tests: Parametrize test_bin_info to handle multiarch artifacts
authorMichael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
Thu, 9 May 2019 18:07:09 +0000 (18:07 +0000)
committerPhilippe Proulx <eeppeliteloop@gmail.com>
Thu, 6 Jun 2019 19:04:56 +0000 (15:04 -0400)
The values that change on each build of the test artifacts were
hardcoded in the test source. Parametrize them so the test can be used
on differents artifacts.

Signed-off-by: Michael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
Change-Id: I003733f54bdf1f6cee0aca134f31dec79d75b35d
Reviewed-on: https://review.lttng.org/c/babeltrace/+/1345
Tested-by: jenkins
Reviewed-by: Philippe Proulx <eeppeliteloop@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Francis Deslauriers <francis.deslauriers@efficios.com>

index 5bf43da020d1f249f20fdb8b5d8d4316e6e92888..2f9a09a0b278a68938a67d44f159f1433ae15835 100644 (file)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2015 EfficiOS Inc. and Linux Foundation
  * Copyright (c) 2015 Antoine Busque <abusque@efficios.com>
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <babeltrace/babeltrace-internal.h>
 #include <babeltrace/assert-internal.h>
 #include <lttng-utils/debug-info/bin-info.h>
 #include "tap/tap.h"
-#define NR_TESTS 36
+#define NR_TESTS 57
 #define SO_NAME "libhello_so"
+#define DEBUG_NAME "libhello_so.debug"
+#define FUNC_FOO_FILENAME "./libhello.c"
+#define FUNC_FOO_PRINTF_NAME_FMT "foo+0x%" PRIx64
+#define FUNC_FOO_NAME_LEN 64
 #define DWARF_DIR_NAME "dwarf_full"
 #define ELF_DIR_NAME "elf_only"
 #define BUILDID_DIR_NAME "build_id"
 #define DEBUGLINK_DIR_NAME "debug_link"
+/* Lower bound of PIC address mapping */
 #define SO_LOW_ADDR 0x400000
-#define SO_MEMSZ 0x400000
-#define FUNC_FOO_ADDR 0x402367
-#define FUNC_FOO_LINE_NO 36
-#define FUNC_FOO_FILENAME "./libhello.c"
-#define FUNC_FOO_TP_ADDR 0x402300
-#define FUNC_FOO_TP_LINE_NO 35
-#define FUNC_FOO_TP_FILENAME "./libhello.c"
-#define FUNC_FOO_ADDR_ELF 0x402367
-#define FUNC_FOO_ADDR_DBG_LINK 0x402367
-#define FUNC_FOO_NAME "foo+0xf0"
-#define FUNC_FOO_NAME_ELF "foo+0xf0"
-#define BUILD_ID_LEN 20
-char *opt_debug_info_dir;
-char *opt_debug_info_target_prefix;
+/* Size of PIC address mapping */
+#define SO_MEMSZ 0x800000
+/* An address outside the PIC mapping */
+#define SO_INV_ADDR 0x200000
+#define BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN 20
+static uint64_t opt_func_foo_addr;
+static uint64_t opt_func_foo_printf_offset;
+static uint64_t opt_func_foo_printf_line_no;
+static uint64_t opt_func_foo_tp_offset;
+static uint64_t opt_func_foo_tp_line_no;
+static uint64_t opt_debug_link_crc;
+static gchar *opt_build_id;
+static gchar *opt_debug_info_dir;
+static uint64_t func_foo_printf_addr;
+static uint64_t func_foo_tp_addr;
+static char func_foo_printf_name[FUNC_FOO_NAME_LEN];
+static uint8_t build_id[BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN];
+static GOptionEntry entries[] = {
+       {"foo-addr", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64, &opt_func_foo_addr,
+        "Offset to printf in foo", "0xX"},
+       {"printf-offset", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64, &opt_func_foo_printf_offset,
+        "Offset to printf in foo", "0xX"},
+       {"printf-lineno", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64,
+        &opt_func_foo_printf_line_no, "Line number to printf in foo", "N"},
+       {"tp-offset", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64, &opt_func_foo_tp_offset,
+        "Offset to tp in foo", "0xX"},
+       {"tp-lineno", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64, &opt_func_foo_tp_line_no,
+        "Line number to tp in foo", "N"},
+       {"debug-link-crc", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT64, &opt_debug_link_crc,
+        "Debug link CRC", "0xX"},
+       {"build-id", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_build_id, "Build ID",
+       {"debug-info-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_debug_info_dir,
+        "Debug info directory", NULL},
+       {NULL}};
+int build_id_to_bin(void)
+       int ret, len, i;
+       if (opt_build_id == NULL) {
+               goto error;
+       }
+       len = strnlen(opt_build_id, BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN * 2);
+       if (len != (BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN * 2)) {
+               goto error;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < (len / 2); i++) {
+               ret = sscanf(opt_build_id + 2 * i, "%02hhx", &build_id[i]);
+               if (ret != 1) {
+                       goto error;
+               }
+       }
+       if (i != BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN) {
+               goto error;
+       }
+       return 0;
+       return -1;
+void subtest_has_address(struct bin_info *bin, uint64_t addr)
+       int ret;
+       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR - 1);
+       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_has_address - address under SO's range");
+       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR);
