%{ /* * ctf-parser.y * * Common Trace Format Metadata Grammar. * * Copyright 2010 - Mathieu Desnoyers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ctf-scanner.h" #include "ctf-parser.h" #include "ctf-ast.h" #define printf_dbg(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "%s: " fmt, __func__, ## args) int yyparse(struct ctf_scanner *scanner); int yylex(union YYSTYPE *yyval, struct ctf_scanner *scanner); int yylex_init_extra(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, yyscan_t * ptr_yy_globals); int yylex_destroy(yyscan_t yyscanner) ; void yyset_in(FILE * in_str, yyscan_t scanner); int yydebug; struct gc_string { struct cds_list_head gc; char s[]; }; char *strredup(char **dest, const char *src) { size_t len = strlen(src) + 1; *dest = realloc(*dest, len); if (!*dest) return NULL; strcpy(*dest, src); return *dest; } static struct gc_string *gc_string_alloc(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, size_t len) { struct gc_string *gstr; gstr = malloc(sizeof(*gstr) + len); cds_list_add(&gstr->gc, &scanner->allocated_strings); return gstr; } void setstring(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, YYSTYPE *lvalp, const char *src) { lvalp->gs = gc_string_alloc(scanner, strlen(src) + 1); strcpy(lvalp->gs->s, src); } static void init_scope(struct ctf_scanner_scope *scope, struct ctf_scanner_scope *parent) { scope->parent = parent; scope->types = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) free, NULL); } static void finalize_scope(struct ctf_scanner_scope *scope) { g_hash_table_destroy(scope->types); } static void push_scope(struct ctf_scanner *scanner) { struct ctf_scanner_scope *ns; printf_dbg("push scope\n"); ns = malloc(sizeof(struct ctf_scanner_scope)); init_scope(ns, scanner->cs); scanner->cs = ns; } static void pop_scope(struct ctf_scanner *scanner) { struct ctf_scanner_scope *os; printf_dbg("pop scope\n"); os = scanner->cs; scanner->cs = os->parent; finalize_scope(os); free(os); } static int lookup_type(struct ctf_scanner_scope *s, const char *id) { int ret; ret = (int) g_hash_table_lookup(s->types, id); printf_dbg("lookup %p %s %d\n", s, id, ret); return ret; } int is_type(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, const char *id) { struct ctf_scanner_scope *it; int ret = 0; for (it = scanner->cs; it != NULL; it = it->parent) { if (lookup_type(it, id)) { ret = 1; break; } } printf_dbg("is type %s %d\n", id, ret); return ret; } static void add_type(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, const char *id) { char *type_id = NULL; printf_dbg("add type %s\n", id); if (lookup_type(scanner->cs, id)) return; strredup(&type_id, id); g_hash_table_insert(scanner->cs->types, type_id, type_id); } void yyerror(struct ctf_scanner *scanner, const char *str) { fprintf(stderr, "error %s\n", str); } int yywrap(void) { return 1; } static void free_strings(struct cds_list_head *list) { struct gc_string *gstr, *tmp; cds_list_for_each_entry_safe(gstr, tmp, list, gc) free(gstr); } static struct ctf_ast *ctf_ast_alloc(void) { struct ctf_ast *ast; ast = malloc(sizeof(*ast)); if (!ast) return NULL; memset(ast, 0, sizeof(*ast)); return ast; } static void ctf_ast_free(struct ctf_ast *ast) { } int ctf_scanner_append_ast(struct ctf_scanner *scanner) { return yyparse(scanner); } struct ctf_scanner *ctf_scanner_alloc(FILE *input) { struct ctf_scanner *scanner; int ret; scanner = malloc(sizeof(*scanner)); if (!scanner) return NULL; memset(scanner, 0, sizeof(*scanner)); ret = yylex_init_extra(scanner, &scanner->scanner); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "yylex_init error\n"); goto cleanup_scanner; } yyset_in(input, scanner); scanner->ast = ctf_ast_alloc(); if (!scanner->ast) goto cleanup_lexer; init_scope(&scanner->root_scope, NULL); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&scanner->allocated_strings); return scanner; cleanup_lexer: ret = yylex_destroy(scanner->scanner); if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "yylex_destroy error\n"); cleanup_scanner: free(scanner); return NULL; } void ctf_scanner_free(struct ctf_scanner *scanner) { int ret; finalize_scope(&scanner->root_scope); free_strings(&scanner->allocated_strings); ctf_ast_free(scanner->ast); ret = yylex_destroy(scanner->scanner); if (ret) fprintf(stderr, "yylex_destroy error\n"); free(scanner); } %} %define api.pure /* %locations */ %parse-param {struct ctf_scanner *scanner} %lex-param {struct ctf_scanner *scanner} %start file %token CHARACTER_CONSTANT_START SQUOTE STRING_LITERAL_START DQUOTE ESCSEQ CHAR_STRING_TOKEN LSBRAC RSBRAC LPAREN RPAREN LBRAC RBRAC RARROW STAR PLUS MINUS LT GT TYPEASSIGN COLON SEMICOLON DOTDOTDOT DOT EQUAL COMMA CONST CHAR DOUBLE ENUM EVENT FLOATING_POINT FLOAT INTEGER INT LONG SHORT SIGNED STREAM STRING STRUCT