ctf: mini benchmark for performance regressions
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui / src / org / eclipse / linuxtools / tmf / ui / project / model / TmfTraceElement.java
... / ...
2 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2014 Ericsson, École Polytechnique de Montréal
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
5 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8 *
9 * Contributors:
10 * Francois Chouinard - Initial API and implementation
11 * Bernd Hufmann - Added supplementary files handling
12 * Geneviève Bastien - Moved supplementary files handling to parent class,
13 * added code to copy trace
14 * Patrick Tasse - Close editors to release resources
15 * Jean-Christian Kouame - added trace properties to be shown into
16 * the properties view
17 * Geneviève Bastien - Moved trace type related methods to parent class
18 *******************************************************************************/
20package org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui.project.model;
22import java.util.Arrays;
23import java.util.HashMap;
24import java.util.LinkedList;
25import java.util.List;
26import java.util.Map;
28import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
29import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
30import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
31import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
32import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
33import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
34import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
35import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
36import org.eclipse.core.runtime.URIUtil;
37import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.tmf.ui.Activator;
38import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
39import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomTxtEvent;
40import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomTxtTrace;
41import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomTxtTraceDefinition;
42import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomXmlEvent;
43import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomXmlTrace;
44import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.parsers.custom.CustomXmlTraceDefinition;
45import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.project.model.TmfTraceType;
46import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.trace.ITmfTrace;
47import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.trace.ITmfTraceProperties;
48import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.trace.TmfTrace;
49import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.trace.TmfTraceManager;
50import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui.editors.TmfEventsEditor;
51import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui.properties.ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor;
52import org.eclipse.ui.IActionFilter;
53import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertyDescriptor;
54import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySource2;
57 * Implementation of trace model element representing a trace. It provides
58 * methods to instantiate <code>ITmfTrace</code> and <code>ITmfEvent</code> as
59 * well as editor ID from the trace type extension definition.
60 *
61 * @version 1.0
62 * @author Francois Chouinard
63 */
64public class TmfTraceElement extends TmfCommonProjectElement implements IActionFilter, IPropertySource2 {
66 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 // Constants
68 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 // Other attributes
71 /**
72 * Bundle attribute name
73 */
74 public static final String BUNDLE = "bundle"; //$NON-NLS-1$
75 /**
76 * IsLinked attribute name.
77 */
78 public static final String IS_LINKED = "isLinked"; //$NON-NLS-1$
80 // Property View stuff
81 private static final String sfResourcePropertiesCategory = Messages.TmfTraceElement_ResourceProperties;
82 private static final String sfName = Messages.TmfTraceElement_Name;
83 private static final String sfPath = Messages.TmfTraceElement_Path;
84 private static final String sfLocation = Messages.TmfTraceElement_Location;
85 private static final String sfEventType = Messages.TmfTraceElement_EventType;
86 private static final String sfIsLinked = Messages.TmfTraceElement_IsLinked;
87 private static final String sfTracePropertiesCategory = Messages.TmfTraceElement_TraceProperties;
89 private static final ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor sfNameDescriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(sfName, sfName);
90 private static final ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor sfPathDescriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(sfPath, sfPath);
91 private static final ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor sfLocationDescriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(sfLocation, sfLocation);
92 private static final ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor sfTypeDescriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(sfEventType, sfEventType);
93 private static final ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor sfIsLinkedDescriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(sfIsLinked, sfIsLinked);
95 private static final IPropertyDescriptor[] sfDescriptors = { sfNameDescriptor, sfPathDescriptor, sfLocationDescriptor,
96 sfTypeDescriptor, sfIsLinkedDescriptor };
98 static {
99 sfNameDescriptor.setCategory(sfResourcePropertiesCategory);
100 sfPathDescriptor.setCategory(sfResourcePropertiesCategory);
101 sfLocationDescriptor.setCategory(sfResourcePropertiesCategory);
102 sfTypeDescriptor.setCategory(sfResourcePropertiesCategory);
103 sfIsLinkedDescriptor.setCategory(sfResourcePropertiesCategory);
104 }
106 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 // Static initialization
108 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 // The mapping of available trace type IDs to their corresponding
111 // configuration element
112 private static final Map<String, IConfigurationElement> sfTraceTypeAttributes = new HashMap<>();
113 private static final Map<String, IConfigurationElement> sfTraceTypeUIAttributes = new HashMap<>();
114 private static final Map<String, IConfigurationElement> sfTraceCategories = new HashMap<>();
116 /**
117 * Initialize statically at startup by getting extensions from the platform
118 * extension registry.
