Babeltrace library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ include::common-common-compat-env.txt[] `BABELTRACE_DISABLE_PYTHON_PLUGINS`:: Set to `1` to disable the loading of any Babeltrace Python plugin. `BABELTRACE_LOGGING_GLOBAL_LEVEL`:: Babeltrace library's global log level. The available values are the same as for the manopt:babeltrace2(1):--log-level option of man:babeltrace2(1) `BABELTRACE_NO_DLCLOSE`:: Set to `1` to make the Babeltrace library leave any dynamically loaded modules (plugins and Python plugin provider) open at exit. This can be useful for debugging purposes. `BABELTRACE_PLUGIN_PATH`:: Colon-separated list of directories, in order, in which dynamic plugins can be found before other directories are considered.