt_ctf_field *variant, struct bt_ctf_field *tag); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_field_enumeration_get_container(struct bt_ctf_field *enumeration); int bt_ctf_field_signed_integer_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *integer, int64_t value); int bt_ctf_field_unsigned_integer_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *integer, uint64_t value); int bt_ctf_field_floating_point_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *floating_point, double value); int bt_ctf_field_string_set_value(struct bt_ctf_field *string, const char *value); void bt_ctf_field_get(struct bt_ctf_field *field); void bt_ctf_field_put(struct bt_ctf_field *field); /* ================================================================= EVENT.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_event_class_create") bt_ctf_event_class_create(const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_class_add_field") bt_ctf_event_class_add_field(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class, struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_class_get") bt_ctf_event_class_get(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_class_put") bt_ctf_event_class_put(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_create") bt_ctf_event_create(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_set_payload") bt_ctf_event_set_payload(struct bt_ctf_event *event, const char *name, struct bt_ctf_field *value); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_get_payload") bt_ctf_event_get_payload(struct bt_ctf_event *event, const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_get") bt_ctf_event_get(struct bt_ctf_event *event); %rename("_bt_ctf_event_put") bt_ctf_event_put(struct bt_ctf_event *event); struct bt_ctf_event_class *bt_ctf_event_class_create(const char *name); int bt_ctf_event_class_add_field(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class, struct bt_ctf_field_type *type, const char *name); void bt_ctf_event_class_get(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); void bt_ctf_event_class_put(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); struct bt_ctf_event *bt_ctf_event_create(struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); int bt_ctf_event_set_payload(struct bt_ctf_event *event, const char *name, struct bt_ctf_field *value); struct bt_ctf_field *bt_ctf_event_get_payload(struct bt_ctf_event *event, const char *name); void bt_ctf_event_get(struct bt_ctf_event *event); void bt_ctf_event_put(struct bt_ctf_event *event); /* ================================================================= STREAM.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_class_create") bt_ctf_stream_class_create(const char *name); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_class_set_clock") bt_ctf_stream_class_set_clock(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class, struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_class_add_event_class") bt_ctf_stream_class_add_event_class(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class, struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_class_get") bt_ctf_stream_class_get(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_class_put") bt_ctf_stream_class_put(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_append_discarded_events") bt_ctf_stream_append_discarded_events(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream, uint64_t event_count); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_append_event") bt_ctf_stream_append_event(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream, struct bt_ctf_event *event); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_flush") bt_ctf_stream_flush(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_get") bt_ctf_stream_get(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); %rename("_bt_ctf_stream_put") bt_ctf_stream_put(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); struct bt_ctf_stream_class *bt_ctf_stream_class_create(const char *name); int bt_ctf_stream_class_set_clock(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class, struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); int bt_ctf_stream_class_add_event_class(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class, struct bt_ctf_event_class *event_class); void bt_ctf_stream_class_get(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); void bt_ctf_stream_class_put(struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); void bt_ctf_stream_append_discarded_events(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream, uint64_t event_count); int bt_ctf_stream_append_event(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream, struct bt_ctf_event *event); int bt_ctf_stream_flush(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); void bt_ctf_stream_get(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); void bt_ctf_stream_put(struct bt_ctf_stream *stream); /* ================================================================= WRITER.H ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ */ %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_create") bt_ctf_writer_create(const char *path); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_create_stream") bt_ctf_writer_create_stream(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field") bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, const char *name, const char *value); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_add_clock") bt_ctf_writer_add_clock(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); %newobject bt_ctf_writer_get_metadata_string; %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_get_metadata_string") bt_ctf_writer_get_metadata_string(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_flush_metadata") bt_ctf_writer_flush_metadata(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_set_byte_order") bt_ctf_writer_set_byte_order(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, enum bt_ctf_byte_order byte_order); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_get") bt_ctf_writer_get(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); %rename("_bt_ctf_writer_put") bt_ctf_writer_put(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); struct bt_ctf_writer *bt_ctf_writer_create(const char *path); struct bt_ctf_stream *bt_ctf_writer_create_stream(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, struct bt_ctf_stream_class *stream_class); int bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, const char *name, const char *value); int bt_ctf_writer_add_clock(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, struct bt_ctf_clock *clock); char *bt_ctf_writer_get_metadata_string(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); void bt_ctf_writer_flush_metadata(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); int bt_ctf_writer_set_byte_order(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer, enum bt_ctf_byte_order byte_order); void bt_ctf_writer_get(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); void bt_ctf_writer_put(struct bt_ctf_writer *writer); %pythoncode %{ class CTFWriter: class ByteOrder: BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE = 0 BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1 BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN = 2 BYTE_ORDER_NETWORK = 3 class Clock: def __init__(self, name): self._c = _bt_ctf_clock_create(name) if self._c is None: raise ValueError("Invalid clock name.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_clock_put(self._c) """ Set the clock's description. The description appears in the clock's TSDL meta-data. """ def set_description(self, desc): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_description(self._c, desc) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid clock description.") """ Set the clock's frequency (Hz). """ def set_frequency(self, freq): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_frequency(self._c, freq) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid frequency value.") """ Set the clock's precision (in clock ticks). """ def set_precision(self, precision): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_precision(self._c, precision) """ Set the clock's offset in seconds from POSIX.1 Epoch. """ def set_offset_seconds(self, offset_s): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_offset_s(self._c, offset_s) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid offset value.") """ Set the clock's offset in ticks from POSIX.1 Epoch + offset in seconds. """ def set_offset_seconds(self, offset): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_offset(self._c, offset) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid offset value.") """ Set a clock's absolute attribute. A clock is absolute if the clock is a global reference across the trace's other clocks. """ def set_is_absolute(self, is_absolute): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_is_absolute(self._c, is_absolute) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set the clock's absolute attribute.") """ Set the current time in nanoseconds since the clock's origin (offset and offset_s attributes). The clock's value will be sampled as events are appended to a stream. """ def set_time(self, time): ret = _bt_ctf_clock_set_time(self._c, time) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid time value.") class FieldType: """ FieldType should not be instantiated directly. Please instantiate one of the concrete FieldType classes. """ class IntegerBase: # These values are based on the bt_ctf_integer_base enum # declared in event-types.h. INTEGER_BASE_UNKNOWN = -1 INTEGER_BASE_BINARY = 2 INTEGER_BASE_OCTAL = 8 INTEGER_BASE_DECIMAL = 10 INTEGER_BASE_HEXADECIMAL = 16 def __init__(self): if self._ft is None: raise ValueError("FieldType creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_field_type_put(self._ft) """ Set the field type's alignment. Defaults to 1 (bit-aligned). However, some types, such as structures and string, may impose other alignment constraints. """ def set_alignment(self, alignment): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_set_alignment(self._ft, alignment) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid alignment value.") """ Set the field type's byte order. Use constants defined in the ByteOrder class. """ def set_byte_order(self, byte_order): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_set_byte_order(self._ft, byte_order) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set byte order value.") class FieldTypeInteger(FieldType): """ Create a new integer field type of the given size. """ def __init__(self, size): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_integer_create(size) super().