= Babeltrace C API documentation guidelines Please follow those guidelines when you add to or modify the existing documentation of the Babeltrace C API. == Syntax Syntax example to document a function (tabs are converted to spaces in this example, but you really _must_ use tabs to indent): ---- /** @brief Sets the name of the CTF IR stream class \p stream_class to \p name. \p name must be unique amongst the names of all the stream classes of the trace class to which you eventually add \p stream_class. @remarks This is where you would put some remarks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sagittis tristique velit vitae tincidunt. @warning Use a warning command if this message is really important. @param[in] stream_class Stream class of which to set the name. @param[in] name Name of the stream class (copied on success). If the description is too long, continue on the next line like this. @returns 0 on success, or a negative value on error. @prenotnull{stream_class} @prenotnull{name} @prehot{stream_class} @pre Some custom precondition. @postrefcountsame{stream_class} @post Some custom postcondition. @sa btstream_class_get_name(): Returns the name of a given stream class. */ ---- **Rules**: * Try to stay behind the 72th column mark if possible, and behind the 80th column otherwise. * Start the block with https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdbrief[`@brief`] followed by a tab followed by the brief description. If the brief description needs more than one line, start the following lines with a tab character. + Try to always refer to all the function or macro parameters in the brief description. The sentence _must_ begin with a verb, third-person singular. The brief description _must_ contain a single sentence which ends with a period. + Follow the brief description by zero or more paragraphs giving more details about the object you are documenting. + You can also use the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdremark[`@remarks`] and https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdwarning[`@warning`] commands as needed to add special paragraphs. * When you refer to parameters, use the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdp[`\p`] command: + -- ---- @brief Transfers the ownership of a Babeltrace object from variable \p _var_src to variable \p _var_dst. ---- -- * When you refer to any keyword or definition, use the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdc[`\c`] command if it's a single word, otherwise surround the words with `` and ``: + -- ---- @returns Event class on success, or \c NULL on error. ---- -- * Add a new line before the parameter descriptions. * The syntax for a parameter line is one of: + -- ---- @param[in] in_param Input parameter description. @param[out] out_param Output parameter description. @param[in,out] inout_param Input/output parameter description. ---- -- + That is: + -- . https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdparam[`@param`] . `[in]` (input parameter), `[out]` (output parameter), or `[in,out]` (input/output parameter). + Output and input/output parameters are always pointers where, for a parameter named `param`, a result is stored _into_ `*param`. . A space. . The name of the parameter. . At least one tab. . The description which ends with a period. -- + Make sure all the beginnings of the parameter descriptions and of the return value description are vertically aligned by using as many tabs as required. + If more than one line is needed, align the beginning of the second line with the beginning of the first one (see the return value description in the example above). * The syntax for the return value line is: + -- . https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdreturns[`@returns`] (_not_ `@return`). . At least one tab. . The description which ends with a period. -- + The return value description often takes the form: + -- ---- X on success, or Y on error. ---- -- * When needed, add an empty line after the return value line and add preconditions and postconditions with the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdpre[`@pre`] and https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdpost[`@post`] commands on the following lines. + Preconditions are a very clear way to indicate what the documented function or macro expects from the user in relation to its parameters. + Postconditions are a very clear way to indicate what the user should expect from the documented function or macro once it returns. + Use complete sentences, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period, when writing conditions. Use the present tense. If there's a conditional part, put it in bold at the beginning of the sentence. + If the condition is too long for a single line, continue on the following line, after a tab. + Examples: + -- ---- @pre The size of \p array_obj is equal to the size of \p map_obj. @post On success, the reference count of \p array_obj is incremented. @post The reference count of \p map_obj is not modified. ---- -- + IMPORTANT: You should use aliases when possible to avoid duplication. See the list of available aliases in the `Doxyfile.in` file. * When relevant, add a new line after the return value line (or after the precondition or postcondition lines, if any) and add as many _see