ctf: improve testing of EventHeaderDeclaration
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / tmf / core / trace / ITmfTrace.java
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Ericsson, École Polytechnique de Montréal
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
5 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8 *
9 * Contributors:
10 * Francois Chouinard - Initial API and implementation
11 * Francois Chouinard - Updated as per TMF Trace Model 1.0
12 * Geneviève Bastien - Added timestamp transforms and timestamp
13 * creation functions
14 * Patrick Tasse - Add support for folder elements
15 *******************************************************************************/
17 package org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace;
19 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
20 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
21 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
22 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
23 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
24 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.analysis.IAnalysisModule;
25 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.component.ITmfEventProvider;
26 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
27 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.aspect.ITmfEventAspect;
28 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.exceptions.TmfTraceException;
29 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.synchronization.ITmfTimestampTransform;
30 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.timestamp.ITmfTimestamp;
31 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.timestamp.TmfTimeRange;
32 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.indexer.ITmfTraceIndexer;
33 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.location.ITmfLocation;
35 /**
36 * The event stream structure in TMF. In its basic form, a trace has:
37 * <ul>
38 * <li> an associated Eclipse resource
39 * <li> a path to its location on the file system
40 * <li> the type of the events it contains
41 * <li> the number of events it contains
42 * <li> the time range (span) of the events it contains
43 * </ul>
44 * Concrete ITmfTrace classes have to provide a parameter-less constructor and
45 * an initialization method (<i>initTrace</i>) if they are to be opened from the
46 * Project View. Also, a validation method (<i>validate</i>) has to be provided
47 * to ensure that the trace is of the correct type.
48 * <p>
49 * A trace can be accessed simultaneously from multiple threads by various
50 * application components. To avoid obvious multi-threading issues, the trace
51 * uses an ITmfContext as a synchronization aid for its read operations.
52 * <p>
53 * A proper ITmfContext can be obtained by performing a seek operation on the
54 * trace. Seek operations can be performed for a particular event (by rank or
55 * timestamp) or for a plain trace location.
56 * <p>
57 * <b>Example 1</b>: Process a whole trace
58 * <pre>
59 * ITmfContext context = trace.seekEvent(0);
60 * ITmfEvent event = trace.getNext(context);
61 * while (event != null) {
62 * processEvent(event);
63 * event = trace.getNext(context);
64 * }
65 * </pre>
66 * <b>Example 2</b>: Process 50 events starting from the 1000th event
67 * <pre>
68 * int nbEventsRead = 0;
69 * ITmfContext context = trace.seekEvent(1000);
70 * ITmfEvent event = trace.getNext(context);
71 * while (event != null && nbEventsRead < 50) {
72 * nbEventsRead++;
73 * processEvent(event);
74 * event = trace.getNext(context);
75 * }
76 * </pre>
77 * <b>Example 3</b>: Process the events between 2 timestamps (inclusive)
78 * <pre>
79 * ITmfTimestamp startTime = ...;
80 * ITmfTimestamp endTime = ...;
81 * ITmfContext context = trace.seekEvent(startTime);
82 * ITmfEvent event = trace.getNext(context);
83 * while (event != null && event.getTimestamp().compareTo(endTime) <= 0) {
84 * processEvent(event);
85 * event = trace.getNext(context);
86 * }
87 * </pre>
88 *
89 * A trace is also an event provider so it can process event requests
90 * asynchronously (and coalesce compatible, concurrent requests).
91 * <p>
92 *
93 * <b>Example 4</b>: Process a whole trace (see ITmfEventRequest for
94 * variants)
95 * <pre>
96 * ITmfRequest request = new TmfEventRequest&lt;MyEventType&gt;(MyEventType.class) {
97 * &#064;Override
98 * public void handleData(MyEventType event) {
99 * super.handleData(event);
100 * processEvent(event);
101 * }
102 *
103 * &#064;Override
104 * public void handleCompleted() {
105 * finish();
106 * super.handleCompleted();
107 * }
108 * };
109 *
110 * fTrace.handleRequest(request);
111 * if (youWant) {
112 * request.waitForCompletion();
113 * }
114 * </pre>
115 *
116 * @version 1.0
117 * @author Francois Chouinard
118 *
119 * @see ITmfContext
120 * @see ITmfEvent
121 * @see ITmfTraceIndexer
122 * @see ITmfEventParser
123 */
124 public interface ITmfTrace extends ITmfEventProvider {
126 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 // Constants
128 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 /**
131 * The default trace cache size
132 */
133 public static final int DEFAULT_TRACE_CACHE_SIZE = 1000;
135 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 // Initializers
137 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 /**
140 * Initialize a newly instantiated "empty" trace object. This is used to
141 * properly parameterize an ITmfTrace instantiated with its parameterless
142 * constructor.
