ss: Add utility method to increment an attribute by a value
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / statesystem / org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / internal / statesystem / core /
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Ericsson
3 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 École Polytechnique de Montréal
4 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Alexandre Montplaisir <>
5 *
6 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
7 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
8 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9 *
10 *
11 * Contributors:
12 * Alexandre Montplaisir - Initial API and implementation
13 * Patrick Tasse - Add message to exceptions
14 *******************************************************************************/
16 package org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.statesystem.core;
18 import;
19 import;
20 import;
21 import java.util.ArrayList;
22 import java.util.Arrays;
23 import java.util.LinkedList;
24 import java.util.List;
25 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
26 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
28 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
29 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
30 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystemBuilder;
31 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.backend.IStateHistoryBackend;
32 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.AttributeNotFoundException;
33 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateSystemDisposedException;
34 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateValueTypeException;
35 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.TimeRangeException;
36 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.interval.ITmfStateInterval;
37 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.statevalue.ITmfStateValue;
38 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.statevalue.ITmfStateValue.Type;
39 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.statevalue.TmfStateValue;
41 /**
42 * This is the core class of the Generic State System. It contains all the
43 * methods to build and query a state history. It's exposed externally through
44 * the IStateSystemQuerier and IStateSystemBuilder interfaces, depending if the
45 * user needs read-only access or read-write access.
46 *
47 * When building, DON'T FORGET to call .closeHistory() when you are done
48 * inserting intervals, or the storage backend will have no way of knowing it
49 * can close and write itself to disk, and its thread will keep running.
50 *
51 * @author alexmont
52 *
53 */
54 public class StateSystem implements ITmfStateSystemBuilder {
56 /* References to the inner structures */
57 private final AttributeTree attributeTree;
58 private final TransientState transState;
59 private final IStateHistoryBackend backend;
61 /* Latch tracking if the state history is done building or not */
62 private final CountDownLatch finishedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
64 private boolean buildCancelled = false;
65 private boolean isDisposed = false;
67 /**
68 * New-file constructor. For when you build a state system with a new file,
69 * or if the back-end does not require a file on disk.
70 *
71 * @param backend
72 * Back-end plugin to use
73 */
74 public StateSystem(@NonNull IStateHistoryBackend backend) {
75 this.backend = backend;
76 this.transState = new TransientState(backend);
77 this.attributeTree = new AttributeTree(this);
78 }
80 /**
81 * General constructor
82 *
83 * @param backend
84 * The "state history storage" back-end to use.
85 * @param newFile
86 * Put true if this is a new history started from scratch. It is
87 * used to tell the state system where to get its attribute tree.
88 * @throws IOException
89 * If there was a problem creating the new history file
90 */
91 public StateSystem(@NonNull IStateHistoryBackend backend, boolean newFile)
92 throws IOException {
93 this.backend = backend;
94 this.transState = new TransientState(backend);
96 if (newFile) {
97 attributeTree = new AttributeTree(this);
98 } else {
99 /* We're opening an existing file */
100 this.attributeTree = new AttributeTree(this, backend.supplyAttributeTreeReader());
101 transState.setInactive();
102 finishedLatch.countDown(); /* The history is already built */
103 }
104 }
106 @Override
107 public String getSSID() {
108 return backend.getSSID();
109 }
111 @Override
112 public boolean isCancelled() {
113 return buildCancelled;
114 }
116 @Override
117 public void waitUntilBuilt() {
118 try {
119 finishedLatch.await();
120 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
121 e.printStackTrace();
122 }
123 }
125 @Override
126 public boolean waitUntilBuilt(long timeout) {
127 boolean ret = false;
128 try {
129 ret = finishedLatch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
130 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
131 e.printStackTrace();
132 }
133 return ret;
134 }
136 @Override
137 public synchronized void dispose() {
138 isDisposed = true;
139 if (transState.isActive()) {
140 transState.setInactive();
141 buildCancelled = true;
142 }
143 backend.dispose();
144 }
146 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 // General methods related to the attribute tree
148 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 /**
151 * Get the attribute tree associated with this state system. This should be
152 * the only way of accessing it (and if subclasses want to point to a
153 * different attribute tree than their own, they should only need to
154 * override this).
