Initial creation of sourceware repository
[deliverable/binutils-gdb.git] / gdb / testsuite / gdb.hp / quicksort.c
1 /* BeginSourceFile quicksort.c
3 This file is take from the DDE test system. It spawns six
4 threads to do a sort of an array of random numbers.
6 The locations marked "quick N" are used in the test "quicksort.exp".
8 The locations marked "att N" are used in the test "attach.exp".
10 To compile:
12 cc -Ae +DA1.0 -g -o quicksort -lpthread quicksort.c
14 To run:
16 quicksort --normal run
17 quicksort 1 --waits before starting to allow attach
18 */
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <assert.h>
24 #include <pthread.h>
26 #define TRUE 1
27 #define FALSE 0
28 #define SORTSET 100000
30 /* Uncomment to turn on debugging output */
31 /* #define QUICK_DEBUG */
33 /* Uncomment to turn on wait on each thread create */
34 /* #define THREAD_WAIT */
36 /* Fewer than SORT_DIRECT items are sorted with an insertion sort. */
37 #define SORT_DIRECT 20
39 /* Work at this depth or less generates a separate work item. */
40 #define DEFER_DEPTH 6
42 /* Workpile controller */
43 typedef void (*work_proc_t)(void *);
45 typedef struct workpile_struct {
46 pthread_mutex_t lock; /* mutex for this structure */
47 pthread_cond_t work_wait; /* workers waiting for work */
48 pthread_cond_t finish_wait; /* to wait for workers to finish */
49 int max_pile; /* length of workpile array */
50 work_proc_t worker_proc; /* work procedure */
51 int n_working; /* number of workers working */
52 int n_waiting; /* number of workers waiting for work */
53 int n_pile; /* number of pointers in the workpile */
54 int inp; /* FIFO input pointer */
55 int outp; /* FIFO output pointer */
56 void *pile[1]; /* array of pointers - the workpile */
57 } *workpile_t;
59 typedef struct {
60 float *data; /* Array to sort */
61 int n; /* Number of elements in the array */
62 int depth; /* Depth of recursion */
63 workpile_t wp; /* Workpile to use */
64 } quick_sort_args;
66 /* True if waiting for attach.
67 */
68 int wait_here = FALSE;
70 static workpile_t quick_sort_workpile = NULL;
72 void *worker(void * wptr);
74 /* Allocates and initializes a workpile that holds max_pile entries.
75 * worker_proc is called to process each work item on the queue.
76 */
77 workpile_t
78 work_init(int max_pile, work_proc_t worker_proc, int n_threads)
79 {
80 int err;
81 pthread_t t;
82 workpile_t wp = (workpile_t)
83 malloc(sizeof (struct workpile_struct) +
84 (max_pile * sizeof (void *)));
86 if (wp != NULL) {
87 pthread_mutex_init(&wp->lock, NULL);
88 pthread_cond_init(&wp->work_wait, NULL);
89 pthread_cond_init(&wp->finish_wait, NULL);
90 wp->max_pile = max_pile;
91 wp->worker_proc = worker_proc;
92 wp->n_working = wp->n_waiting = wp->n_pile = 0;
93 wp->inp = wp->outp = 0;
94 while (n_threads--) {
95 err = pthread_create(&t, NULL,
96 worker, (void *)&wp);
97 #ifdef QUICK_DEBUG
98 printf( "== Quicksort: created new thread\n" );
99 #ifdef THREAD_WAIT
100 if( n_threads > 0 ) {
101 int i;
102 printf( "== Quicksort: waiting on user input of an integer\n" );
103 scanf( "%d", &i );
104 printf( "== Quicksort: continuing with quicksort\n" );
105 }
106 #endif
107 #endif
109 assert(err == 0); /* quick 1 */
110 }
111 /* All the threads have now been created.
112 */
113 assert( n_threads == -1 ); /* att 1 */
114 if( wait_here ) {
115 #ifdef QUICK_DEBUG
116 printf( "== Quicksort: waiting for attach\n" );
117 #endif
118 sleep( 25 );
119 }
120 wait_here = 99; /* att 2, otherwise useless */
121 }
122 return (wp); /* quick 2 */
123 }
125 /*
126 * Worker thread routine. Continuously looks for work, calls the
127 * worker_proc associated with the workpile to do work.