TRACE TYPEALIAS TYPEDEF UNSIGNED VARIANT VOID _BOOL _COMPLEX _IMAGINARY DECIMAL_CONSTANT OCTAL_CONSTANT HEXADECIMAL_CONSTANT %token IDENTIFIER ID_TYPE %token ERROR %union { long long ll; char c; struct gc_string *gs; struct ctf_node *n; } %% file: declaration | file declaration ; keywords: VOID | CHAR | SHORT | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | SIGNED | UNSIGNED | _BOOL | _COMPLEX | FLOATING_POINT | INTEGER | STRING | ENUM | VARIANT | STRUCT | CONST | TYPEDEF | EVENT | STREAM | TRACE ; /* 1.5 Constants */ c_char_sequence: c_char | c_char_sequence c_char ; c_char: CHAR_STRING_TOKEN | ESCSEQ ; /* 1.6 String literals */ s_char_sequence: s_char | s_char_sequence s_char ; s_char: CHAR_STRING_TOKEN | ESCSEQ ; /* 2: Phrase structure grammar */ postfix_expression: IDENTIFIER | ID_TYPE | keywords | DECIMAL_CONSTANT | OCTAL_CONSTANT | HEXADECIMAL_CONSTANT | STRING_LITERAL_START DQUOTE | STRING_LITERAL_START s_char_sequence DQUOTE | CHARACTER_CONSTANT_START c_char_sequence SQUOTE | LPAREN unary_expression RPAREN | postfix_expression LSBRAC unary_expression RSBRAC | postfix_expression DOT IDENTIFIER | postfix_expression DOT ID_TYPE | postfix_expression RARROW IDENTIFIER | postfix_expression RARROW ID_TYPE ; unary_expression: postfix_expression | PLUS postfix_expression | MINUS postfix_expression ; unary_expression_or_range: unary_expression DOTDOTDOT unary_expression | unary_expression ; /* 2.2: Declarations */ declaration: declaration_specifiers SEMICOLON | event_declaration | stream_declaration | trace_declaration | declaration_specifiers TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | declaration_specifiers TYPEDEF type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEALIAS declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_list COLON declaration_specifiers abstract_type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEALIAS declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_list COLON type_declarator_list SEMICOLON ; event_declaration: event_declaration_begin event_declaration_end | event_declaration_begin ctf_assignment_expression_list event_declaration_end ; event_declaration_begin: EVENT LBRAC { push_scope(scanner); } ; event_declaration_end: RBRAC SEMICOLON { pop_scope(scanner); } ; stream_declaration: stream_declaration_begin stream_declaration_end | stream_declaration_begin ctf_assignment_expression_list stream_declaration_end ; stream_declaration_begin: STREAM LBRAC { push_scope(scanner); } ; stream_declaration_end: RBRAC SEMICOLON { pop_scope(scanner); } ; trace_declaration: trace_declaration_begin trace_declaration_end | trace_declaration_begin ctf_assignment_expression_list trace_declaration_end ; trace_declaration_begin: TRACE LBRAC { push_scope(scanner); } ; trace_declaration_end: RBRAC SEMICOLON { pop_scope(scanner); } ; declaration_specifiers: CONST | type_specifier | declaration_specifiers CONST | declaration_specifiers type_specifier ; type_declarator_list: type_declarator | type_declarator_list COMMA type_declarator ; abstract_type_declarator_list: abstract_type_declarator | abstract_type_declarator_list COMMA abstract_type_declarator ; type_specifier: VOID | CHAR | SHORT | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | SIGNED | UNSIGNED | _BOOL | _COMPLEX | ID_TYPE | FLOATING_POINT LBRAC RBRAC | FLOATING_POINT LBRAC ctf_assignment_expression_list RBRAC | INTEGER LBRAC RBRAC | INTEGER LBRAC ctf_assignment_expression_list RBRAC | STRING LBRAC RBRAC | STRING LBRAC ctf_assignment_expression_list RBRAC | ENUM enum_type_specifier | VARIANT variant_type_specifier | STRUCT struct_type_specifier ; struct_type_specifier: struct_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list struct_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER struct_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list struct_declaration_end | ID_TYPE struct_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list struct_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER | ID_TYPE ; struct_declaration_begin: LBRAC { push_scope(scanner); } ; struct_declaration_end: RBRAC { pop_scope(scanner); } ; variant_type_specifier: variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | LT IDENTIFIER GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | LT ID_TYPE GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER LT IDENTIFIER GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER LT IDENTIFIER GT | IDENTIFIER LT ID_TYPE GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | IDENTIFIER LT ID_TYPE GT | ID_TYPE variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | ID_TYPE LT IDENTIFIER GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | ID_TYPE LT IDENTIFIER GT | ID_TYPE LT ID_TYPE GT variant_declaration_begin struct_or_variant_declaration_list