segstore: remove redundancies in deprecated class
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / releng / scripts /
1 #!/bin/bash
2 ###############################################################################
3 # Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson
4 #
5 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6 # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
8 #
9 ###############################################################################
11 # A script that checks every plugin for modifications since last release
12 # and prompt to bump the micro version if necessary.
13 #
14 # Usage ./ [ignoredCommit1,ignoredCommit2,...]
15 #
16 # Where ignoredcommit is a 7 characters commit hash which will not be
17 # considered in the diffs (useful for big commits that didn't affect code)
18 #
19 # For example ./ 1325468,1325469
21 IFS=', ' read -r -a IGNORED_COMMITS <<< "$1"
23 PREV_RELEASE_VERSION=$(git tag -l | tail -1 | cut -c 2-)
24 echo "Baseline version detected: $PREV_RELEASE_VERSION. If this is wrong, stop the script (Ctrl-C)"
25 read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
27 # Stats for the summary
28 num_new_plugins=0
29 num_bumped_already=0
30 num_bumped=0
31 num_not_bumped=0
32 num_no_bump_needed=0
34 ALL_PLUGIN_PATHS=($(dirname $(dirname $(find ../.. -name "MANIFEST.MF"))))
36 #For each plugin
37 for plugin_path in "${ALL_PLUGIN_PATHS[@]}"; do
39 commit_summary=$(git log --oneline --max-count=1 -- $plugin_path)
40 commit_id=$(echo $commit_summary | awk '{print $1}')
42 # Check if the commit we are about to consider should be ignored
43 # and choose a better one if that's the case.
44 check_ignored_commit=1
45 while [ $check_ignored_commit -eq 1 ]; do
46 check_ignored_commit=0
47 for ignored_commit in "${IGNORED_COMMITS[@]}"; do
48 if [ "$ignored_commit" = "$commit_id" ]
49 then
50 echo Ignoring commit $commit_id
51 commit_summary=$(git log $commit_id~1 --oneline --max-count=1 -- "$plugin_path")
52 commit_id=$(echo $commit_summary | awk '{print $1}')
53 echo New commit: $commit_id
54 check_ignored_commit=1
55 fi
56 done
57 done
59 manifest_diff=$(git diff v$PREV_RELEASE_VERSION -- $plugin_path/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
60 is_new_file=$(echo "$manifest_diff" | grep "\-\-\- /dev/null")
62 # We don't need to do anything for a new pluging that wasn't there
63 # before, the initial version is always good
64 if [[ -n "$is_new_file" ]]
65 then
66 echo "new plugin $plugin_path"
67 num_new_plugins=$((num_new_plugins+1))
68 continue
69 fi
71 old_version=$(echo "$manifest_diff" | grep "\-Bundle-Version" | cut -c 2-)
72 cur_version=$(grep Bundle-Version "$plugin_path/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
74 plugin_diff=$(git diff v$PREV_RELEASE_VERSION $commit_id -- "$plugin_path")
75 # Is the plugin bump needed? Check if the last commit of the plugin matches the previous release tag
76 # or if there was no difference (aside from the ignored commits)
77 tags_containing=$(git tag --contains $commit_id)
78 if [[ -z "$plugin_diff" || ($tags_containing == *"$PREV_RELEASE_VERSION"*) ]]
79 then
80 echo "no update needed $plugin_path ($cur_version)"
81 num_no_bump_needed=$((num_no_bump_needed+1))
82 continue
83 fi
85 # Is the plugin already bumped? Check if versions are different
86 if [[ -n "$old_version" && ("$cur_version" != "$old_version") ]]
87 then
88 echo "bumped already $plugin_path ($old_version -> $cur_version)"
89 num_bumped_already=$((num_bumped_already+1))
90 continue
91 fi
93 # At this point, we have a potential version bump necessary. We will ask the user to decide what to do.
95 cur_major_minor=$(echo $cur_version | sed -rn 's/Bundle-Version:\s([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*).*/\1/p')
96 cur_micro=$(echo $cur_version | sed -rn 's/Bundle-Version:\s[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.([0-9][0-9]*).*/\1/p')
97 next_micro=$cur_micro
98 let next_micro+=1
99 git diff v$PREV_RELEASE_VERSION $commit_id -- "$plugin_path"
100 echo "Might need bump: $plugin_path ($cur_version) ($commit_summary)"
101 while true; do
102 read -p "Bump version from $cur_major_minor.$cur_micro to $cur_major_minor.$next_micro? (y/n) " answer
103 case $answer in
104 [Yy]* ) break;;
105 [Nn]* ) break;;
106 * ) echo "yes (y) or no (n).";;
107 esac
108 done
110 if [[ $answer == "Y" || $answer == "y" ]]
111 then
112 num_bumped=$((num_bumped+1))
113 sed -i -E 's/(Bundle-Version:\s)[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*(.*)/\1'$cur_major_minor.$next_micro'\2/g' "$plugin_path/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
114 else
115 num_not_bumped=$((num_not_bumped+1))
116 fi
117 done
119 # Print a little summary of how the plugins were processed
121 echo Total plugins: ${#ALL_PLUGIN_PATHS[@]}
122 echo New: $num_new_plugins
123 echo Already bumped: $num_bumped_already
124 echo Bumped: $num_bumped
125 echo Not bumped by choice: $num_not_bumped
126 echo No bump needed: $num_no_bump_needed
128 num_processed=$(($num_new_plugins + $num_bumped_already + $num_bumped + $num_not_bumped + $num_no_bump_needed))
129 if [[ $num_processed -ne ${#ALL_PLUGIN_PATHS[@]} ]]
130 then
131 echo "Number of plugins processed mismatch! ($num_processed vs ${#ALL_PLUGIN_PATHS[@]})"
132 else
133 echo "All plugins processed."
134 fi
This page took 0.033782 seconds and 5 git commands to generate.