+       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - lower bound of SO's range");
+       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, addr);
+       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - address in SO's range");
+       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR + SO_MEMSZ - 1);
+       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - upper bound of SO's range");
+       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR + SO_MEMSZ);
+       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_has_address - address above SO's range");
+void subtest_lookup_function_name(struct bin_info *bin, uint64_t addr,
+                                        char *func_name)
+       int ret;
+       char *_func_name = NULL;
+       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, addr, &_func_name);
+       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_function_name successful at 0x%x", addr);
+       if (_func_name) {
+               ok(strcmp(_func_name, func_name) == 0,
+                  "bin_info_lookup_function_name - correct function name (%s == %s)",
+                  func_name, _func_name);
+               free(_func_name);
+               _func_name = NULL;
+       } else {
+               skip(1,
+                    "bin_info_lookup_function_name - function name is NULL");
+       }
+       /* Test function name lookup - erroneous address */
+       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, SO_INV_ADDR, &_func_name);
+       ok(ret == -1 && _func_name == NULL,
+          "bin_info_lookup_function_name - fail on invalid addr");
+       if (_func_name) {
+               free(_func_name);
+       }
+void subtest_lookup_source_location(struct bin_info *bin, uint64_t addr,
+                                          uint64_t line_no, char *filename)
+       int ret;
+       struct source_location *src_loc = NULL;
+       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, addr, &src_loc);
+       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_source_location successful at 0x%x",
+          addr);
+       if (src_loc) {
+               ok(src_loc->line_no == line_no,
+                  "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct line_no (%d == %d)",
+                  line_no, src_loc->line_no);
+               ok(strcmp(src_loc->filename, filename) == 0,
+                  "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct filename (%s == %s)",
+                  filename, src_loc->filename);
+               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
+               src_loc = NULL;
+       } else {
+               fail("bin_info_lookup_source_location - src_loc is NULL");
+               fail("bin_info_lookup_source_location - src_loc is NULL");
+       }
+       /* Test source location lookup - erroneous address */
+       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, SO_INV_ADDR, &src_loc);
+       ok(ret == -1 && src_loc == NULL,
+          "bin_info_lookup_source_location - fail on invalid addr");
+       if (src_loc) {
+               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
+       }
 void test_bin_info_build_id(const char *bin_info_dir)
        int ret;
        char *data_dir, *bin_path;
-       char *func_name = NULL;
        struct bin_info *bin = NULL;
-       struct source_location *src_loc = NULL;
        struct bt_fd_cache fdc;
-       uint8_t build_id[BUILD_ID_LEN] = {
-               0xcd, 0xd9, 0x8c, 0xdd, 0x87, 0xf7, 0xfe, 0x64, 0xc1, 0x3b,
+       uint8_t invalid_build_id[BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN] = {
+               0xa3, 0xfd, 0x8b, 0xff, 0x45, 0xe1, 0xa9, 0x32, 0x15, 0xdd,
                0x6d, 0xaa, 0xd5, 0x53, 0x98, 0x7e, 0xaf, 0xd4, 0x0c, 0xbb
        diag("bin-info tests - separate DWARF via build ID");
        data_dir = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, BUILDID_DIR_NAME, NULL);
-       bin_path = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, BUILDID_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME, NULL);
+       bin_path =
+               g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, BUILDID_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME, NULL);
        if (data_dir == NULL || bin_path == NULL) {
@@ -79,36 +225,30 @@ void test_bin_info_build_id(const char *bin_info_dir)
        ret = bt_fd_cache_init(&fdc);
        BT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
-       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true, data_dir, NULL);
-       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful");
-       /* Test setting build_id */
-       ret = bin_info_set_build_id(bin, build_id, BUILD_ID_LEN);
+       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true,
+                             data_dir, NULL);
+       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful (%s)", bin_path);
+       /* Test setting invalid build_id */
