Reorganized GDB tests - base
[deliverable/binutils-gdb.git] / gdb / testsuite / gdb.base / funcargs.c
1 /* Test passing of arguments to functions. Use various sorts of arguments,
2 including basic types, pointers to those types, structures, lots of
3 args, etc, in various combinations. */
5 /* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file. */
6 #ifdef __GNUC__
7 # define alloca __builtin_alloca
8 # define HAVE_STACK_ALLOCA 1
9 #else /* not __GNUC__ */
10 # ifdef _AIX
11 #pragma alloca
12 # define HAVE_STACK_ALLOCA 1
13 # else /* Not AIX */
14 # ifdef sparc
15 # include <alloca.h>
16 # define HAVE_STACK_ALLOCA 1
17 char *alloca ();
18 # endif /* sparc */
19 # endif /* Not AIX */
20 #endif /* not __GNUC__ */
22 char c = 'a';
23 char *cp = &c;
25 unsigned char uc = 'b';
26 unsigned char *ucp = &uc;
28 short s = 1;
29 short *sp = &s;
31 unsigned short us = 6;
32 unsigned short *usp = &us;
34 int i = 2;
35 int *ip = &i;
37 unsigned int ui = 7;
38 unsigned int *uip = &ui;
40 long l = 3;
41 long *lp = &l;
43 unsigned long ul = 8;
44 unsigned long *ulp = &ul;
46 float f = 4.0;
47 float *fp = &f;
49 double d = 5.0;
50 double *dp = &d;
52 struct stag {
53 int s1;
54 int s2;
55 } st = { 101, 102 };
56 struct stag *stp = &st;
58 union utag {
59 int u1;
60 long u2;
61 } un;
62 union utag *unp = &un;
64 char carray[] = {'a', 'n', ' ', 'a', 'r', 'r', 'a', 'y', '\0'};
67 /* Test various permutations and interleaving of integral arguments */
70 call0a (c, s, i, l)
71 char c; short s; int i; long l;
72 {
73 c = 'a';
74 s = 5;
75 i = 6;
76 l = 7;
77 }
79 call0b (s, i, l, c)
80 short s; int i; long l; char c;
81 {
82 s = 6; i = 7; l = 8; c = 'j';
83 }
85 call0c (i, l, c, s)
86 int i; long l; char c; short s;
87 {
88 i = 3; l = 4; c = 'k'; s = 5;
89 }
91 call0d (l, c, s, i)
92 long l; char c; short s; int i;
93 {
94 l = 7; c = 'z'; s = 8; i = 9;
95 }
97 call0e (c1, l, c2, i, c3, s, c4, c5)
98 char c1; long l; char c2; int i; char c3; short s; char c4; char c5;
99 {
100 c1 = 'a'; l = 5; c2 = 'b'; i = 7; c3 = 'c'; s = 7; c4 = 'f'; c5 = 'g';
101 }
104 /* Test various permutations and interleaving of unsigned integral arguments */
107 call1a (uc, us, ui, ul)
108 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
109 {
110 uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
111 }
113 call1b (us, ui, ul, uc)
114 unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc;
115 {
116 uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
117 }
119 call1c (ui, ul, uc, us)
120 unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us;
121 {
122 uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
123 }
125 call1d (ul, uc, us, ui)
126 unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui;
127 {
128 uc = 5; us = 6; ui = 7; ul = 8;
129 }
131 call1e (uc1, ul, uc2, ui, uc3, us, uc4, uc5)
132 unsigned char uc1; unsigned long ul; unsigned char uc2; unsigned int ui;
133 unsigned char uc3; unsigned short us; unsigned char uc4; unsigned char uc5;
134 {
135 uc1 = 5; ul = 7; uc2 = 8; ui = 9; uc3 = 10; us = 11; uc4 = 12; uc5 = 55;
136 }
138 /* Test various permutations and interleaving of integral arguments with
139 floating point arguments. */
142 call2a (c, f1, s, d1, i, f2, l, d2)
143 char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2;
144 {
145 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
146 }
148 call2b (f1, s, d1, i, f2, l, d2, c)
149 float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c;
150 {
151 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
152 }
154 call2c (s, d1, i, f2, l, d2, c, f1)
155 short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1;
156 {
157 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
158 }
160 call2d (d1, i, f2, l, d2, c, f1, s)
161 double d1; int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s;
162 {
163 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
164 }
166 call2e (i, f2, l, d2, c, f1, s, d1)
167 int i; float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1;
168 {
169 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
170 }
172 call2f (f2, l, d2, c, f1, s, d1, i)
173 float f2; long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i;
174 {
175 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
176 }
178 call2g (l, d2, c, f1, s, d1, i, f2)
179 long l; double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2;
180 {
181 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
182 }
184 call2h (d2, c, f1, s, d1, i, f2, l)
185 double d2; char c; float f1; short s; double d1; int i; float f2; long l;
186 {
