[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / lttng / org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / lttng2 / control / ui / swtbot / tests / ControlViewLoggerTest.java
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
5 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8 *******************************************************************************/
10 package org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.control.ui.swtbot.tests;
12 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
14 import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotView;
15 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotMenu;
16 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
17 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTree;
18 import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotTreeItem;
19 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.lttng2.control.core.model.TraceDomainType;
20 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.lttng2.control.core.model.TraceSessionState;
21 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.lttng2.control.ui.views.ControlView;
22 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.shared.ConditionHelpers;
23 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.shared.SWTBotUtils;
24 import org.junit.Test;
26 /**
27 * Test for the Control view in Trace Compass. This will test the different logger domain.
28 *
29 * @author Bruno Roy
30 */
31 public class ControlViewLoggerTest extends ControlViewTest {
33 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // Constants
35 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 private static final String TEST_STREAM = "CreateSessionTestLTTng2_8.cfg";
37 private static final String CREATE_SESSION_JUL_SCENARIO_NAME = "JulLogger";
38 private static final String CREATE_SESSION_LOG4J_SCENARIO_NAME = "Log4jLogger";
39 private static final String CREATE_SESSION_PYTHON_SCENARIO_NAME = "PythonLogger";
41 private static final String SESSION_NAME = "mysession";
42 private static final String PROPERTIES_VIEW = "Properties";
43 private static final String LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "Log Level";
45 @Override
46 protected String getTestStream() {
47 return TEST_STREAM;
48 }
50 @Override
51 protected String getSessionName() {
52 return SESSION_NAME;
53 }
55 /**
56 * Testing the trace session tree.
57 */
58 @Override
59 @Test
60 public void testTraceSessionTree() {
62 fProxy.setTestFile(fTestFile);
63 fProxy.setScenario(INIT_SCENARIO_NAME);
64 testConnectToNode();
66 // Enable JUL loggers
68 testCreateSession();
69 testEnableLoggers(TraceDomainType.JUL);
70 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.ACTIVE);
71 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.INACTIVE);
72 // Verify that the Properties view shows to right logger log level
73 testLoggerProperties(TraceDomainType.JUL);
75 // Enable LOG4J loggers
77 testEnableLoggers(TraceDomainType.LOG4J);
78 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.ACTIVE);
79 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.INACTIVE);
80 // Verify that the Properties view shows to right logger log level
81 testLoggerProperties(TraceDomainType.LOG4J);
83 // Enable Python loggers
85 testEnableLoggers(TraceDomainType.PYTHON);
86 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.ACTIVE);
87 testStartStopTracing(TraceSessionState.INACTIVE);
88 // Verify that the Properties view shows to right logger log level
89 testLoggerProperties(TraceDomainType.PYTHON);
91 // Clean session
92 testDestroySession();
93 testDisconnectFromNode();
94 }
96 /**
97 * Enable loggers with different log level and log level type
98 *
99 * @param domain
100 * the logger domain to test
101 */
102 protected void testEnableLoggers(TraceDomainType domain) {
103 String domainName = new String();
104 String logLevel = new String();
105 switch (domain) {
106 case JUL:
107 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.JUL_DOMAIN_NAME;
108 logLevel = "Warning";
109 break;
110 case LOG4J:
111 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOG4J_DOMAIN_NAME;
112 logLevel = "Fatal";
113 break;
114 case PYTHON:
115 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.PYTHON_DOMAIN_NAME;
116 logLevel = "Critical";
117 break;
119 default:
120 break;
121 }
122 // Case 1: Enabling all loggers
123 // Getting the 'Sessions' tree
124 SWTBotTreeItem sessionItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
125 getNodeName(),
126 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
127 getSessionName());
128 sessionItem.select();
130 // Clicking on the 'Enable Event (default channel)...'