+       ret = bin_info_set_build_id(bin, invalid_build_id, BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN);
+       ok(ret == -1, "bin_info_set_build_id fail on invalid build_id");
+       /* Test setting correct build_id */
+       ret = bin_info_set_build_id(bin, build_id, BUILD_ID_HEX_LEN);
        ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_set_build_id successful");
+       /* Test bin_info_has_address */
+       subtest_has_address(bin, func_foo_printf_addr);
        /* Test function name lookup (with DWARF) */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR, &func_name);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_function_name successful");
-       if (func_name) {
-               ok(strcmp(func_name, FUNC_FOO_NAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_function_name - correct func_name value");
-               free(func_name);
-       } else {
-               skip(1, "bin_info_lookup_function_name - func_name is NULL");
-       }
+       subtest_lookup_function_name(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                    func_foo_printf_name);
        /* Test source location lookup */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR, &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_source_location successful");
-       if (src_loc) {
-               ok(src_loc->line_no == FUNC_FOO_LINE_NO,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct line_no");
-               ok(strcmp(src_loc->filename, FUNC_FOO_FILENAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct filename");
-               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
-       } else {
-               skip(2, "bin_info_lookup_source_location - src_loc is NULL");
-       }
+       subtest_lookup_source_location(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                      opt_func_foo_printf_line_no,
+                                      FUNC_FOO_FILENAME);
@@ -121,17 +261,14 @@ void test_bin_info_debug_link(const char *bin_info_dir)
        int ret;
        char *data_dir, *bin_path;
-       char *func_name = NULL;
        struct bin_info *bin = NULL;
-       struct source_location *src_loc = NULL;
-       char *dbg_filename = "libhello_so.debug";
-       uint32_t crc = 0x289a8fdc;
        struct bt_fd_cache fdc;
        diag("bin-info tests - separate DWARF via debug link");
        data_dir = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DEBUGLINK_DIR_NAME, NULL);
-       bin_path = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DEBUGLINK_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME, NULL);
+       bin_path = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DEBUGLINK_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME,
+                                   NULL);
        if (data_dir == NULL || bin_path == NULL) {
@@ -139,39 +276,26 @@ void test_bin_info_debug_link(const char *bin_info_dir)
        ret = bt_fd_cache_init(&fdc);
        BT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
-       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true, data_dir,
-                       NULL);
-       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful");
+       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true,
+                             data_dir, NULL);
+       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful (%s)", bin_path);
        /* Test setting debug link */
-       ret = bin_info_set_debug_link(bin, dbg_filename, crc);
+       ret = bin_info_set_debug_link(bin, DEBUG_NAME, opt_debug_link_crc);
        ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_set_debug_link successful");
+       /* Test bin_info_has_address */
+       subtest_has_address(bin, func_foo_printf_addr);
        /* Test function name lookup (with DWARF) */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR_DBG_LINK,
-                                       &func_name);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_function_name successful");
-       if (func_name) {
-               ok(strcmp(func_name, FUNC_FOO_NAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_function_name - correct func_name value");
-               free(func_name);
-       } else {
-               skip(1, "bin_info_lookup_function_name - func_name is NULL");
-       }
+       subtest_lookup_function_name(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                    func_foo_printf_name);
        /* Test source location lookup */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR_DBG_LINK,
-                                       &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_source_location successful");
-       if (src_loc) {
-               ok(src_loc->line_no == FUNC_FOO_LINE_NO,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct line_no");
-               ok(strcmp(src_loc->filename, FUNC_FOO_FILENAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct filename");
-               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
-       } else {
-               skip(2, "bin_info_lookup_source_location - src_loc is NULL");
