analysis: support sched_waking event
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / analysis / org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / internal / analysis / graph / core / criticalpath /
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2015 École Polytechnique de Montréal
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
5 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 *
8 *******************************************************************************/
10 package org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.analysis.graph.core.criticalpath;
12 import static org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils.checkNotNull;
14 import java.util.Collections;
15 import java.util.LinkedList;
16 import java.util.List;
17 import java.util.Stack;
19 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
20 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.base.IGraphWorker;
21 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.base.TmfEdge;
22 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.base.TmfGraph;
23 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.base.TmfVertex;
24 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.base.TmfVertex.EdgeDirection;
25 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.graph.core.criticalpath.CriticalPathAlgorithmException;
27 /**
28 * Critical path bounded algorithm: backward resolution of blocking limited to
29 * the blocking window
30 *
31 * This algorithm is described in
32 *
33 * F. Giraldeau and M.Dagenais, Wait analysis of distributed systems using
34 * kernel tracing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
35 *
36 * @author Francis Giraldeau
37 */
38 public class CriticalPathAlgorithmBounded extends AbstractCriticalPathAlgorithm {
40 /**
41 * Constructor
42 *
43 * @param graph
44 * The graph on which to calculate the critical path
45 */
46 public CriticalPathAlgorithmBounded(TmfGraph graph) {
47 super(graph);
48 }
50 @Override
51 public TmfGraph compute(TmfVertex start, @Nullable TmfVertex end) throws CriticalPathAlgorithmException {
52 /* Create new graph for the critical path result */
53 TmfGraph criticalPath = new TmfGraph();
55 /* Get the main graph from which to get critical path */
56 TmfGraph graph = getGraph();
58 /*
59 * Calculate path starting from the object the start vertex belongs to
60 */
61 IGraphWorker parent = checkNotNull(graph.getParentOf(start));
62 criticalPath.add(parent, new TmfVertex(start));
63 TmfVertex currentVertex = start;
64 TmfEdge nextEdge = currentVertex.getEdge(EdgeDirection.OUTGOING_HORIZONTAL_EDGE);
66 long endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
67 if (end != null) {
68 endTime = end.getTs();
69 }
71 /*
72 * Run through all horizontal edges from this object and resolve each
73 * blocking as they come
74 */
75 while (nextEdge != null) {
76 TmfVertex nextVertex = nextEdge.getVertexTo();
77 if (nextVertex.getTs() >= endTime) {
78 break;
79 }
80 switch (nextEdge.getType()) {
81 case IPI:
82 case USER_INPUT:
84 case TIMER:
86 case PREEMPTED:
87 case RUNNING:
88 /**
89 * This edge is not blocked, so nothing to resolve, just add the
90 * edge to the critical path
91 */
92 /**
93 * TODO: Normally, the parent of the link's vertex to should be
94 * the object itself, verify if that is true
95 */
96 IGraphWorker parentTo = checkNotNull(graph.getParentOf(nextEdge.getVertexTo()));
97 if (parentTo != parent) {
98 throw new CriticalPathAlgorithmException("no, the parents of horizontal edges are not always identical... shouldn't they be?"); //$NON-NLS-1$
99 }
100 criticalPath.append(parentTo, new TmfVertex(nextEdge.getVertexTo()), nextEdge.getType());
101 break;
102 case NETWORK:
103 case BLOCKED:
104 List<TmfEdge> links = resolveBlockingBounded(nextEdge, nextEdge.getVertexFrom());
105 Collections.reverse(links);
106 appendPathComponent(criticalPath, graph, currentVertex, links);
107 break;
108 case EPS:
109 if (nextEdge.getDuration() != 0) {
110 throw new CriticalPathAlgorithmException("epsilon duration is not zero " + nextEdge); //$NON-NLS-1$
111 }
112 break;
113 case DEFAULT:
114 throw new CriticalPathAlgorithmException("Illegal link type " + nextEdge.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
115 case UNKNOWN:
116 default:
117 break;
118 }
119 currentVertex = nextVertex;
120 nextEdge = currentVertex.getEdge(EdgeDirection.OUTGOING_HORIZONTAL_EDGE);
121 }
122 return criticalPath;
123 }
125 /** Add the links to the critical path, with currentVertex to glue to */
126 private void appendPathComponent(TmfGraph criticalPath, TmfGraph graph, TmfVertex currentVertex, List<TmfEdge> links) {
127 IGraphWorker currentActor = checkNotNull(graph.getParentOf(currentVertex));
128 if (links.isEmpty()) {
129 /*
130 * The next vertex should not be null, since we glue only after
131 * resolve of the blocking of the edge to that vertex
132 */
133 TmfEdge next = currentVertex.getEdge(EdgeDirection.OUTGOING_HORIZONTAL_EDGE);
134 if (next == null) {
135 return;
136 }
137 criticalPath.append(currentActor, new TmfVertex(next.getVertexTo()), next.getType());
138 return;
139 }
140 // FIXME: assert last actor == currentActor
142 // attach subpath to b1