143 * <p>
144 * Typically, the parameterless constructor will provide the block size and
145 * its associated parser and indexer.
146 *
147 * @param resource
148 * the trace resource
149 * @param path
150 * the trace path. The path should suitable for passing to
151 * <code>java.io.File(String)</code> and should use the
152 * platform-dependent path separator.
153 * @param type
154 * the trace event type
155 * @throws TmfTraceException
156 * If we couldn't open the trace
157 */
158 void initTrace(IResource resource, String path, Class<? extends ITmfEvent> type) throws TmfTraceException;
160 /**
161 * Initialize a newly instantiated "empty" trace object. This is used to
162 * properly parameterize an ITmfTrace instantiated with its parameterless
163 * constructor.
164 * <p>
165 * Typically, the parameterless constructor will provide the block size and
166 * its associated parser and indexer.
167 *
168 * @param resource
169 * the trace resource
170 * @param path
171 * the trace path
172 * @param type
173 * the trace event type
174 * @param name
175 * the trace name
176 * @throws TmfTraceException
177 * If we couldn't open the trace
178 */
179 void initTrace(IResource resource, String path, Class<? extends ITmfEvent> type, String name) throws TmfTraceException;
181 /**
182 * Validate that the trace is of the correct type. The implementation should
183 * return a TraceValidationStatus to indicate success with a certain level
184 * of confidence.
185 *
186 * @param project
187 * the eclipse project
188 * @param path
189 * the trace path. The path should suitable for passing to
190 * <code>java.io.File(String)</code> and should use the
191 * platform-dependent path separator.
192 *
193 * @return an IStatus object with validation result. Use severity OK to
194 * indicate success.
195 * @see TraceValidationStatus
196 * @since 2.0
197 */
198 IStatus validate(IProject project, String path);
200 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 // Basic getters
202 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 /**
205 * @return the trace event type
206 */
207 Class<? extends ITmfEvent> getEventType();
209 /**
210 * @return the associated trace resource
211 */
212 IResource getResource();
214 /**
215 * @return the trace path
216 */
217 String getPath();
219 /**
220 * @return the trace cache size
221 */
222 int getCacheSize();
224 /**
225 * Index the trace. Depending on the trace type, this could be done at the
226 * constructor or initTrace phase too, so this could be implemented as a
227 * no-op.
228 *
229 * @param waitForCompletion
230 * Should we block the caller until indexing is finished, or not.
231 * @since 2.0
232 */
233 void indexTrace(boolean waitForCompletion);
235 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 // Analysis getters
237 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 /**
240 * Returns an analysis module with the given ID.
241 *
242 * @param id
243 * The analysis module ID
244 * @return The {@link IAnalysisModule} object, or null if an analysis with
245 * the given ID does no exist.
246 * @since 3.0
247 */
248 @Nullable
249 IAnalysisModule getAnalysisModule(String id);
251 /**
252 * Get a list of all analysis modules currently available for this trace.
253 *
254 * @return An iterable view of the analysis modules
255 * @since 3.0
256 */
257 @NonNull
258 Iterable<IAnalysisModule> getAnalysisModules();
260 /**
261 * Get an analysis module belonging to this trace, with the specified ID and
262 * class.
263 *
264 * @param moduleClass
265 * Returned modules must extend this class
266 * @param id
267 * The ID of the analysis module
268 * @return The analysis module with specified class and ID, or null if no
269 * such module exists.
270 * @since 3.0
271 */
272 @Nullable
273 <T extends IAnalysisModule> T getAnalysisModuleOfClass(Class<T> moduleClass, String id);
275 /**
276 * Return the analysis modules that are of a given class. Module are already
277 * casted to the requested class.
278 *
279 * @param moduleClass
280 * Returned modules must extend this class
281 * @return List of modules of class moduleClass
282 * @since 3.0
283 */
284 @NonNull
285 <T> Iterable<T> getAnalysisModulesOfClass(Class<T> moduleClass);
287 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 // Aspect getters
289 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 /**
292 * Return the pre-defined set of event aspects exposed by this trace.