-       }
+       subtest_lookup_source_location(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                      opt_func_foo_printf_line_no,
+                                      FUNC_FOO_FILENAME);
@@ -184,7 +308,6 @@ void test_bin_info_elf(const char *bin_info_dir)
        int ret;
        char *data_dir, *bin_path;
-       char *func_name = NULL;
        struct bin_info *bin = NULL;
        struct source_location *src_loc = NULL;
        struct bt_fd_cache fdc;
@@ -200,29 +323,23 @@ void test_bin_info_elf(const char *bin_info_dir)
        ret = bt_fd_cache_init(&fdc);
        BT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
-       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true, data_dir, NULL);
-       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful");
-       /* Test function name lookup (with ELF) */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR_ELF, &func_name);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_function_name successful");
-       if (func_name) {
-               ok(strcmp(func_name, FUNC_FOO_NAME_ELF) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_function_name - correct func_name value");
-               free(func_name);
-               func_name = NULL;
-       } else {
-               skip(1, "bin_info_lookup_function_name - func_name is NULL");
-       }
+       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true,
+                             data_dir, NULL);
+       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful (%s)", bin_path);
-       /* Test function name lookup - erroneous address */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, 0, &func_name);
-       ok(ret == -1 && func_name == NULL,
-               "bin_info_lookup_function_name - fail on addr not found");
+       /* Test bin_info_has_address */
+       subtest_has_address(bin, func_foo_printf_addr);
+       /* Test function name lookup (with ELF) */
+       subtest_lookup_function_name(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                    func_foo_printf_name);
        /* Test source location location - should fail on ELF only file  */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR_ELF, &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == -1, "bin_info_lookup_source_location - fail on ELF only file");
+       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                             &src_loc);
+       ok(ret == -1,
+          "bin_info_lookup_source_location - fail on ELF only file");
@@ -232,20 +349,18 @@ void test_bin_info_elf(const char *bin_info_dir)
-void test_bin_info(const char *bin_info_dir)
+void test_bin_info_bundled(const char *bin_info_dir)
        int ret;
        char *data_dir, *bin_path;
-       char *func_name = NULL;
        struct bin_info *bin = NULL;
-       struct source_location *src_loc = NULL;
        struct bt_fd_cache fdc;
-       diag("bin-info tests - DWARF bundled with SO file");
+       diag("bin-info tests - DWARF bundled in SO file");
        data_dir = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DWARF_DIR_NAME, NULL);
-       bin_path = g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DWARF_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME, NULL);
+       bin_path =
+               g_build_filename(bin_info_dir, DWARF_DIR_NAME, SO_NAME, NULL);
        if (data_dir == NULL || bin_path == NULL) {
@@ -253,71 +368,27 @@ void test_bin_info(const char *bin_info_dir)
        ret = bt_fd_cache_init(&fdc);
        BT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
-       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true, data_dir, NULL);
-       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful");
+       bin = bin_info_create(&fdc, bin_path, SO_LOW_ADDR, SO_MEMSZ, true,
+                             data_dir, NULL);
+       ok(bin != NULL, "bin_info_create successful (%s)", bin_path);
        /* Test bin_info_has_address */
-       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, 0);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_has_address - address under so's range");
-       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR);
-       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - lower bound of so's range");
-       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR);
-       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - address in so's range");
-       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR + SO_MEMSZ - 1);
-       ok(ret == 1, "bin_info_has_address - upper bound of so's range");
-       ret = bin_info_has_address(bin, SO_LOW_ADDR + SO_MEMSZ);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_has_address - address above so's range");
+       subtest_has_address(bin, func_foo_printf_addr);
        /* Test function name lookup (with DWARF) */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR, &func_name);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_function_name successful");
-       if (func_name) {