variant_declaration_end | ID_TYPE LT ID_TYPE GT ; variant_declaration_begin: LBRAC { push_scope(scanner); } ; variant_declaration_end: RBRAC { pop_scope(scanner); } ; type_specifier_or_integer_constant: declaration_specifiers | DECIMAL_CONSTANT | OCTAL_CONSTANT | HEXADECIMAL_CONSTANT ; enum_type_specifier: LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | IDENTIFIER LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | IDENTIFIER LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | ID_TYPE LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | ID_TYPE LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list RBRAC | LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | IDENTIFIER LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | IDENTIFIER LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT | ID_TYPE LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | ID_TYPE LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT LBRAC enumerator_list COMMA RBRAC | ID_TYPE | ID_TYPE LT type_specifier_or_integer_constant GT ; struct_or_variant_declaration_list: /* empty */ | struct_or_variant_declaration_list struct_or_variant_declaration ; struct_or_variant_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_or_variant_declarator_list SEMICOLON | specifier_qualifier_list TYPEDEF specifier_qualifier_list type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEDEF specifier_qualifier_list type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | specifier_qualifier_list TYPEDEF type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEALIAS specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator_list COLON specifier_qualifier_list abstract_type_declarator_list SEMICOLON | TYPEALIAS specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator_list COLON type_declarator_list SEMICOLON ; specifier_qualifier_list: CONST | type_specifier | specifier_qualifier_list CONST | specifier_qualifier_list type_specifier ; struct_or_variant_declarator_list: struct_or_variant_declarator | struct_or_variant_declarator_list COMMA struct_or_variant_declarator ; struct_or_variant_declarator: declarator | COLON unary_expression | declarator COLON unary_expression ; enumerator_list: enumerator | enumerator_list COMMA enumerator ; enumerator: IDENTIFIER | ID_TYPE | keywords | STRING_LITERAL_START DQUOTE | STRING_LITERAL_START s_char_sequence DQUOTE | IDENTIFIER EQUAL unary_expression_or_range | ID_TYPE EQUAL unary_expression_or_range | keywords EQUAL unary_expression_or_range | STRING_LITERAL_START DQUOTE EQUAL unary_expression_or_range | STRING_LITERAL_START s_char_sequence DQUOTE EQUAL unary_expression_or_range ; abstract_declarator_list: abstract_declarator | abstract_declarator_list COMMA abstract_declarator ; abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator | pointer direct_abstract_declarator ; direct_abstract_declarator: /* empty */ | IDENTIFIER | LPAREN abstract_declarator RPAREN | direct_abstract_declarator LSBRAC type_specifier_or_integer_constant RSBRAC | direct_abstract_declarator LSBRAC RSBRAC ; declarator: direct_declarator | pointer direct_declarator ; direct_declarator: IDENTIFIER | LPAREN declarator RPAREN | direct_declarator LSBRAC type_specifier_or_integer_constant RSBRAC ; type_declarator: direct_type_declarator | pointer direct_type_declarator ; direct_type_declarator: IDENTIFIER { add_type(scanner, $1->s); } | LPAREN type_declarator RPAREN | direct_type_declarator LSBRAC type_specifier_or_integer_constant RSBRAC ; abstract_type_declarator: direct_abstract_type_declarator | pointer direct_abstract_type_declarator ; direct_abstract_type_declarator: /* empty */ | IDENTIFIER { add_type(scanner, $1->s); } | LPAREN abstract_type_declarator RPAREN | direct_abstract_type_declarator LSBRAC type_specifier_or_integer_constant RSBRAC | direct_abstract_type_declarator LSBRAC RSBRAC ; pointer: STAR | STAR pointer | STAR type_qualifier_list pointer ; type_qualifier_list: CONST | type_qualifier_list CONST ; /* 2.3: CTF-specific declarations */ ctf_assignment_expression_list: ctf_assignment_expression SEMICOLON | ctf_assignment_expression_list ctf_assignment_expression SEMICOLON ; ctf_assignment_expression: unary_expression EQUAL unary_expression | unary_expression TYPEASSIGN type_specifier | declaration_specifiers TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers type_declarator_list | TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers type_declarator_list | declaration_specifiers TYPEDEF type_declarator_list | TYPEALIAS declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_list COLON declaration_specifiers abstract_type_declarator_list | TYPEALIAS declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_list COLON type_declarator_list ;