128 */
129 void *
130 worker(void * wptr)
131 {
132 workpile_t wp;
133 void *ptr;
135 wp = * (workpile_t *) wptr;
137 pthread_mutex_lock(&wp->lock);
138 wp->n_working++;
139 for (;;) {
140 while (wp->n_pile == 0) { /* wait for new work */
141 if (--wp->n_working == 0)
142 pthread_cond_signal(&wp->finish_wait);
143 wp->n_waiting++;
144 pthread_cond_wait(&wp->work_wait, &wp->lock);
145 wp->n_waiting--; /* quick 3 */
146 wp->n_working++;
147 }
148 wp->n_pile--;
149 ptr = wp->pile[wp->outp];
150 wp->outp = (wp->outp + 1) % wp->max_pile;
151 pthread_mutex_unlock(&wp->lock);
152 /* Call application worker routine. */
153 (*wp->worker_proc)(ptr);
154 pthread_mutex_lock(&wp->lock); /* quick 4 */
155 }
156 /* NOTREACHED */
157 }
159 /* Puts ptr in workpile. Called at the outset, or within a worker. */
160 void
161 work_put(workpile_t wp, void *ptr)
162 {
163 pthread_mutex_lock(&wp->lock);
164 if (wp->n_waiting) {
165 /* idle workers to be awakened */
166 pthread_cond_signal(&wp->work_wait);
167 }
168 assert(wp->n_pile != wp->max_pile); /* check for room */
169 wp->n_pile++;
170 wp->pile[wp->inp] = ptr;
171 wp->inp = (wp->inp + 1) % wp->max_pile;
172 pthread_mutex_unlock(&wp->lock);
173 }
176 /* Wait until all work is done and workers quiesce. */
177 void
178 work_wait(workpile_t wp)
179 {
180 pthread_mutex_lock(&wp->lock);
181 while(wp->n_pile !=0 || wp->n_working != 0)
182 pthread_cond_wait(&wp->finish_wait, &wp->lock);
183 pthread_mutex_unlock(&wp->lock);
184 }
186 void
187 quick_sort_aux(float *data, int n, int depth, workpile_t wp, int deferrable)
188 {
189 int i,j;
191 /* If array small, use insertion sort */
192 if (n <= SORT_DIRECT) {
193 for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
194 /* data[0..j-1] in sort; find a spot for data[j] */
195 float key = data[j];
196 for (i = j - 1; i >= 0 && key < data[i]; i--)
197 data[i+1] = data[i];
198 data[i+1] = key;
199 }
200 return;
201 }
202 /* Defer this work to work queue if policy says so */
203 if (deferrable && depth <= DEFER_DEPTH) {
204 quick_sort_args *q = (quick_sort_args *)
205 malloc(sizeof (quick_sort_args));
206 assert(q != NULL);
207 q->data = data; q->n = n; q->depth = depth; q->wp = wp;
208 work_put(wp, (void *)q);
209 return;
210 }
211 /* Otherwise, partition data based on a median estimate */
212 #define swap(i,j) {float t = data[i]; data[i] = data[j]; data[j] = t;}
213 i = 0;
214 j = n - 1;
215 for (;;) {
216 while (data[i] < data[j]) j--;
217 if (i >= j) break;
218 swap(i, j); i++;
219 while (data[i] < data[j]) i++;
220 if (i >= j) { i = j; break; }
221 swap(i, j); j--;
222 }
223 /* Median value is now at data[i] */
224 /* Partitioned so that data[0..i-1] <= median <= data[i+1..n-1] */
225 quick_sort_aux(data, i, depth+1, wp, TRUE);
226 quick_sort_aux(&data[i+1], n-i-1, depth+1, wp, TRUE);
227 }
228 /* Called from workpile controller with argument pointing to work. */
229 void
230 quick_sort_worker(void *a)
231 {
232 quick_sort_args *q = (quick_sort_args *)a;
233 quick_sort_aux(q->data, q->n, q->depth, q->wp, FALSE);
234 free(q);
235 }
236 /* Main routine, called by client to do a sort. */
237 void
238 quick_sort(float *data, int n)
239 {
240 if (quick_sort_workpile == NULL) {
241 int n_threads = 6;
242 quick_sort_workpile = work_init(2 << DEFER_DEPTH,
243 quick_sort_worker, n_threads);
244 assert(quick_sort_workpile != NULL);
245 }
247 quick_sort_aux(data, n, 0, quick_sort_workpile, FALSE);
249 /* Wait for all work to finish */
250 work_wait(quick_sort_workpile);
252 #ifdef QUICK_DEBUG
253 printf( "== Quicksort: done sorting\n" );
254 #endif
255 }
258 main( argc, argv )
259 int argc;
260 char **argv;
261 {
262 float data[SORTSET];
263 int i; int debugging = 0;
265 if((argc > 1) && (0 != argv )) {
266 if( 1 == atoi( argv[1] ) )
267 wait_here = TRUE;
268 }
270 for(i = 0; i < SORTSET; i++)
271 data[SORTSET -1 -i] = drand48();
273 for(i = 0; i < SORTSET; i++)
274 if (debugging)
275 printf("data[%d] = %f\n", i, data[i]);
277 quick_sort(data, SORTSET);
278 for(i = 0; i < SORTSET; i++)
279 if (debugging)
280 printf("data[%d] = %f\n", i, data[i]);
282 return(0);
283 }
284 /* EndSourceFile */
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