-               ok(strcmp(func_name, FUNC_FOO_NAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_function_name - correct func_name value");
-               free(func_name);
-               func_name = NULL;
-       } else {
-               skip(1, "bin_info_lookup_function_name - func_name is NULL");
-       }
-       /* Test function name lookup - erroneous address */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_function_name(bin, 0, &func_name);
-       ok(ret == -1 && func_name == NULL,
-               "bin_info_lookup_function_name - fail on addr not found");
+       subtest_lookup_function_name(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                    func_foo_printf_name);
        /* Test source location lookup */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, FUNC_FOO_ADDR, &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_lookup_source_location successful");
-       if (src_loc) {
-               ok(src_loc->line_no == FUNC_FOO_LINE_NO,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct line_no");
-               ok(strcmp(src_loc->filename, FUNC_FOO_FILENAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location - correct filename");
-               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
-               src_loc = NULL;
-       } else {
-               skip(2, "bin_info_lookup_source_location - src_loc is NULL");
-       }
+       subtest_lookup_source_location(bin, func_foo_printf_addr,
+                                      opt_func_foo_printf_line_no,
+                                      FUNC_FOO_FILENAME);
        /* Test source location lookup - inlined function */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, FUNC_FOO_TP_ADDR, &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == 0,
-               "bin_info_lookup_source_location (inlined func) successful");
-       if (src_loc) {
-               ok(src_loc->line_no == FUNC_FOO_TP_LINE_NO,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location (inlined func) - correct line_no");
-               ok(strcmp(src_loc->filename, FUNC_FOO_TP_FILENAME) == 0,
-                       "bin_info_lookup_source_location (inlined func) - correct filename");
-               source_location_destroy(src_loc);
-               src_loc = NULL;
-       } else {
-               skip(2, "bin_info_lookup_source_location (inlined func) - src_loc is NULL");
-       }
-       /* Test source location lookup - erroneous address */
-       ret = bin_info_lookup_source_location(bin, 0, &src_loc);
-       ok(ret == -1 && src_loc == NULL,
-               "bin_info_lookup_source_location - fail on addr not found");
+       subtest_lookup_source_location(bin, func_foo_tp_addr,
+                                      opt_func_foo_tp_line_no,
+                                      FUNC_FOO_FILENAME);
@@ -328,20 +399,35 @@ void test_bin_info(const char *bin_info_dir)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int ret;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       GOptionContext *context;
-       plan_tests(NR_TESTS);
+       context = g_option_context_new("- bin info test");
+       g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, NULL);
+       if (!g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "option parsing failed: %s\n", error->message);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
-       if (argc != 2) {
-               return EXIT_FAILURE;
-       } else {
-               opt_debug_info_dir = argv[1];
+       g_snprintf(func_foo_printf_name, FUNC_FOO_NAME_LEN,
+                  FUNC_FOO_PRINTF_NAME_FMT, opt_func_foo_printf_offset);
+       func_foo_printf_addr =
+               SO_LOW_ADDR + opt_func_foo_addr + opt_func_foo_printf_offset;
+       func_foo_tp_addr =
+               SO_LOW_ADDR + opt_func_foo_addr + opt_func_foo_tp_offset;
+       if (build_id_to_bin()) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse / missing build id\n");
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       plan_tests(NR_TESTS);
        ret = bin_info_init();
        ok(ret == 0, "bin_info_init successful");
-       test_bin_info(opt_debug_info_dir);
+       test_bin_info_bundled(opt_debug_info_dir);
index 461dfa480acfb144b3b01603c9518c1c547371e6..6ed40daf9af62abd5881bd6e0f24138d24bc5069 100644 (file)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 - Antoine Busque <abusque@efficios.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Antoine Busque <abusque@efficios.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Michael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -24,4 +25,12 @@ curdir="$(cd -P "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null && pwd)"
-"${curdir}/test_bin_info" "$debug_info_data"
+"${curdir}/test_bin_info" \
+       --foo-addr=0x2277 \
+       --printf-offset=0xf0 \
+       --printf-lineno=36 \
+       --tp-offset=0x89 \
+       --tp-lineno=35 \
+       --debug-link-crc=0x289a8fdc \
+       --debug-info-dir "$debug_info_data" \
+       --build-id cdd98cdd87f7fe64c13b6daad553987eafd40cbb
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