119 */
120 public static void init() {
121 /* Read the tmf.core "tracetype" extension point */
122 IConfigurationElement[] config = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(TmfTraceType.TMF_TRACE_TYPE_ID);
123 for (IConfigurationElement ce : config) {
124 switch (ce.getName()) {
125 case TmfTraceType.TYPE_ELEM:
126 String traceTypeId = ce.getAttribute(TmfTraceType.ID_ATTR);
127 sfTraceTypeAttributes.put(traceTypeId, ce);
128 break;
129 case TmfTraceType.CATEGORY_ELEM:
130 String categoryId = ce.getAttribute(TmfTraceType.ID_ATTR);
131 sfTraceCategories.put(categoryId, ce);
132 break;
133 default:
134 }
135 }
137 /*
138 * Read the corresponding tmf.ui "tracetypeui" extension point for this
139 * trace type, if it exists.
140 */
141 config = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor(TmfTraceTypeUIUtils.TMF_TRACE_TYPE_UI_ID);
142 for (IConfigurationElement ce : config) {
143 String elemName = ce.getName();
144 if (TmfTraceTypeUIUtils.TYPE_ELEM.equals(elemName)) {
145 String traceType = ce.getAttribute(TmfTraceTypeUIUtils.TRACETYPE_ATTR);
146 sfTraceTypeUIAttributes.put(traceType, ce);
147 }
148 }
149 }
151 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 // Constructors
153 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 /**
155 * Constructor. Creates trace model element under the trace folder.
156 *
157 * @param name
158 * The name of trace
159 * @param trace
160 * The trace resource.
161 * @param parent
162 * The parent element (trace folder)
163 */
164 public TmfTraceElement(String name, IResource trace, TmfTraceFolder parent) {
165 this(name, trace, (TmfProjectModelElement) parent);
166 }
168 /**
169 * Constructor. Creates trace model element under the experiment folder.
170 *
171 * @param name
172 * The name of trace
173 * @param trace
174 * The trace resource.
175 * @param parent
176 * The parent element (experiment folder)
177 */
178 public TmfTraceElement(String name, IResource trace, TmfExperimentElement parent) {
179 this(name, trace, (TmfProjectModelElement) parent);
180 }
182 private TmfTraceElement(String name, IResource trace, TmfProjectModelElement parent) {
183 super(name, trace, parent);
184 }
186 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 // Operations
188 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 /**
191 * Instantiate a <code>ITmfTrace</code> object based on the trace type and
192 * the corresponding extension.
193 *
194 * @return the <code>ITmfTrace</code> or <code>null</code> for an error
195 */
196 @Override
197 public ITmfTrace instantiateTrace() {
198 try {
200 // make sure that supplementary folder exists
201 refreshSupplementaryFolder();
203 if (getTraceType() != null) {
204 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomTxtTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
205 for (CustomTxtTraceDefinition def : CustomTxtTraceDefinition.loadAll()) {
206 if (getTraceType().equals(CustomTxtTrace.class.getCanonicalName() + ":" + def.definitionName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
207 return new CustomTxtTrace(def);
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomXmlTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
212 for (CustomXmlTraceDefinition def : CustomXmlTraceDefinition.loadAll()) {
213 if (getTraceType().equals(CustomXmlTrace.class.getCanonicalName() + ":" + def.definitionName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
214 return new CustomXmlTrace(def);
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 IConfigurationElement ce = sfTraceTypeAttributes.get(getTraceType());
219 if (ce == null) {
220 return null;
221 }
222 ITmfTrace trace = (ITmfTrace) ce.createExecutableExtension(TmfTraceType.TRACE_TYPE_ATTR);
223 return trace;
224 }
225 } catch (CoreException e) {
226 Activator.getDefault().logError("Error instantiating ITmfTrace object for trace " + getName(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
227 }
228 return null;
229 }
231 /**
232 * Instantiate a <code>ITmfEvent</code> object based on the trace type and
233 * the corresponding extension.