143 TmfVertex b1 = checkNotNull(criticalPath.getTail(currentActor));
145 // glue head
146 TmfEdge lnk = links.get(0);
147 TmfVertex anchor = null;
148 IGraphWorker objSrc = checkNotNull(graph.getParentOf(lnk.getVertexFrom()));
149 if (objSrc.equals( currentActor)) {
150 anchor = b1;
151 } else {
152 anchor = new TmfVertex(currentVertex);
153 criticalPath.add(objSrc, anchor);
154 b1.linkVertical(anchor);
155 /* fill any gap with UNKNOWN */
156 if (lnk.getVertexFrom().compareTo(anchor) > 0) {
157 anchor = new TmfVertex(lnk.getVertexFrom());
158 TmfEdge edge = checkNotNull(criticalPath.append(objSrc, anchor));
159 edge.setType(TmfEdge.EdgeType.UNKNOWN);
160 }
161 }
163 // glue body
164 TmfEdge prev = null;
165 for (TmfEdge link : links) {
166 // check connectivity
167 if (prev != null && prev.getVertexTo() != link.getVertexFrom()) {
168 anchor = copyLink(criticalPath, graph, anchor, prev.getVertexTo(), link.getVertexFrom(),
169 prev.getVertexTo().getTs(), TmfEdge.EdgeType.DEFAULT);
170 }
171 anchor = copyLink(criticalPath, graph, anchor, link.getVertexFrom(), link.getVertexTo(),
172 link.getVertexTo().getTs(), link.getType());
173 prev = link;
174 }
175 }
177 /**
178 * Resolve a blocking by going through the graph vertically from the
179 * blocking edge
180 *
181 * FIXME: build a tree with partial subpath in order to return the best
182 * path, not the last one traversed
183 *
184 * @param blocking
185 * The blocking edge
186 * @param bound
187 * The vertex that limits the boundary until which to resolve the
188 * blocking
189 * @return The list of non-blocking edges
190 */
191 private List<TmfEdge> resolveBlockingBounded(TmfEdge blocking, TmfVertex bound) {
193 LinkedList<TmfEdge> subPath = new LinkedList<>();
194 TmfVertex junction = findIncoming(blocking.getVertexTo(), EdgeDirection.OUTGOING_HORIZONTAL_EDGE);
195 /* if wake-up source is not found, return empty list */
196 if (junction == null) {
197 return subPath;
198 }
200 TmfEdge down = checkNotNull(junction.getEdge(EdgeDirection.INCOMING_VERTICAL_EDGE));
201 subPath.add(down);
202 TmfVertex vertexFrom = down.getVertexFrom();
204 TmfVertex currentBound = bound.compareTo(blocking.getVertexFrom()) < 0 ? blocking.getVertexFrom() : bound;
206 Stack<TmfVertex> stack = new Stack<>();
207 while (vertexFrom != null && vertexFrom.compareTo(currentBound) > 0) {
208 /* shortcut for down link that goes beyond the blocking */
209 TmfEdge inVerticalEdge = vertexFrom.getEdge(EdgeDirection.INCOMING_VERTICAL_EDGE);
210 if (inVerticalEdge != null && inVerticalEdge.getVertexFrom().compareTo(currentBound) <= 0) {
211 subPath.add(inVerticalEdge);
212 break;
213 }
215 /**
216 * Add DOWN links to explore stack in case dead-end occurs. Here is
217 * an example to illustrate the procedure.
218 *
219 * <pre>
220  *           -------------------------
221  *            BLOCKED    | PREEMPT
222  *           -------------------------
223  *                       ^
224  *                       |WAKE-UP
225  *                       |
226  *         +--------------------+
227  * +-------+      INTERRUPT     +--------+
228  *         +--------------------+
229  *           ^   ^   |       ^
230  *           |   |   |       |
231  *           +   +   v       +
232  *           1   2   3       4
233 * </pre>
234 *
235 * The event wake-up is followed backward. The edge 4 will never be
236 * visited (it cannot be the cause of the wake-up, because it occurs
237 * after it). The edge 3 will not be explored, because it is
238 * outgoing. The edges 2 and 1 will be pushed on the stack. When the
239 * beginning of the interrupt is reached, then the edges on the
240 * stack will be explored.
241 *
242 * If a dead-end is reached, while the stack is not empty, the
243 * accumulated path is rewinded, and a different incoming edge is
244 * tried. The backward traversal ends if there is nothing left to
245 * explore, or if the start of the blocking window start is reached.
246 *
247 * Do not add if left is BLOCKED, because this link would be visited
248 * twice
249 */
250 TmfEdge incomingEdge = vertexFrom.getEdge(EdgeDirection.INCOMING_HORIZONTAL_EDGE);
251 if (inVerticalEdge != null &&
252 (incomingEdge == null ||
253 incomingEdge.getType() != TmfEdge.EdgeType.BLOCKED ||
254 incomingEdge.getType() != TmfEdge.EdgeType.NETWORK)) {
255 stack.push(vertexFrom);
256 }
257 if (incomingEdge != null) {
258 if (incomingEdge.getType() == TmfEdge.EdgeType.BLOCKED || incomingEdge.getType() == TmfEdge.EdgeType.NETWORK) {
259 subPath.addAll(resolveBlockingBounded(incomingEdge, currentBound));
260 } else {
261 subPath.add(incomingEdge);
262 }
263 vertexFrom = incomingEdge.getVertexFrom();
264 } else {
265 if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
266 TmfVertex v = stack.pop();
267 /* rewind subpath */
268 while (!subPath.isEmpty() && subPath.getLast().getVertexFrom() != v) {
269 subPath.removeLast();
270 }
271 TmfEdge edge = v.getEdge(EdgeDirection.INCOMING_VERTICAL_EDGE);
272 if (edge != null) {
273 subPath.add(edge);
274 vertexFrom = edge.getVertexFrom();
275 continue;
276 }
277 }
278 vertexFrom = null;
279 }
281 }
282 return subPath;
283 }
285 }
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