also_ links as needed on the following lines. + The syntax of those lines is: + -- . https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdsa[`@sa`] . A single space. . The name of the function, macro, variable, group, file, or page name to see also. . `:` (colon). . A single space. . The capitalized brief description which ends with a period. The sentence _must_ begin with a verb, third-person singular. -- + This is a way for you to inform the reader about other existing, related functions, macros, or any other documentation. Keep in mind that the reader does not always know where to look for things. + If the description is too long for a single line, continue on the following line, after a tab: + -- ---- @sa some_function() Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing cras iaculis lectus quis dolor congue tempor. ---- -- * Always prefer the `@` commands to the `\` commands when you use them outside of the text itself. == Style The ultimate goal of the Babeltrace C API documentation is to make the layman write code using this API as fast as possible without having to ask for help. For this purpose, the documentation should always be as clear as possible, just like the function and type names try to be. Do not hesitate to repeat technical terms, even in the same sentence, if needed. For example, if you document a _value object_, then always use the term _value object_ in the documentation, not _value_, nor _object_, since they are ambiguous. You can use light emphasis to show the importance of a part of the text with the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdem[`\em`] command (one word) or by surrounding the text to emphasize with `` and ``. Likewise, you can use strong emphasis when needed with the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdb[`\b`] command (one word) or with ``/``. In general, prefer light emphasis to strong emphasis. Links to other parts of the documentation are very important. Consider that the reader never knows that other functions exist other than the current one. Use as many internal links as possible. Use the following forms of links: * `func()`: automatic link to the function (or macro) `func()`. * `file.h`: automatic link to the file named `file.h`. * https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdref[`\ref group`]: link to the https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/grouping.html[group] named `group` (prefer this over a link to a file). * https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdref[`\ref variable`]: link to the variable `variable`. * https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmdlink[`\link reference some text\endlink`]: link to `reference` (file name, group name, function or macro name, etc.) using the text `some text`. + Example: + -- ---- You can create a \link events CTF IR event\endlink using [...] By calling \link func() said function\endlink, [...] ---- -- + -- [NOTE] .Doxygen limitation. ==== Do not put a space between the end of the text and the `\endlink` command, because this space becomes part of the hyperlink's text. Do _not_ do: ---- You can create a \link events CTF IR event \endlink using [...] By calling \link func() said function \endlink, [...] ---- ==== -- See Doxygen's https://www.stack.nl/\~dimitri/doxygen/manual/autolink.html[Automatic link generation] for other ways to create automatic links. Try to follow as much as possible the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Manual_of_Style[Microsoft Manual of Style] (4th edition) when you document the API. This includes: * Use an active voice. * Use a gender-neutral language. * Use the present tense (you should never need the future tense). * Address your reader directly (use _you_). * Avoid anthropomorphism. * Ensure parallelism in lists, procedures, and sentences. * Terminate list items with a period. * Do not use Latin abbreviations. * Use _and_ or _or_ instead of a slash. * Avoid using negatives. * Avoid using _should_: most of the time, you mean _must_. == Babeltrace terminology Here are the official names of the Babeltrace objects that you must use as is in the API documentation: * Value objects: ** The null value object (_the_, not _a_, since it's a singleton variable) ** Boolean value object ** Integer value object ** Floating point number value object ** String value object ** Array value object ** Map value object * CTF IR field path object * CTF IR field types ** CTF IR integer field type ** CTF IR floating point number field type ** CTF IR enumeration field type ** CTF IR string field type ** CTF IR array field type ** CTF IR sequence field type ** CTF IR structure field type ** CTF IR variant field type * CTF IR fields: ** CTF IR integer field ** CTF IR floating point number field ** CTF IR enumeration field ** CTF IR string field ** CTF IR array field ** CTF IR sequence field ** CTF IR structure field ** CTF IR variant field * CTF IR clock class * CTF IR event class * CTF IR stream class * CTF IR trace class * CTF IR event * CTF IR packet * CTF IR stream * CTF IR writer * Component * Source component * Sink component * Component class * Source component class * Sink component class * Plugin * Notification * Iterator Note that once you mention _CTF IR_ in an object name, you can omit it in the few following paragraphs.