234 *
235 * @return the <code>ITmfEvent</code> or <code>null</code> for an error
236 */
237 public ITmfEvent instantiateEvent() {
238 try {
239 if (getTraceType() != null) {
240 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomTxtTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
241 for (CustomTxtTraceDefinition def : CustomTxtTraceDefinition.loadAll()) {
242 if (getTraceType().equals(CustomTxtTrace.class.getCanonicalName() + ":" + def.definitionName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
243 return new CustomTxtEvent(def);
244 }
245 }
246 }
247 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomXmlTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
248 for (CustomXmlTraceDefinition def : CustomXmlTraceDefinition.loadAll()) {
249 if (getTraceType().equals(CustomXmlTrace.class.getCanonicalName() + ":" + def.definitionName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
250 return new CustomXmlEvent(def);
251 }
252 }
253 }
254 IConfigurationElement ce = sfTraceTypeAttributes.get(getTraceType());
255 if (ce == null) {
256 return null;
257 }
258 ITmfEvent event = (ITmfEvent) ce.createExecutableExtension(TmfTraceType.EVENT_TYPE_ATTR);
259 return event;
260 }
261 } catch (CoreException e) {
262 Activator.getDefault().logError("Error instantiating ITmfEvent object for trace " + getName(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
263 }
264 return null;
265 }
267 @Override
268 public String getEditorId() {
269 if (getTraceType() != null) {
270 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomTxtTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
271 return TmfEventsEditor.ID;
272 }
273 if (getTraceType().startsWith(CustomXmlTrace.class.getCanonicalName())) {
274 return TmfEventsEditor.ID;
275 }
276 IConfigurationElement ce = sfTraceTypeUIAttributes.get(getTraceType());
277 if (ce == null) {
278 /* This trace type does not define UI attributes */
279 return null;
280 }
281 IConfigurationElement[] defaultEditorCE = ce.getChildren(TmfTraceTypeUIUtils.DEFAULT_EDITOR_ELEM);
282 if (defaultEditorCE.length == 1) {
283 return defaultEditorCE[0].getAttribute(TmfTraceType.ID_ATTR);
284 }
285 }
286 return null;
287 }
289 /**
290 * Returns the file resource used to store bookmarks after creating it if
291 * necessary. If the trace resource is a file, it is returned directly. If
292 * the trace resource is a folder, a linked file is returned. The file will
293 * be created if it does not exist.
294 *
295 * @return the bookmarks file
296 * @throws CoreException
297 * if the bookmarks file cannot be created
298 * @since 2.0
299 */
300 @Override
301 public IFile createBookmarksFile() throws CoreException {
302 IFile file = getBookmarksFile();
303 if (fResource instanceof IFolder) {
304 return createBookmarksFile(getProject().getTracesFolder().getResource(), TmfTrace.class.getCanonicalName());
305 }
306 return file;
307 }
309 /**
310 * Returns the file resource used to store bookmarks. The file may not
311 * exist.
312 *
313 * @return the bookmarks file
314 * @since 2.0
315 */
316 @Override
317 public IFile getBookmarksFile() {
318 IFile file = null;
319 if (fResource instanceof IFile) {
320 file = (IFile) fResource;
321 } else if (fResource instanceof IFolder) {
322 final IFolder folder = (IFolder) fResource;
323 file = folder.getFile(getName() + '_');
324 }
325 return file;
326 }
328 /**
329 * Returns the <code>TmfTraceElement</code> located under the
330 * <code>TmfTracesFolder</code>.
331 *
332 * @return <code>this</code> if this element is under the
333 * <code>TmfTracesFolder</code> else the corresponding
334 * <code>TmfTraceElement</code> if this element is under
335 * <code>TmfExperimentElement</code>.