__init__() """ Set an integer type's signedness attribute. """ def set_signed(self, signed): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_signed(self._ft, signed) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set signed attribute.") """ Set the integer type's base used to pretty-print the resulting trace. The base must be a constant of the IntegerBase class. """ def set_base(self, base): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_base(self._ft, base) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set base value.") """ An integer encoding may be set to signal that the integer must be printed as a text character. Must be a constant from the CTFStringEncoding class. """ def set_encoding(self, encoding): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_integer_set_encoding(self._ft, encoding) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set integer encoding.") class FieldTypeEnumeration(FieldType): """ Create a new enumeration field type with the given underlying type. """ def __init__(self, integer_type): if integer_type is None or not isinstance(integer_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeInteger): raise TypeError("Invalid integer container.") self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_create(integer_type._ft) super().__init__() """ Add a mapping to the enumeration. The range's values are inclusive. """ def add_mapping(self, name, range_start, range_end): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_enumeration_add_mapping(self._ft, name, range_start, range_end) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add mapping to enumeration type.") class FieldTypeFloatingPoint(FieldType): FLT_EXP_DIG = 8 DBL_EXP_DIG = 11 FLT_MANT_DIG = 24 DBL_MANT_DIG = 53 """ Create a new floating point field type. """ def __init__(self): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_create() super().__init__() """ Set the number of exponent digits to use to store the floatingpoint field. The only values currently supported are FLT_EXP_DIG and DBL_EXP_DIG which are defined as constants of this class. """ def set_exponent_digits(self, exponent_digits): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_exponent_digits(self._ft, exponent_digits) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set exponent digit count.") """ Set the numberof mantissa digits to use to store the floatingpoint field. The only values currently supported are FLT_MANT_DIG and DBL_MANT_DIG which are defined as constants of this class. """ def set_mantissa_digits(self, mantissa_digits): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_floating_point_set_mantissa_digits(self._ft, mantissa_digits) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set mantissa digit count.") class FieldTypeStructure(FieldType): """ Create a new structure field type. """ def __init__(self): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_structure_create() super().__init__() """ Add a field of type "field_type" to the structure. """ def add_field(self, field_type, field_name): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_structure_add_field(self._ft, field_type._ft, field_name) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add field to structure.") class FieldTypeVariant(FieldType): """ Create a new variant field type. """ def __init__(self, enum_tag, tag_name): if enum_tag is None or not isinstance(enum_tag, CTFWriter.FieldTypeEnumeration): raise TypeError("Invalid tag type; must be of type FieldTypeEnumeration.") self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_variant_create(enum_tag._ft, tag_name) super().__init__() """ Add a field of type "field_type" to the variant. """ def add_field(self, field_type, field_name): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_variant_add_field(self._ft, field_type._ft, field_name) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add field to variant.") class FieldTypeArray(FieldType): """ Create a new array field type. """ def __init__(self, element_type, length): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_array_create(element_type._ft, length) super().__init__() class FieldTypeSequence(FieldType): """ Create a new sequence field type. """ def __init__(self, element_type, length_field_name): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_sequence_create(element_type._ft, length_field_name) super().__init__() class FieldTypeString(FieldType): """ Create a new string field type. """ def __init__(self): self._ft = _bt_ctf_field_type_string_create() super().