187 c = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; s = 5; d1 = 0.0; i = 6; f2 = 0.1; l = 7; d2 = 0.2;
188 }
190 call2i (c1, f1, c2, c3, d1, c4, c5, c6, f2, s, c7, d2)
191 char c1; float f1; char c2; char c3; double d1; char c4; char c5; char c6;
192 float f2; short s; char c7; double d2;
193 {
194 c1 = 'a'; f1 = 0.0; c2 = 5; d1 = 0.0; c3 = 6; f2 = 0.1; c4 = 7; d2 = 0.2;
195 c5 = 's'; c6 = 'f'; c7 = 'z'; s = 77;
196 }
199 /* Test pointers to various integral and floating types. */
202 call3a (cp, sp, ip, lp)
203 char *cp; short *sp; int *ip; long *lp;
204 {
205 cp = 0; sp = 0; ip = 0; lp = 0;
206 }
208 call3b (ucp, usp, uip, ulp)
209 unsigned char *ucp; unsigned short *usp; unsigned int *uip;
210 unsigned long *ulp;
211 {
212 ucp = 0; usp = 0; uip = 0; ulp = 0;
213 }
215 call3c (fp, dp)
216 float *fp; double *dp;
217 {
218 fp = 0; dp = 0;
219 }
222 /* Test passing structures and unions by reference. */
225 call4a (stp)
226 struct stag *stp; {
227 stp = 0;}
229 call4b (unp)
230 union utag *unp;
231 {
232 unp = 0;
233 }
236 /* Test passing structures and unions by value. */
239 call5a (st)
240 struct stag st; {st.s1 = 5;}
242 call5b (un)
243 union utag un; {un.u1 = 7;}
246 /* Test shuffling of args */
249 call6a (c, s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
250 char c; short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
251 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
252 {
253 c = c;
254 call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
255 }
257 call6b (s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
258 short s; int i; long l; float f; double d;
259 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
260 {
261 s = s;
262 call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
263 }
265 call6c (i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
266 int i; long l; float f; double d;
267 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
268 {
269 i = i;
270 call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
271 }
273 call6d (l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
274 long l; float f; double d;
275 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
276 {
277 l = l;
278 call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
279 }
281 call6e (f, d, uc, us, ui, ul)
282 float f; double d;
283 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
284 {
285 f = f;
286 call6f (d, uc, us, ui, ul);
287 }
289 call6f (d, uc, us, ui, ul)
290 double d;
291 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
292 {
293 d = d;
294 call6g (uc, us, ui, ul);
295 }
297 call6g (uc, us, ui, ul)
298 unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
299 {
300 uc = uc;
301 call6h (us, ui, ul);
302 }
304 call6h (us, ui, ul)
305 unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
306 {
307 us = us;
308 call6i (ui, ul);
309 }
311 call6i (ui, ul)
312 unsigned int ui; unsigned long ul;
313 {
314 ui = ui;
315 call6j (ul);
316 }
318 call6j (ul)
319 unsigned long ul;
320 {
321 ul = ul;
322 call6k ();
323 }
325 call6k ()
326 {
327 }
330 /* Test shuffling of args, round robin */
333 call7a (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
334 char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui;
335 {
336 call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c);
337 }
339 call7b (i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c)
340 int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c;
341 {
342 call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i);
343 }
345 call7c (s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i)
346 short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i;
347 {
348 call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s);
349 }
351 call7d (l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s)
352 long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s;
353 {
354 call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l);
355 }
357 call7e (f, uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l)
358 float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l;
359 {
360 call7f (uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f);
361 }
363 call7f (uc, d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f)
364 unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f;
365 {
366 call7g (d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc);
367 }
369 call7g (d, us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc)
370 double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc;
371 {
372 call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d);
373 }
375 call7h (us, ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d)