293 *
294 * @return The event aspects for this trace
295 */
296 Iterable<ITmfEventAspect> getEventAspects();
298 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 // Trace characteristics getters
300 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 /**
303 * @return the number of events in the trace
304 */
305 long getNbEvents();
307 /**
308 * @return the trace time range
309 * @since 2.0
310 */
311 TmfTimeRange getTimeRange();
313 /**
314 * @return the timestamp of the first trace event
315 * @since 2.0
316 */
317 ITmfTimestamp getStartTime();
319 /**
320 * @return the timestamp of the last trace event
321 * @since 2.0
322 */
323 ITmfTimestamp getEndTime();
325 /**
326 * @return the streaming interval in ms (0 if not a streaming trace)
327 */
328 long getStreamingInterval();
330 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 // Trace positioning getters
332 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 /**
335 * @return the current trace location
336 * @since 3.0
337 */
338 ITmfLocation getCurrentLocation();
340 /**
341 * Returns the ratio (proportion) corresponding to the specified location.
342 *
343 * @param location
344 * a trace specific location
345 * @return a floating-point number between 0.0 (beginning) and 1.0 (end)
346 * @since 3.0
347 */
348 double getLocationRatio(ITmfLocation location);
350 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 // SeekEvent operations (returning a trace context)
352 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 /**
355 * Position the trace at the specified (trace specific) location.
356 * <p>
357 * A null location is interpreted as seeking for the first event of the
358 * trace.
359 * <p>
360 * If not null, the location requested must be valid otherwise the returned
361 * context is undefined (up to the implementation to recover if possible).
362 * <p>
363 *
364 * @param location
365 * the trace specific location
366 * @return a context which can later be used to read the corresponding event
367 * @since 3.0
368 */
369 ITmfContext seekEvent(ITmfLocation location);
371 /**
372 * Position the trace at the 'rank'th event in the trace.
373 * <p>
374 * A rank <= 0 is interpreted as seeking for the first event of the trace.
375 * <p>
376 * If the requested rank is beyond the last trace event, the context
377 * returned will yield a null event if used in a subsequent read.
378 *
379 * @param rank
380 * the event rank
381 * @return a context which can later be used to read the corresponding event
382 */
383 ITmfContext seekEvent(long rank);
385 /**
386 * Position the trace at the first event with the specified timestamp. If
387 * there is no event with the requested timestamp, a context pointing to the
388 * next chronological event is returned.
389 * <p>
390 * A null timestamp is interpreted as seeking for the first event of the
391 * trace.
392 * <p>
393 * If the requested timestamp is beyond the last trace event, the context
394 * returned will yield a null event if used in a subsequent read.
395 *
396 * @param timestamp
397 * the timestamp of desired event
398 * @return a context which can later be used to read the corresponding event
399 * @since 2.0
400 */
401 ITmfContext seekEvent(ITmfTimestamp timestamp);
403 /**
404 * Position the trace at the event located at the specified ratio in the
405 * trace file.
406 * <p>
407 * The notion of ratio (0.0 <= r <= 1.0) is trace specific and left
408 * voluntarily vague. Typically, it would refer to the event proportional
409 * rank (arguably more intuitive) or timestamp in the trace file.
410 *
411 * @param ratio
412 * the proportional 'rank' in the trace
413 * @return a context which can later be used to read the corresponding event
414 */
415 ITmfContext seekEvent(double ratio);
417 /**
418 * Returns the initial range offset
419 *
420 * @return the initial range offset
421 * @since 2.0
422 */
423 ITmfTimestamp getInitialRangeOffset();
425 /**
426 * Returns the ID of the host this trace is from. The host ID is not
427 * necessarily the hostname, but should be a unique identifier for the
428 * machine on which the trace was taken. It can be used to determine if two
429 * traces were taken on the exact same machine (timestamp are already
430 * synchronized, resources with same id are the same if taken at the same
431 * time, etc).
432 *
433 * @return The host id of this trace
434 * @since 3.0
435 */
436 @NonNull String getHostId();
438 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
439 // Timestamp transformation functions
440 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 /**
443 * Returns the timestamp transformation for this trace
444 *
445 * @return the timestamp transform
446 * @since 3.0
447 */
448 ITmfTimestampTransform getTimestampTransform();
450 /**
451 * Sets the trace's timestamp transform
452 *
453 * @param tt
454 * The timestamp transform for all timestamps of this trace
455 * @since 3.0
456 */
457 void setTimestampTransform(final ITmfTimestampTransform tt);
459 /**
460 * Creates a timestamp for this trace, using the transformation formula
461 *
462 * @param ts
463 * The time in nanoseconds with which to create the timestamp
464 * @return The new timestamp
465 * @since 3.0
466 */
467 ITmfTimestamp createTimestamp(long ts);
469 }
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