131 SWTBotMenu menuBot = sessionItem.contextMenu(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MENU_ITEM);
132 menuBot.click();
134 SWTBotShell shell = fBot.shell(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DIALOG_TITLE).activate();
136 // Switching to the logger domain
137 shell.bot().radioInGroup(domainName, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DOMAIN_GROUP_NAME).click();
139 // Selecting all loggers
140 SWTBotTree loggersTree = shell.bot().treeInGroup(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGERS_GROUP_NAME);
141 SWTBotTreeItem treeItem = loggersTree.getTreeItem(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE);
142 treeItem.check();
144 // Click the Ok at the bottom of the dialog window
145 shell.bot().button(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DIALOG_OK_BUTTON).click();
146 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
147 fBot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.IsTreeChildNodeAvailable(domainName, sessionItem));
149 // Assert that the domain is correct
150 SWTBotTreeItem domainItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
151 getNodeName(),
152 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
153 getSessionName(),
154 domainName);
155 assertEquals(domainName, domainItem.getText());
157 // Assert that the logger type in the domain node are correct (all events = *)
158 SWTBotTreeItem loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
159 getNodeName(),
160 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
161 getSessionName(),
162 domainName,
163 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_EVENTS_NAME);
164 assertEquals(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_EVENTS_NAME, loggerItem.getText());
166 // Case 2: Enabling a specific logger with no particular log level
167 sessionItem.select();
168 menuBot = sessionItem.contextMenu(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MENU_ITEM);
169 menuBot.click();
170 shell = fBot.shell(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DIALOG_TITLE).activate();
171 shell.bot().radioInGroup(domainName, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DOMAIN_GROUP_NAME).click();
172 loggersTree = shell.bot().treeInGroup(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGERS_GROUP_NAME);
173 // Expand the "All" and "All - application name" node
174 SWTBotTreeItem allItem = loggersTree.getTreeItem(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE);
175 allItem.expand();
176 allItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, loggersTree, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGER_APPLICATION_NAME);
177 allItem.expand();
178 treeItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, loggersTree,
179 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE,
181 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGER_NAME);
182 treeItem.check();
184 // Click the Ok at the bottom of the dialog window
185 shell.bot().button(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DIALOG_OK_BUTTON).click();
186 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
187 fBot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.IsTreeChildNodeAvailable(domainName, sessionItem));
189 // Assert that the domain is correct
190 domainItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
191 getNodeName(),
192 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
193 getSessionName(),
194 domainName);
195 assertEquals(domainName, domainItem.getText());
197 // Assert that the logger type in the domain node are correct (all events = *)
198 loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
199 getNodeName(),
200 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
201 getSessionName(),
202 domainName,
203 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGER_NAME);
204 assertEquals(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGER_NAME, loggerItem.getText());
206 // Case 3: Enabling a specific logger with a log level
207 sessionItem.select();
208 menuBot = sessionItem.contextMenu(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MENU_ITEM);
209 menuBot.click();
210 shell = fBot.shell(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DIALOG_TITLE).activate();
211 shell.bot().radioInGroup(domainName, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DOMAIN_GROUP_NAME).click();
212 loggersTree = shell.bot().treeInGroup(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGERS_GROUP_NAME);
213 // Expand the "All" and "All - application name" node
214 allItem = loggersTree.getTreeItem(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE);
215 allItem.expand();
216 allItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, loggersTree, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE, "All - ./client_bin/challenger [PID=14237] (With logger)");
217 allItem.expand();
218 treeItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, loggersTree, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ALL_TREE_NODE, "All - ./client_bin/challenger [PID=14237] (With logger)", ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ANOTHER_LOGGER_NAME);
219 treeItem.check();
220 // Select a log level
221 shell.bot().checkBoxInGroup(LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME).select();
222 shell.bot().ccomboBoxInGroup(LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME).setSelection(logLevel);
223 // Click the Ok at the bottom of the dialog window
224 shell.bot().button(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DIALOG_OK_BUTTON).click();
225 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
226 fBot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.IsTreeChildNodeAvailable(domainName, sessionItem));
228 // Assert that the domain is correct
229 domainItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
230 getNodeName(),
231 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
232 getSessionName(),
233 domainName);
234 assertEquals(domainName, domainItem.getText());
236 // Assert that the logger type in the domain node are correct (all events = *)
237 loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
238 getNodeName(),
239 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
240 getSessionName(),
241 domainName,
242 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ANOTHER_LOGGER_NAME);
243 assertEquals(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ANOTHER_LOGGER_NAME, loggerItem.getText());
245 // Case 4: Enabling a logger by specifying the name
246 sessionItem.select();
247 menuBot = sessionItem.contextMenu(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MENU_ITEM);
248 menuBot.click();
249 shell = fBot.shell(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ENABLE_EVENT_DIALOG_TITLE).activate();
250 shell.bot().radioInGroup(domainName, ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DOMAIN_GROUP_NAME).click();
251 loggersTree = shell.bot().treeInGroup(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGERS_GROUP_NAME);
252 // Write a logger name in the Specific logger text field
253 shell.bot().textInGroup("Specific logger").setText(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME1 + "," + ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME2);
254 // Click the Ok at the bottom of the dialog window
255 shell.bot().button(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.DIALOG_OK_BUTTON).click();
256 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
257 fBot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.IsTreeChildNodeAvailable(domainName, sessionItem));
259 // Assert that the domain is correct
260 domainItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
261 getNodeName(),
262 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
263 getSessionName(),
264 domainName);
265 assertEquals(domainName, domainItem.getText());
267 // Assert that the logger type in the domain node are correct (all events = *)
268 loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
269 getNodeName(),
270 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
271 getSessionName(),
272 domainName,
273 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME1);
274 assertEquals(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME1, loggerItem.getText());
276 // Assert that the logger type in the domain node are correct (all events = *)
277 loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
278 getNodeName(),
279 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
280 getSessionName(),
281 domainName,
282 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME2);
283 assertEquals(ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SPECIFIC_LOGGER_NAME2, loggerItem.getText());
284 }
286 /**
287 * Test that the Properties view has been update and shows the the right
288 * information.
