#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) - 2017 Jonathan Rajotte > # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA TEST_DESC="Notification" CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../../ TESTPOINT=$(readlink -f ${CURDIR}/.libs/libpause_consumer.so) TESTAPP_PATH="$TESTDIR/utils/testapp" TESTAPP_NAME="gen-ust-events" TESTAPP_BIN="$TESTAPP_PATH/$TESTAPP_NAME/$TESTAPP_NAME" NR_ITER=-1 NR_USEC_WAIT=5 SESSION_NAME="my_session" UST_CHANNEL_NAME="my_ust_channel" EVENT_NAME="tp:tptest" TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) DIR=$(readlink -f $TESTDIR) PAGE_SIZE=$(getconf PAGE_SIZE) NUM_TESTS=62 source $TESTDIR/utils/utils.sh consumerd_pipe=() file_sync_after_first_event=$(mktemp -u) # MUST set TESTDIR before calling those functions plan_tests $NUM_TESTS print_test_banner "$TEST_DESC" app_pids=() function start_client { local pid=-1 local output_file=$1 local session_name=$2 local channel_name=$3 local domain_type=$4 local buffer_usage_type=$5 local buffer_usage_threshold_type=$6 local buffer_usage_threshold_value=$7 local nr_expected_notification=$8 ${CURDIR}/base_client ${session_name} ${channel_name} ${domain_type} ${buffer_usage_type} ${buffer_usage_threshold_type} ${buffer_usage_threshold_value} ${nr_expected_notification} > ${output_file} & pid=$! app_pids+=("$pid") } function wait_for_message () { local file_pattern=$1 local message=$2 for file in $CURDIR/${file_pattern}*; do while(true); do # Check for "error" message grep -q "error:" ${file} app_error=$? if [ $app_error -eq "0" ] ; then # An error occurred fail "Waiting message: error logged see file content: ${message}, ${file}" return 1 fi grep -q "${message}" ${file} if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then # Lookup failed restart loop diag "Lookup failed sleep and retry grep for: ${message}, ${file}" sleep 0.25 continue fi break done done pass "Message received: ${message}" return 0 } function print_errors () { local file_pattern=$1 for file in $CURDIR/${file_pattern}*; do # Check for "error" message error_message=$(grep "error:" ${file}) if [[ "${error_message}x" != "x" ]]; then diag "Errors for application ${file}:" diag "${error_message}" fi done } function comm_consumerd () { local message=$1 local pipe=$2 echo -ne "${message}" > "${pipe}" return $? } function stop_consumerd () { local pipe=$1 comm_consumerd "1" "$pipe" ok $? "Stopping consumption consumerd" } function resume_consumerd () { local pipe=$1 comm_consumerd "\0" "$pipe" ok $? "Resuming consumerd" } function test_multi_app () { local app_pids=() local low_output_file_pattern="low_app_output_file_" local high_output_file_pattern="high_app_output_file_" local testpoint_base_path=$(readlink -f "$CURDIR/lttng.t_p_n_multi_app") local testpoint_pipe_path=$(mktemp -u "${testpoint_base_path}.XXXXXX") local nr_notification_expected=5 local nr_client_app=50 # Cleanup rm ${CURDIR}/${low_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null rm ${CURDIR}/${high_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null # Setup LTTNG_SESSIOND_ENV_VARS="LTTNG_TESTPOINT_ENABLE=1 CONSUMER_PAUSE_PIPE_PATH=${testpoint_pipe_path} LD_PRELOAD=${TESTPOINT}" start_lttng_sessiond # Start app in infinite loop $TESTAPP_BIN $NR_ITER $NR_USEC_WAIT $file_sync_after_first_event & app_pid=$! # Pin to CPU zero to force specific sub buffer usage taskset -p -c 0 $app_pid > /dev/null 2>&1 # Wait for sync with app while [ ! -f "${file_sync_after_first_event}" ]; do sleep 0.5 done rm ${file_sync_after_first_event} create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_ust_lttng_channel_ok $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME --subbuf-size=$PAGE_SIZE enable_ust_lttng_event_ok $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME # Fetch consumerd testpoint pipe information # This is needed since the testpoint create a pipe with the consumer type suffixed for f in "$testpoint_base_path"*; do consumerd_pipe+=("$f") done for (( i = 0; i < $nr_client_app; i++ )); do low_app_output_file=$CURDIR/${low_output_file_pattern}${i} high_app_output_file=$CURDIR/${high_output_file_pattern}${i} start_client $low_app_output_file $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME LTTNG_DOMAIN_UST LOW RATIO 0.0 $nr_notification_expected start_client $high_app_output_file $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME LTTNG_DOMAIN_UST HIGH RATIO 0.420 $nr_notification_expected done wait_for_message "${low_output_file_pattern}" "sync: ready" wait_for_message "${high_output_file_pattern}" "sync: ready" # Test notification reception for (( i = 0; i < $nr_notification_expected; i++ )); do # Stop consumerd consumption to force high notification start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME for pipe in "${consumerd_pipe[@]}"; do stop_consumerd "${pipe}" done wait_for_message "${high_output_file_pattern}" "notification: high $i" # Resume consumerd for pipe in "${consumerd_pipe[@]}"; do resume_consumerd "${pipe}" done # Stop tracing forcing full buffer consumption stop_lttng_tracing $SESSION_NAME # Check for notifications reception wait_for_message "${low_output_file_pattern}" "notification: low $i" ret=$? ok $ret "Notifications $i received" if [[ $ret -ne "0" ]]; then # Error occurred bail out break; fi done wait_for_message "${low_output_file_pattern}" "exit: 0" ret=$? ok $ret "Application for low notification terminated normally" if [[ $ret -eq "0" ]]; then rm ${CURDIR}/${low_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null else # Keep the file print_errors "${low_output_file_pattern}" fi wait_for_message "${high_output_file_pattern}" "exit: 0" ret=$? ok $ret "Application for high notification terminated normally" if [[ $ret -eq "0" ]]; then rm ${CURDIR}/${high_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null else # Keep the file print_errors "${high_output_file_pattern}" fi kill -9 $app_pid wait $app_pid 2> /dev/null stop_lttng_sessiond } function test_on_register_evaluation () { local app_pids=() local high_output_file_pattern="high_app_output_file_on_register_evaluation" local testpoint_base_path=$(readlink -f "$CURDIR/lttng.t_p_n_register_evaluation") local testpoint_pipe_path=$(mktemp -u "${testpoint_base_path}.XXXXXX") # Cleanup rm ${CURDIR}/${high_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null # Setup LTTNG_SESSIOND_ENV_VARS="LTTNG_TESTPOINT_ENABLE=1 CONSUMER_PAUSE_PIPE_PATH=${testpoint_pipe_path} LD_PRELOAD=${TESTPOINT}" start_lttng_sessiond # Start app in infinite loop $TESTAPP_BIN $NR_ITER $NR_USEC_WAIT $file_sync_after_first_event & app_pid=$! # Pin to CPU zero to force specific sub buffer usage taskset -p -c 0 $app_pid > /dev/null 2>&1 # Wait for sync with app while [ ! -f "${file_sync_after_first_event}" ]; do sleep 0.5 done rm ${file_sync_after_first_event} create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_ust_lttng_channel_ok $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME --subbuf-size=$PAGE_SIZE enable_ust_lttng_event_ok $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME # Fetch consumerd testpoint pipe information # This is needed since the testpoint create a pipe with the consumer type suffixed for f in "$testpoint_base_path"*; do consumerd_pipe+=("$f") done high_app_output_file=${high_output_file_pattern}.first_receiver high_app_output_path=$CURDIR/${high_app_output_file} start_client $high_app_output_path $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME LTTNG_DOMAIN_UST HIGH RATIO 0.420 1 wait_for_message "${high_app_output_file}" "sync: ready" # Stop consumerd consumption to force high notification start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME for pipe in "${consumerd_pipe[@]}"; do stop_consumerd "${pipe}" done wait_for_message "${high_app_output_file}" "notification: high 0" # Start a second receiver, the receiver should receive a high # notification on subscription high_app_output_file=${high_output_file_pattern}.second_receiver high_app_output_path=$CURDIR/${high_app_output_file} start_client $high_app_output_path $SESSION_NAME $UST_CHANNEL_NAME LTTNG_DOMAIN_UST HIGH RATIO 0.420 1 wait_for_message "${high_app_output_file}" "sync: ready" wait_for_message "${high_app_output_file}" "notification: high 0" # Resume consumerd for pipe in "${consumerd_pipe[@]}"; do resume_consumerd "${pipe}" done wait_for_message "${high_output_file_pattern}" "exit: 0" ret=$? ok $ret "Application for high notification terminated normally" if [[ $ret -eq "0" ]]; then rm ${CURDIR}/${high_output_file_pattern}* 2> /dev/null else # Keep the file print_errors "${high_output_file_pattern}" fi stop_lttng_sessiond kill -9 $app_pid wait $app_pid 2> /dev/null } TESTS=( test_multi_app test_on_register_evaluation ) for fct_test in ${TESTS[@]}; do TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) ${fct_test} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break; fi # Only delete if successful rm -rf $TRACE_PATH done