#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) - 2017 Jonathan Rajotte-Julien # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../../ TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) #This is needed since the testpoint create a pipe with the consumerd type suffixed TESTPOINT_BASE_PATH=$(readlink -f "$TMPDIR/lttng.t_p_n") TESTPOINT_PIPE_PATH=$(mktemp -u "${TESTPOINT_BASE_PATH}.XXXXXX") TESTPOIT_ARGS="CONSUMER_PAUSE_PIPE_PATH=${TESTPOINT_PIPE_PATH} LTTNG_TESTPOINT_ENABLE=1" TESTPOINT=$(readlink -f ${CURDIR}/.libs/libpause_consumer.so) TESTAPP_PATH="$TESTDIR/utils/testapp" TESTAPP_NAME="gen-ust-events" TESTAPP_BIN="$TESTAPP_PATH/$TESTAPP_NAME/$TESTAPP_NAME" TESTAPP_STATE_PATH=$(mktemp -u "$TMPDIR/application_state.XXXXXXXXXX") NR_ITER=-1 NR_USEC_WAIT=5 SESSION_NAME="my_session" CHANNEL_NAME="my_channel" TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) PAGE_SIZE=$(getconf PAGE_SIZE) DIR=$(readlink -f $TESTDIR) NUM_TESTS=104 source $TESTDIR/utils/utils.sh function kernel_event_generator_toogle_state { kernel_event_generator_suspended=$((kernel_event_generator_suspended==0)) } function kernel_event_generator { state_file=$1 kernel_event_generator_suspended=0 trap kernel_event_generator_toogle_state SIGUSR1 while (true); do if [[ $kernel_event_generator_suspended -eq "1" ]]; then touch $state_file sleep 0.5 else if [[ -f $state_file ]]; then rm $state_file 2> /dev/null fi echo -n "1000" > /proc/lttng-test-filter-event 2> /dev/null fi done } function kernel_test { local consumerd_pipe=() local event_name="lttng_test_filter_event" modprobe lttng-test LTTNG_SESSIOND_ENV_VARS="LTTNG_TESTPOINT_ENABLE=1 CONSUMER_PAUSE_PIPE_PATH=${TESTPOINT_PIPE_PATH} LD_PRELOAD=${TESTPOINT}" start_lttng_sessiond_notap create_lttng_session_notap $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH lttng_enable_kernel_channel_notap $SESSION_NAME $CHANNEL_NAME --subbuf-size=$PAGE_SIZE enable_kernel_lttng_event_notap $SESSION_NAME $event_name $CHANNEL_NAME #This is needed since the testpoint create a pipe with the consumer type suffixed for f in "$TESTPOINT_BASE_PATH"*; do consumerd_pipe+=("$f") done kernel_event_generator $TESTAPP_STATE_PATH & APP_PID=$! $CURDIR/notification LTTNG_DOMAIN_KERNEL $SESSION_NAME $CHANNEL_NAME $APP_PID $TESTAPP_STATE_PATH ${consumerd_pipe[@]} destroy_lttng_session_notap $SESSION_NAME stop_lttng_sessiond_notap kill -9 $APP_PID wait $APP_PID 2> /dev/null rmmod lttng-test rm -rf ${consumerd_pipe[@]} 2> /dev/null } if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then validate_lttng_modules_present kernel_test else # Kernel tests are skipped. plan_tests $NUM_TESTS skip 0 "Root access is needed. Skipping all kernel notification tests." $NUM_TESTS fi # Just in case cleanup rm -rf $TRACE_PATH rm -rf $TMPDIR