BUGS ---- If you encounter any issue or usability problem, please report it on the https://bugs.lttng.org/projects/lttng-tools[LTTng bug tracker]. RESOURCES --------- * https://lttng.org[LTTng project website] * https://lttng.org/docs[LTTng documentation] * http://git.lttng.org[Git repositories] * http://github.com/lttng[GitHub organization] * http://ci.lttng.org/[Continuous integration] * http://lists.lttng.org[Mailing list] for support and development: `lttng-dev@lists.lttng.org` * irc://irc.oftc.net/lttng[IRC channel]: `#lttng` on `irc.oftc.net` COPYRIGHTS ---------- This program is part of the LTTng-tools project. LTTng-tools is distributed under the http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html[GNU General Public License version 2]. See the https://github.com/lttng/lttng-tools/blob/master/LICENSE[`LICENSE`] file for details. THANKS ------ Special thanks to Michel Dagenais and the http://www.dorsal.polymtl.ca/[DORSAL laboratory] at École Polytechnique de Montréal for the LTTng journey. Also thanks to the Ericsson teams working on tracing which helped us greatly with detailed bug reports and unusual test cases.