376 unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d;
377 {
378 call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us);
379 }
381 call7i (ul, ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us)
382 unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us;
383 {
384 call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul);
385 }
387 call7j (ui, c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul)
388 unsigned int ui; char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul;
389 {
390 call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui);
391 }
393 call7k (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui)
394 char c; int i; short s; long l; float f; unsigned char uc; double d; unsigned short us; unsigned long ul; unsigned int ui;
395 {
396 c = 'a'; i = 7; s = 8; l = 7; f = 0.3; uc = 44; d = 0.44; us = 77;
397 ul = 43; ui = 33;
398 }
401 /* Test printing of structures passed as arguments to recursive functions. */
404 typedef struct s
405 {
406 short s;
407 int i;
408 long l;
409 } SVAL;
411 hitbottom ()
412 {
413 }
415 void recurse (a, depth)
416 SVAL a;
417 int depth;
418 {
419 a.s = a.i = a.l = --depth;
420 if (depth == 0)
421 hitbottom ();
422 else
423 recurse (a, depth);
424 }
426 test_struct_args ()
427 {
428 SVAL s; s.s = 5; s.i = 5; s.l = 5;
430 recurse (s, 5);
431 }
433 /* On various machines (pa, 29k, and rs/6000, at least), a function which
434 calls alloca may do things differently with respect to frames. So give
435 it a try. */
437 int
438 localvars_after_alloca (c, s, i, l)
439 char c;
440 short s;
441 int i;
442 long l;
443 {
445 /* No need to use the alloca.c alloca-on-top-of-malloc; it doesn't
446 test what we are looking for, so if we don't have an alloca which
447 allocates on the stack, just don't bother to call alloca at all. */
449 char *z = alloca (s + 50);
450 #endif
451 c = 'a';
452 s = 5;
453 i = 6;
454 l = 7;
455 }
456 \f
458 /* The point behind this test is the PA will call this indirectly
459 through dyncall. Unlike the indirect calls to call0a, this test
460 will require a trampoline between dyncall and this function on the
461 call path, then another trampoline on between this function and main
462 on the return path. */
463 double
464 call_with_trampolines (d1)
465 double d1;
466 {
467 return d1;
468 } /* End of call_with_trampolines, this comment is needed by funcargs.exp */
470 /* Dummy functions which the testsuite can use to run to, etc. */
472 void
473 marker_indirect_call () {}
475 void
476 marker_call_with_trampolines () {}
477 \f
478 main ()
479 {
480 int (*pointer_to_call0a) () = call0a;
481 double (*pointer_to_call_with_trampolines) () = call_with_trampolines;
483 /* Test calling with basic integer types */
484 call0a (c, s, i, l);
485 call0b (s, i, l, c);
486 call0c (i, l, c, s);
487 call0d (l, c, s, i);
488 call0e (c, l, c, i, c, s, c, c);
490 /* Test calling with unsigned integer types */
491 call1a (uc, us, ui, ul);
492 call1b (us, ui, ul, uc);
493 call1c (ui, ul, uc, us);
494 call1d (ul, uc, us, ui);
495 call1e (uc, ul, uc, ui, uc, us, uc, uc);
497 /* Test calling with integral types mixed with floating point types */
498 call2a (c, f, s, d, i, f, l, d);
499 call2b (f, s, d, i, f, l, d, c);
500 call2c (s, d, i, f, l, d, c, f);
501 call2d (d, i, f, l, d, c, f, s);
502 call2e (i, f, l, d, c, f, s, d);
503 call2f (f, l, d, c, f, s, d, i);
504 call2g (l, d, c, f, s, d, i, f);
505 call2h (d, c, f, s, d, i, f, l);
506 call2i (c, f, c, c, d, c, c, c, f, s, c, d);;
508 /* Test dereferencing pointers to various integral and floating types */
510 call3a (cp, sp, ip, lp);
511 call3b (ucp, usp, uip, ulp);
512 call3c (fp, dp);
514 /* Test dereferencing pointers to structs and unions */
516 call4a (stp);
517 un.u1 = 1;
518 call4b (unp);
520 /* Test calling with structures and unions. */
522 call5a (st);
523 un.u1 = 2;
524 call5b (un);
526 /* Test shuffling of args */
528 call6a (c, s, i, l, f, d, uc, us, ui, ul);
529 call7a (c, i, s, l, f, uc, d, us, ul, ui);
531 /* Test passing structures recursively. */
533 test_struct_args ();
535 localvars_after_alloca (c, s, i, l);
537 /* This is for localvars_in_indirect_call. */
538 marker_indirect_call ();
539 /* The comment on the following two lines is used by funcargs.exp,
540 don't change it. */
541 (*pointer_to_call0a) (c, s, i, l); /* First step into call0a. */
542 (*pointer_to_call0a) (c, s, i, l); /* Second step into call0a. */
543 marker_call_with_trampolines ();
544 (*pointer_to_call_with_trampolines) (d); /* Test multiple trampolines. */
545 }
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