155 *
156 * @return The attribute tree
157 */
158 public AttributeTree getAttributeTree() {
159 return attributeTree;
160 }
162 /**
163 * Method used by the attribute tree when creating new attributes, to keep
164 * the attribute count in the transient state in sync.
165 */
166 public void addEmptyAttribute() {
167 transState.addEmptyEntry();
168 }
170 @Override
171 public int getNbAttributes() {
172 return getAttributeTree().getNbAttributes();
173 }
175 @Override
176 public String getAttributeName(int attributeQuark) {
177 return getAttributeTree().getAttributeName(attributeQuark);
178 }
180 @Override
181 public String getFullAttributePath(int attributeQuark) {
182 return getAttributeTree().getFullAttributeName(attributeQuark);
183 }
185 @Override
186 public String[] getFullAttributePathArray(int attributeQuark) {
187 return getAttributeTree().getFullAttributePathArray(attributeQuark);
188 }
190 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 // Methods related to the storage backend
192 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 @Override
195 public long getStartTime() {
196 return backend.getStartTime();
197 }
199 @Override
200 public long getCurrentEndTime() {
201 return backend.getEndTime();
202 }
204 @Override
205 public void closeHistory(long endTime) throws TimeRangeException {
206 File attributeTreeFile;
207 long attributeTreeFilePos;
208 long realEndTime = endTime;
210 if (realEndTime < backend.getEndTime()) {
211 /*
212 * This can happen (empty nodes pushing the border further, etc.)
213 * but shouldn't be too big of a deal.
214 */
215 realEndTime = backend.getEndTime();
216 }
217 transState.closeTransientState(realEndTime);
218 backend.finishedBuilding(realEndTime);
220 attributeTreeFile = backend.supplyAttributeTreeWriterFile();
221 attributeTreeFilePos = backend.supplyAttributeTreeWriterFilePosition();
222 if (attributeTreeFile != null) {
223 /*
224 * If null was returned, we simply won't save the attribute tree,
225 * too bad!
226 */
227 getAttributeTree().writeSelf(attributeTreeFile, attributeTreeFilePos);
228 }
229 finishedLatch.countDown(); /* Mark the history as finished building */
230 }
232 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 // Quark-retrieving methods
234 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 @Override
237 public int getQuarkAbsolute(String... attribute)
238 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
239 int quark = getAttributeTree().getQuarkDontAdd(ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, attribute);
240 if (quark == INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
241 throw new AttributeNotFoundException(getSSID() + " Path:" + Arrays.toString(attribute)); //$NON-NLS-1$
242 }
243 return quark;
244 }
246 @Override
247 public int optQuarkAbsolute(String... attribute) {
248 return getAttributeTree().getQuarkDontAdd(ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, attribute);
249 }
251 @Override
252 public int getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(String... attribute) {
253 return getAttributeTree().getQuarkAndAdd(ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, attribute);
254 }
256 @Override
257 public int getQuarkRelative(int startingNodeQuark, String... subPath)
258 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
259 int quark = getAttributeTree().getQuarkDontAdd(startingNodeQuark, subPath);
260 if (quark == INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
261 throw new AttributeNotFoundException(getSSID() + " Quark:" + startingNodeQuark + ", SubPath:" + Arrays.toString(subPath)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
262 }
263 return quark;
264 }
266 @Override
267 public int optQuarkRelative(int startingNodeQuark, String... subPath) {
268 return getAttributeTree().getQuarkDontAdd(startingNodeQuark, subPath);
269 }
271 @Override