289 *
290 * @param domain
291 * the logger domain to test
292 */
293 protected void testLoggerProperties(TraceDomainType domain) {
294 String domainName = new String();
295 String logLevel1 = new String();
296 String logLevel2 = new String();
297 switch (domain) {
298 case JUL:
299 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.JUL_DOMAIN_NAME;
300 logLevel1 = "All";
301 logLevel2 = "<= Warning";
302 break;
303 case LOG4J:
304 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOG4J_DOMAIN_NAME;
305 logLevel1 = "All";
306 logLevel2 = "<= Fatal";
307 break;
308 case PYTHON:
309 domainName = ControlViewSwtBotUtil.PYTHON_DOMAIN_NAME;
310 logLevel1 = "Debug";
311 logLevel2 = "<= Critical";
312 break;
314 default:
315 break;
316 }
318 // Open the properties view (by id)
319 SWTBotUtils.openView("org.eclipse.ui.views.PropertySheet");
321 // Case 1: Select the "logger" logger in the Control view
322 fBot.viewById(ControlView.ID).show();
323 SWTBotTreeItem loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
324 getNodeName(),
325 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
326 getSessionName(),
327 domainName,
328 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.LOGGER_NAME);
329 loggerItem.select();
331 // Get a bot and open the Properties view
332 SWTBotView propertiesViewBot = fBot.viewByTitle(PROPERTIES_VIEW);
333 propertiesViewBot.show();
335 // Get the Log Level field in the tree
336 SWTBotTree propertiesViewTree = propertiesViewBot.bot().tree();
337 SWTBotTreeItem loglevelTreeItem = propertiesViewTree.getTreeItem(LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME);
338 // We want the VALUE of the 'Log Level' row so the cell index is 1
339 String loglevelExpression = loglevelTreeItem.cell(1);
341 // Assert that the expression in the Properties view is the same as
342 // the one we entered
343 assertEquals(logLevel1, loglevelExpression);
345 // Case 2: Select the "anotherLogger" logger in the Control view
346 fBot.viewById(ControlView.ID).show();
347 loggerItem = SWTBotUtils.getTreeItem(fBot, fTree,
348 getNodeName(),
349 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.SESSION_GROUP_NAME,
350 getSessionName(),
351 domainName,
352 ControlViewSwtBotUtil.ANOTHER_LOGGER_NAME);
353 loggerItem.select();
355 // Get a bot and open the Properties view
356 propertiesViewBot = fBot.viewByTitle(PROPERTIES_VIEW);
357 propertiesViewBot.show();
359 // Get the Log Level field in the tree
360 propertiesViewTree = propertiesViewBot.bot().tree();
361 loglevelTreeItem = propertiesViewTree.getTreeItem(LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME);
362 // We want the VALUE of the 'Log Level' row so the cell index is 1
363 loglevelExpression = loglevelTreeItem.cell(1);
365 // Assert that the expression in the Properties view is the same as
366 // the one we entered
367 assertEquals(logLevel2, loglevelExpression);
369 // Close the Properties view
370 SWTBotUtils.closeView(PROPERTIES_VIEW, fBot);
371 }
373 }
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