336 */
337 public TmfTraceElement getElementUnderTraceFolder() {
339 // If trace is under an experiment, return original trace from the
340 // traces folder
341 if (getParent() instanceof TmfExperimentElement) {
342 for (TmfTraceElement aTrace : getProject().getTracesFolder().getTraces()) {
343 if (aTrace.getName().equals(getName())) {
344 return aTrace;
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 return this;
349 }
351 @Override
352 public String getTypeName() {
353 return Messages.TmfTraceElement_TypeName;
354 }
356 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 // IActionFilter
358 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 @Override
361 public boolean testAttribute(Object target, String name, String value) {
362 if (name.equals(IS_LINKED)) {
363 boolean isLinked = getResource().isLinked();
364 return Boolean.toString(isLinked).equals(value);
365 }
366 return false;
367 }
369 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
370 // TmfTraceElement
371 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 @Override
374 public TmfProjectElement getProject() {
375 if (getParent() instanceof TmfTraceFolder) {
376 TmfTraceFolder folder = (TmfTraceFolder) getParent();
377 TmfProjectElement project = (TmfProjectElement) folder.getParent();
378 return project;
379 }
380 if (getParent() instanceof TmfExperimentElement) {
381 TmfExperimentElement experiment = (TmfExperimentElement) getParent();
382 TmfExperimentFolder folder = (TmfExperimentFolder) experiment.getParent();
383 TmfProjectElement project = (TmfProjectElement) folder.getParent();
384 return project;
385 }
386 return null;
387 }
389 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 // IPropertySource2
391 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
393 @Override
394 public Object getEditableValue() {
395 return null;
396 }
398 /**
399 * Get the trace properties of this traceElement if the corresponding trace
400 * is opened in an editor
401 *
402 * @return a map with the names and values of the trace properties
403 * respectively as keys and values
404 */
405 private Map<String, String> getTraceProperties() {
406 for (ITmfTrace openedTrace : TmfTraceManager.getInstance().getOpenedTraces()) {
407 for (ITmfTrace singleTrace : TmfTraceManager.getTraceSet(openedTrace)) {
408 if (this.getLocation().getPath().endsWith(singleTrace.getPath())) {
409 if (singleTrace instanceof ITmfTraceProperties) {
410 ITmfTraceProperties traceProperties = (ITmfTraceProperties) singleTrace;
411 return traceProperties.getTraceProperties();
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 }
416 return new HashMap<>();
417 }
419 @Override
420 public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
421 Map<String, String> traceProperties = getTraceProperties();
422 if (!traceProperties.isEmpty()) {
423 IPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptorArray = new IPropertyDescriptor[traceProperties.size() + sfDescriptors.length];
424 int index = 0;
425 for (Map.Entry<String, String> varName : traceProperties.entrySet()) {
426 ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor descriptor = new ReadOnlyTextPropertyDescriptor(this.getName() + "_" + varName.getKey(), varName.getKey()); //$NON-NLS-1$
427 descriptor.setCategory(sfTracePropertiesCategory);
428 propertyDescriptorArray[index] = descriptor;
429 index++;
430 }
431 for (int i = 0; i < sfDescriptors.length; i++) {
432 propertyDescriptorArray[index] = sfDescriptors[i];
433 index++;
434 }
435 return propertyDescriptorArray;
436 }
437 return Arrays.copyOf(sfDescriptors, sfDescriptors.length);
438 }
440 @Override
441 public Object getPropertyValue(Object id) {
443 if (sfName.equals(id)) {
444 return getName();
445 }
447 if (sfPath.equals(id)) {
448 return getPath().toString();
449 }
451 if (sfLocation.equals(id)) {
452 return URIUtil.toUnencodedString(getLocation());
453 }
455 if (sfIsLinked.equals(id)) {
456 return Boolean.valueOf(getResource().isLinked()).toString();
457 }
459 if (sfEventType.equals(id)) {
460 if (getTraceType() != null) {