272 public int getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(int startingNodeQuark, String... subPath) {
273 return getAttributeTree().getQuarkAndAdd(startingNodeQuark, subPath);
274 }
276 @Override
277 public List<Integer> getSubAttributes(int quark, boolean recursive)
278 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
279 return getAttributeTree().getSubAttributes(quark, recursive);
280 }
282 @Override
283 public List<Integer> getSubAttributes(int quark, boolean recursive, String pattern)
284 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
285 List<Integer> all = getSubAttributes(quark, recursive);
286 List<Integer> ret = new LinkedList<>();
287 for (Integer attQuark : all) {
288 String name = getAttributeName(attQuark.intValue());
289 if (name.matches(pattern)) {
290 ret.add(attQuark);
291 }
292 }
293 return ret;
294 }
296 @Override
297 public int getParentAttributeQuark(int quark) {
298 return getAttributeTree().getParentAttributeQuark(quark);
299 }
301 @Override
302 public List<@NonNull Integer> getQuarks(String... pattern) {
303 List<@NonNull Integer> quarks = new LinkedList<>();
304 List<String> prefix = new LinkedList<>();
305 List<String> suffix = new LinkedList<>();
306 boolean split = false;
307 String[] prefixStr;
308 String[] suffixStr;
309 List<Integer> directChildren;
310 int startingAttribute;
312 /* Fill the "prefix" and "suffix" parts of the pattern around the '*' */
313 for (String entry : pattern) {
314 if (entry.equals("*")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
315 if (split) {
316 /*
317 * Split was already true? This means there was more than
318 * one wildcard. This is not supported, return an empty
319 * list.
320 */
321 return quarks;
322 }
323 split = true;
324 continue;
325 }
327 if (split) {
328 suffix.add(entry);
329 } else {
330 prefix.add(entry);
331 }
332 }
333 prefixStr = prefix.toArray(new String[prefix.size()]);
334 suffixStr = suffix.toArray(new String[suffix.size()]);
336 /*
337 * If there was no wildcard, we'll only return the one matching
338 * attribute, if there is one.
339 */
340 if (!split) {
341 int quark;
342 try {
343 quark = getQuarkAbsolute(prefixStr);
344 } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
345 /* It's fine, we'll just return the empty List */
346 return quarks;
347 }
348 quarks.add(quark);
349 return quarks;
350 }
352 if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
353 /*
354 * If 'prefix' is empty, this means the wildcard was the first
355 * element. Look for the root node's sub-attributes.
356 */
357 startingAttribute = ROOT_ATTRIBUTE;
358 } else {
359 startingAttribute = optQuarkAbsolute(prefixStr);
360 if (startingAttribute == INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
361 /* That attribute path did not exist, return the empty array */
362 return quarks;
363 }
364 }
365 try {
366 directChildren = getSubAttributes(startingAttribute, false);
367 } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
368 /* Should not happen, starting attribute is a valid quark */
369 throw new IllegalStateException();
370 }
372 /*
373 * Iterate of all the sub-attributes, and only keep those who match the
374 * 'suffix' part of the initial pattern.
375 */
376 for (int childQuark : directChildren) {
377 int matchingQuark = optQuarkRelative(childQuark, suffixStr);
378 if (matchingQuark != INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
379 quarks.add(matchingQuark);
380 }
381 }
383 return quarks;
384 }
386 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 // Methods related to insertions in the history
388 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 @Override
391 public void modifyAttribute(long t, ITmfStateValue value, int attributeQuark)
392 throws TimeRangeException, AttributeNotFoundException,
393 StateValueTypeException {
394 if (value == null) {
395 /*
396 * TODO Replace with @NonNull parameter (will require fixing all the
397 * state providers!)