__init__() """ Set a string type's encoding. Must be a constant from the CTFStringEncoding class. """ def set_encoding(self, encoding): ret = _bt_ctf_field_type_string_set_encoding(self._ft, encoding) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set string encoding.") """ Create an instance of a field. """ @staticmethod def create_field(self, field_type): if field_type is None or not isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldType): raise TypeError("Invalid field_type. Type must be a FieldType-derived class.") if isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeInteger): return CTFWriter.FieldInteger(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeEnumeration): return CTFWriter.FieldEnumeration(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeFloatingPoint): return CTFWriter.FieldFloatingPoint(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeStructure): return CTFWriter.FieldStructure(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeVariant): return CTFWriter.FieldVariant(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeArray): return CTFWriter.FieldArray(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeSequence): return CTFWriter.FieldSequence(field_type) elif isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldTypeString): return CTFWriter.FieldString(field_type) class Field: """ Base class, do not instantiate. """ def __init__(self, field_type): if not isinstance(field_type, CTFWriter.FieldType): raise TypeError("Invalid field_type argument.") self._f = _bt_ctf_field_create(field_type._ft) if self._f is None: raise ValueError("Field creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_field_put(self._f) @staticmethod def _create_field_from_native_instance(native_field_instance): type_dict = { CTFTypeId.INTEGER : CTFWriter.FieldInteger, CTFTypeId.FLOAT : CTFWriter.FieldFloatingPoint, CTFTypeId.ENUM : CTFWriter.FieldEnumeration, CTFTypeId.STRING : CTFWriter.FieldString, CTFTypeId.STRUCT : CTFWriter.FieldStructure, CTFTypeId.VARIANT : CTFWriter.FieldVariant, CTFTypeId.ARRAY : CTFWriter.FieldArray, CTFTypeId.SEQUENCE : CTFWriter.FieldSequence } field_type = _bt_python_get_field_type(native_field_instance) if field_type == CTFTypeId.UNKNOWN: raise TypeError("Invalid field instance") field = CTFWriter.Field.__new__(CTFWriter.Field) field._f = native_field_instance field.__class__ = type_dict[field_type] return field class FieldInteger(Field): """ Set an integer field's value. """ def set_value(self, value): signedness = _bt_python_field_integer_get_signedness(self._f) if signedness < 0: raise TypeError("Invalid integer instance.") if signedness == 0: ret = _bt_ctf_field_unsigned_integer_set_value(self._f, value) else: ret = _bt_ctf_field_signed_integer_set_value(self._f, value) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set integer field value.") class FieldEnumeration(Field): """ Return the enumeration's underlying container field (an integer field). """ def get_container(self): container = CTFWriter.FieldInteger.__new__(CTFWriter.FieldInteger) container._f = _bt_ctf_field_enumeration_get_container(self._f) if container._f is None: raise TypeError("Invalid enumeration field type.") return container class FieldFloatingPoint(Field): """ Set a floating point field's value. """ def set_value(self, value): ret = _bt_ctf_field_floating_point_set_value(self._f, value) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set floating point field value.") class FieldStructure(Field): """ Get the structure's field corresponding to the provided field name. """ def get_field(self, field_name): native_instance = _bt_ctf_field_structure_get_field(self._f, field_name) if native_instance is None: raise ValueError("Invalid field_name provided.") return CTFWriter.Field._create_field_from_native_instance(native_instance) class FieldVariant(Field): """ Return the variant's selected field. The "tag" field is the selector enum field. """ def get_field(self, tag): native_instance = _bt_ctf_field_variant_get_field(self._f, tag._f) if native_instance is None: raise ValueError("Invalid tag provided.") return CTFWriter.Field._create_field_from_native_instance(native_instance) class FieldArray(Field): """ Return the array's field at position "index". """ def get_field(self, index): native_instance = _bt_ctf_field_array_get_field(self._f, index) if native_instance is None: raise IndexError("Invalid index provided.") return CTFWriter.Field._create_field_from_native_instance(native_instance) class FieldSequence(Field): """ Set the sequence's length field (IntegerField). """ def set_length(self, length): if not isinstance(length, CTFWriter.FieldInteger): raise TypeError("Invalid length field.") ret = _bt_ctf_field_sequence_set_length(self._f, length._f) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set sequence length.") """ Return the sequence's field at position "index". """ def get_field(self, index): native_instance = _bt_ctf_field_sequence_get_field(self._f, index) if native_instance is None: raise ValueError("Could not get sequence element at index.") return CTFWriter.Field._create_field_from_native_instance(native_instance) class FieldString(Field): """ Set a string field's value. """ def set_value(self, value): ret = _bt_ctf_field_string_set_value(self._f, value) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set string field value.") class EventClass: """ Create a new event class of the given name. """ def __init__(self, name): self._ec = _bt_ctf_event_class_create(name) if self._ec is None: raise ValueError("Event class creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_event_class_put(self._ec) """ Add a field of type "field_type" to the event class. """ def add_field(self, field_type, field_name): ret = _bt_ctf_event_class_add_field(self._ec, field_type._ft, field_name) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add field to event class.") class Event: """ Create a new event of the given event class. """ def __init__(self, event_class): if not isinstance(event_class, CTFWriter.EventClass): raise TypeError("Invalid event_class argument.") self._e = _bt_ctf_event_create(event_class._ec) if self._e is None: raise ValueError("Event creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_event_put(self._e) """ Set a manually created field as an event's payload. """ def set_payload(self, field_name, value): if not isinstance(value, CTFWriter.Field): raise TypeError("Invalid value type.") ret = _bt_ctf_event_set_payload(self._e, field_name, value._f) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set event field payload.") """ Set a manually created field as an event's payload. """ def get_payload(self, field_name): native_instance = _bt_ctf_event_get_payload(self._e, field_name) if native_instance is None: raise ValueError("Could not get event payload.") return CTFWriter.Field._create_field_from_native_instance(native_instance) class StreamClass: """ Create a new stream class of the given name. """ def __init__(self, name): self._sc = _bt_ctf_stream_class_create(name) if self._sc is None: raise ValueError("Stream class creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_stream_class_put(self._sc) """ Assign a clock to a stream class. """ def set_clock(self, clock): if not isinstance(clock, CTFWriter.Clock): raise TypeError("Invalid clock type.") ret = _bt_ctf_stream_class_set_clock(self._sc, clock._c) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set stream class clock.") """ Add an event class to a stream class. New events can be added even after a stream has beem instanciated and events have been appended. However, a stream will not accept events of a class that has not been registered beforehand. """ def add_event_class(self, event_class): if not isinstance(event_class, CTFWriter.EventClass): raise TypeError("Invalid event_class type.") ret = _bt_ctf_stream_class_add_event_class(self._sc, event_class._ec) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add event class.") class Stream: """ Create a stream of the given class. """ def __init__(self, stream_class): if not isinstance(stream_class, CTFWriter.StreamClass): raise TypeError("Invalid stream_class type.") self._s = _bt_ctf_stream_create(stream_class._sc) if self._s is None: raise ValueError("Stream creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_stream_put(self._s) """ Increase the current packet's discarded event count. """ def append_discarded_events(self, event_count): ret = _bt_ctf_stream_append_discarded_events(self._s, event_count) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not append discarded events.") """ Append "event" to the stream's current packet. The stream's associated clock will be sampled during this call. The event shall not be modified after being appended to a stream. """ def append_event(self, event): ret = _bt_ctf_stream_append_event(self._s, event._e) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not append event to stream.") """ The stream's current packet's events will be flushed to disk. Events subsequently appended to the stream will be added to a new packet. """ def flush(self): ret = _bt_ctf_stream_flush(self._s) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not flush stream.") class Writer: """ Create a new writer that will produce a trace in the given path. """ def __init__(self, path): self._w = _bt_ctf_writer_create(path) if self._w is None: raise ValueError("Writer creation failed.") def __del__(self): _bt_ctf_writer_put(self._w) """ Create a new stream instance and register it to the writer. """ def create_stream(self, stream_class): if not isinstance(stream_class, CTFWriter.StreamClass): raise TypeError("Invalid stream_class type.") stream = CTFWriter.Stream.__new__(CTFWriter.Stream) stream._s = _bt_ctf_writer_create_stream(self._w, stream_class._sc) return stream """ Add an environment field to the trace. """ def add_environment_field(self, name, value): ret = _bt_ctf_writer_add_environment_field(self._w, name, value) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add environment field to trace.") """ Add a clock to the trace. Clocks assigned to stream classes must be registered to the writer. """ def add_clock(self, clock): ret = _bt_ctf_writer_add_clock(self._w, clock._c) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not add clock to Writer.") """ Get the trace's TSDL meta-data. """ def get_metadata(self): return _bt_ctf_writer_get_metadata_string(self._w) """ Flush the trace's metadata to the metadata file. """ def flush_metadata(self): _bt_ctf_writer_flush_metadata(self._w) """ Set the trace's byte order. Must be a constant from the ByteOrder class. Defaults to BYTE_ORDER_NATIVE, the host machine's endianness. """ def set_byte_order(self, byte_order): ret = _bt_ctf_writer_set_byte_order(self._w, byte_order) if ret < 0: raise ValueError("Could not set trace's byte order.") %}