/** @defgroup apiref API reference @brief Babeltrace C API reference. This module and its submodules accurately document the C API of the Babeltrace library (v\btversion). See the \ref writeplugin and \ref usectfwriter pages for official, procedural user guides to help you get started with this API. See \ref examples for informal examples. The API is divided into the following modules: - \ref refs contains the macros and functions that you can use to manage the reference count of Babeltrace objects. - \ref values is a set of generic value objects which are used at various locations of the API. - \ref ctfir is an internal representation of the CTF model which Babeltrace uses as a common foundation between trace formats. - \ref btcomponents is the Babeltrace component API. A component is an instance of a specific component class within a trace conversion graph of connected iterators. - \ref ctfwriter is an API to write concrete CTF traces to the file system. All the functions and macros documented here indicate their \em preconditions and \em postconditions. Unless there is an unexpected error (out of memory, resource not available, bug, etc.), if you honor the preconditions when you call a function, you are guaranteed that this function in turn honors the postconditions. */