398 */
399 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
400 }
401 transState.processStateChange(t, value, attributeQuark);
402 }
404 @Deprecated
405 @Override
406 public void incrementAttribute(long t, int attributeQuark)
407 throws StateValueTypeException, TimeRangeException,
408 AttributeNotFoundException {
409 ITmfStateValue stateValue = queryOngoingState(attributeQuark);
410 int prevValue = 0;
411 /* if the attribute was previously null, start counting at 0 */
412 if (!stateValue.isNull()) {
413 prevValue = stateValue.unboxInt();
414 }
415 modifyAttribute(t, TmfStateValue.newValueInt(prevValue + 1),
416 attributeQuark);
417 }
419 @Override
420 public void pushAttribute(long t, ITmfStateValue value, int attributeQuark)
421 throws TimeRangeException, AttributeNotFoundException,
422 StateValueTypeException {
423 int stackDepth;
424 int subAttributeQuark;
425 ITmfStateValue previousSV = transState.getOngoingStateValue(attributeQuark);
427 if (previousSV.isNull()) {
428 /*
429 * If the StateValue was null, this means this is the first time we
430 * use this attribute. Leave stackDepth at 0.
431 */
432 stackDepth = 0;
433 } else if (previousSV.getType() == Type.INTEGER) {
434 /* Previous value was an integer, all is good, use it */
435 stackDepth = previousSV.unboxInt();
436 } else {
437 /* Previous state of this attribute was another type? Not good! */
438 throw new StateValueTypeException(getSSID() + " Quark:" + attributeQuark + ", Type:" + previousSV.getType() + ", Expected:" + Type.INTEGER); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
439 }
441 if (stackDepth >= 100000) {
442 /*
443 * Limit stackDepth to 100000, to avoid having Attribute Trees grow
444 * out of control due to buggy insertions
445 */
446 String message = " Stack limit reached, not pushing"; //$NON-NLS-1$
447 throw new AttributeNotFoundException(getSSID() + " Quark:" + attributeQuark + message); //$NON-NLS-1$
448 }
450 stackDepth++;
451 subAttributeQuark = getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(attributeQuark, String.valueOf(stackDepth));
453 modifyAttribute(t, TmfStateValue.newValueInt(stackDepth), attributeQuark);
454 modifyAttribute(t, value, subAttributeQuark);
455 }
457 @Override
458 public ITmfStateValue popAttribute(long t, int attributeQuark)
459 throws AttributeNotFoundException, TimeRangeException,
460 StateValueTypeException {
461 /* These are the state values of the stack-attribute itself */
462 ITmfStateValue previousSV = transState.getOngoingStateValue(attributeQuark);
464 if (previousSV.isNull()) {
465 /*
466 * Trying to pop an empty stack. This often happens at the start of
467 * traces, for example when we see a syscall_exit, without having
468 * the corresponding syscall_entry in the trace. Just ignore
469 * silently.
470 */
471 return null;
472 }
473 if (previousSV.getType() != Type.INTEGER) {
474 /*
475 * The existing value was not an integer (which is expected for
476 * stack tops), this doesn't look like a valid stack attribute.
477 */
478 throw new StateValueTypeException(getSSID() + " Quark:" + attributeQuark + ", Type:" + previousSV.getType() + ", Expected:" + Type.INTEGER); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
479 }
481 int stackDepth = previousSV.unboxInt();
483 if (stackDepth <= 0) {
484 /* This on the other hand should not happen... */
485 throw new StateValueTypeException(getSSID() + " Quark:" + attributeQuark + ", Stack depth:" + stackDepth); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
486 }
488 /* The attribute should already exist at this point */
489 int subAttributeQuark = getQuarkRelative(attributeQuark, String.valueOf(stackDepth));
490 ITmfStateValue poppedValue = queryOngoingState(subAttributeQuark);
492 /* Update the state value of the stack-attribute */
493 ITmfStateValue nextSV;
494 if (--stackDepth == 0) {
495 /* Store a null state value */
496 nextSV = TmfStateValue.nullValue();
497 } else {
498 nextSV = TmfStateValue.newValueInt(stackDepth);
499 }
500 modifyAttribute(t, nextSV, attributeQuark);
502 /* Delete the sub-attribute that contained the user's state value */
503 removeAttribute(t, subAttributeQuark);
505 return poppedValue;
506 }
508 @Override
509 public void removeAttribute(long t, int attributeQuark)
510 throws TimeRangeException, AttributeNotFoundException {
511 if (attributeQuark < 0) {
512 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
513 }
515 /*
516 * Nullify our children first, recursively. We pass 'false' because we
517 * handle the recursion ourselves.