461 IConfigurationElement ce = sfTraceTypeAttributes.get(getTraceType());
462 return (ce != null) ? (getCategory(ce) + " : " + ce.getAttribute(TmfTraceType.NAME_ATTR)) : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
463 }
464 }
466 Map<String, String> traceProperties = getTraceProperties();
467 if (id != null && !traceProperties.isEmpty()) {
468 String key = (String) id;
469 key = key.replaceFirst(this.getName() + "_", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
470 String value = traceProperties.get(key);
471 return value;
472 }
474 return null;
475 }
477 private static String getCategory(IConfigurationElement ce) {
478 String categoryId = ce.getAttribute(TmfTraceType.CATEGORY_ATTR);
479 if (categoryId != null) {
480 IConfigurationElement category = sfTraceCategories.get(categoryId);
481 if (category != null) {
482 return category.getAttribute(TmfTraceType.NAME_ATTR);
483 }
484 }
485 return "[no category]"; //$NON-NLS-1$
486 }
488 @Override
489 public void resetPropertyValue(Object id) {
490 }
492 @Override
493 public void setPropertyValue(Object id, Object value) {
494 }
496 @Override
497 public boolean isPropertyResettable(Object id) {
498 return false;
499 }
501 @Override
502 public boolean isPropertySet(Object id) {
503 return false;
504 }
506 /**
507 * Copy this trace in the trace folder. No other parameters are mentioned so
508 * the trace is copied in this element's project trace folder
509 *
510 * @param string
511 * The new trace name
512 * @return the new Resource object
513 * @since 2.0
514 */
515 public TmfTraceElement copy(String string) {
516 TmfTraceFolder folder = this.getProject().getTracesFolder();
517 IResource res = super.copy(string, false);
518 return new TmfTraceElement(string, res, folder);
519 }
521 /**
522 * Close opened editors associated with this trace.
523 *
524 * @since 2.0
525 */
526 @Override
527 public void closeEditors() {
528 super.closeEditors();
530 // Close experiments that contain the trace if open
531 if (getParent() instanceof TmfTraceFolder) {
532 TmfExperimentFolder experimentFolder = getProject().getExperimentsFolder();
533 for (ITmfProjectModelElement experiment : experimentFolder.getChildren()) {
534 for (ITmfProjectModelElement child : experiment.getChildren()) {
535 if (child.getName().equals(getName())) {
536 ((TmfExperimentElement) experiment).closeEditors();
537 break;
538 }
539 }
540 }
541 } else if (getParent() instanceof TmfExperimentElement) {
542 TmfExperimentElement experiment = (TmfExperimentElement) getParent();
543 experiment.closeEditors();
544 }
545 }
547 /**
548 * Delete the trace resource, remove it from experiments and delete its
549 * supplementary files
550 *
551 * @param progressMonitor
552 * a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not
553 * desired
554 *
555 * @throws CoreException
556 * thrown when IResource.delete fails
557 * @since 2.2
558 */
559 public void delete(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws CoreException {
560 closeEditors();
562 IPath path = fResource.getLocation();
563 if (path != null) {
564 if (getParent() instanceof TmfTraceFolder) {
565 TmfExperimentFolder experimentFolder = getProject().getExperimentsFolder();
567 // Propagate the removal to traces
568 for (ITmfProjectModelElement experiment : experimentFolder.getChildren()) {
569 List<ITmfProjectModelElement> toRemove = new LinkedList<>();
570 for (ITmfProjectModelElement child : experiment.getChildren()) {
571 if (child.getName().equals(getName())) {
572 toRemove.add(child);
573 }
574 }
575 for (ITmfProjectModelElement child : toRemove) {
576 ((TmfExperimentElement) experiment).removeTrace((TmfTraceElement) child);
577 }
578 }
580 // Delete supplementary files
581 deleteSupplementaryFolder();
583 } else if (getParent() instanceof TmfExperimentElement) {
584 TmfExperimentElement experimentElement = (TmfExperimentElement) getParent();
585 experimentElement.removeTrace(this);
586 }
587 }
589 // Finally, delete the trace
590 fResource.delete(true, progressMonitor);
591 }
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