#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) - 2015 Jonathan Rajotte # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA TEST_DESC="UST - Clock override plugin" CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../.. SESSION_NAME="clock_override" TESTAPP_PATH="$TESTDIR/utils/testapp" TESTAPP_NAME="gen-ust-events" TESTAPP_BIN="$TESTAPP_PATH/$TESTAPP_NAME/$TESTAPP_NAME" NUM_EVENT=256 EVENT_NAME="tp:tptest" LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN_SO="lttng-ust-clock-override-test.so" LIBS_DIR=".libs" METADATA_CLOCK_START_TOKEN="clock {" METADATA_CLOCK_END_TOKEN="};" METADATA_TOKEN_LIST=( "name" "uuid" "description" "freq" ) UST_CLOCK_TOKEN_VALUE=( "lttng_test_clock_override" "83c63deb-7aa4-48fb-abda-946f400d76e6" "Freeze time with 1KHz for regression test" "1000" ) NUM_TESTS=33 source $TESTDIR/utils/utils.sh if [ ! -x "$CURDIR/$LIBS_DIR/$LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN_SO" ]; then BAIL_OUT "No shared object generated" fi # MUST set TESTDIR before calling those functions function run_app() { $TESTAPP_BIN $NUM_EVENT ok $? "Application done" } function extract_clock_metadata() { local metadata_file=$1 local clock_metadata_file_destination=$2 cat $metadata_file \ | sed -n "/$METADATA_CLOCK_START_TOKEN/,/$METADATA_CLOCK_END_TOKEN/p" \ > $clock_metadata_file_destination ok $? "Clock metadata extraction" } function extract_clock_metadata_token() { local clock_metadata_file=$1 local token=$2 # Look for token and get value between "" cat $clock_metadata_file | grep $token | awk -F"= |;" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' } function test_getcpu_override_metadata() { local ctf_metadata_file=$(mktemp -p $TRACE_PATH ctf-metadata.XXXXX) local clock_metadata_file=$(mktemp -p $TRACE_PATH clock-metadata.XXXXX) local result="" diag "Clock override plugin metadata test" # LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN need to be defined for lttng-sessiond. export LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN=$CURDIR/.libs/$LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN_SO start_lttng_sessiond unset LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_ust_lttng_event_ok $SESSION_NAME "$EVENT_NAME" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME stop_lttng_sessiond $BABELTRACE_BIN -o ctf-metadata -w $ctf_metadata_file $TRACE_PATH ok $? "Metadata extraction from babeltrace" extract_clock_metadata $ctf_metadata_file $clock_metadata_file test ${#METADATA_TOKEN_LIST[@]} -eq ${#UST_CLOCK_TOKEN_VALUE[@]} ok $? "Tokens to check(${#METADATA_TOKEN_LIST[@]}) and provided values(${#UST_CLOCK_TOKEN_VALUE[@]}) count is equal" local counter=0 while [ "$counter" -lt "${#METADATA_TOKEN_LIST[@]}" ]; do result=$(extract_clock_metadata_token $clock_metadata_file \ ${METADATA_TOKEN_LIST[$counter]}) test "$result" == "${UST_CLOCK_TOKEN_VALUE[$counter]}" ok $? "Token \"${METADATA_TOKEN_LIST[$counter]}\" expect:${UST_CLOCK_TOKEN_VALUE[$counter]} got:$result" let "counter++" done rm -rf $ctf_metadata_file rm -rf $clock_metadata_file } function test_getcpu_override_timestamp() { diag "Clock override test" # Test without the plugin diag "Plugin disabled" start_lttng_sessiond create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_ust_lttng_event_ok $SESSION_NAME "$EVENT_NAME" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Use Babeltrace with "-n all" to give a comma separated list for # easy extraction of timestamps. unique_timestamps_count=$($BABELTRACE_BIN -n all $TRACE_PATH | \ cut -d, -f1 | uniq | wc -l) test $unique_timestamps_count -gt 1 ok $? "Unique event timestamps without clock override: $unique_timestamps_count expect >1" stop_lttng_sessiond # Test with clock override plugin. # LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN need to be defined for both lttng-sessiond. diag "Plugin enabled" export LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN=$CURDIR/.libs/$LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN_SO start_lttng_sessiond create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_ust_lttng_event_ok $SESSION_NAME "$EVENT_NAME" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME run_app unset LTTNG_UST_CLOCK_PLUGIN stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME stop_lttng_sessiond # Use Babeltrace with "-n all" to give a comma separated list for # easy extraction of timestamps. unique_timestamps_count=$($BABELTRACE_BIN -n all $TRACE_PATH | \ cut -d, -f1 | uniq | wc -l) test $unique_timestamps_count -eq 1 ok $? "Unique event timestamps with clock override: $unique_timestamps_count expect 1" } plan_tests $NUM_TESTS print_test_banner "$TEST_DESC" TESTS=( "test_getcpu_override_metadata" "test_getcpu_override_timestamp" ) TEST_COUNT=${#TESTS[@]} i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "$TEST_COUNT" ]; do TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) # Execute test ${TESTS[$i]} rm -rf $TRACE_PATH let "i++" done