518 */
519 List<Integer> childAttributes = getSubAttributes(attributeQuark, false);
520 for (int childNodeQuark : childAttributes) {
521 if (attributeQuark == childNodeQuark) {
522 /* Something went very wrong when building out attribute tree */
523 throw new IllegalStateException();
524 }
525 removeAttribute(t, childNodeQuark);
526 }
527 /* Nullify ourselves */
528 try {
529 transState.processStateChange(t, TmfStateValue.nullValue(), attributeQuark);
530 } catch (StateValueTypeException e) {
531 /*
532 * Will not happen since we're inserting null values only, but poor
533 * compiler has no way of knowing this...
534 */
535 throw new IllegalStateException(e);
536 }
537 }
539 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
540 // "Current" query/update methods
541 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
543 @Override
544 public ITmfStateValue queryOngoingState(int attributeQuark)
545 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
546 return transState.getOngoingStateValue(attributeQuark);
547 }
549 @Override
550 public long getOngoingStartTime(int attribute)
551 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
552 return transState.getOngoingStartTime(attribute);
553 }
555 @Override
556 public void updateOngoingState(ITmfStateValue newValue, int attributeQuark)
557 throws AttributeNotFoundException {
558 transState.changeOngoingStateValue(attributeQuark, newValue);
559 }
561 /**
562 * Modify the whole "ongoing state" (state values + start times). This can
563 * be used when "seeking" a state system to a different point in the trace
564 * (and restoring the known stateInfo at this location). Use with care!
565 *
566 * @param newStateIntervals
567 * The new List of state values to use as ongoing state info
568 */
569 protected void replaceOngoingState(@NonNull List<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> newStateIntervals) {
570 transState.replaceOngoingState(newStateIntervals);
571 }
573 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 // Regular query methods (sent to the back-end)
575 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
577 @Override
578 public synchronized List<ITmfStateInterval> queryFullState(long t)
579 throws TimeRangeException, StateSystemDisposedException {
580 if (isDisposed) {
581 throw new StateSystemDisposedException();
582 }
584 final int nbAttr = getNbAttributes();
585 List<@Nullable ITmfStateInterval> stateInfo = new ArrayList<>(nbAttr);
587 /* Bring the size of the array to the current number of attributes */
588 for (int i = 0; i < nbAttr; i++) {
589 stateInfo.add(null);
590 }
592 /*
593 * If we are currently building the history, also query the "ongoing"
594 * states for stuff that might not yet be written to the history.
595 */
596 if (transState.isActive()) {
597 transState.doQuery(stateInfo, t);
598 }
600 /* Query the storage backend */
601 backend.doQuery(stateInfo, t);
603 /*
604 * We should have previously inserted an interval for every attribute.
605 */
606 for (ITmfStateInterval interval : stateInfo) {
607 if (interval == null) {
608 throw new IllegalStateException("Incoherent interval storage"); //$NON-NLS-1$
609 }
610 }
611 return stateInfo;
612 }
614 @Override
615 public ITmfStateInterval querySingleState(long t, int attributeQuark)
616 throws AttributeNotFoundException, TimeRangeException,
617 StateSystemDisposedException {
618 if (isDisposed) {
619 throw new StateSystemDisposedException();
620 }
622 ITmfStateInterval ret = transState.getIntervalAt(t, attributeQuark);
623 if (ret == null) {
624 /*
625 * The transient state did not have the information, let's look into
626 * the backend next.
627 */
628 ret = backend.doSingularQuery(t, attributeQuark);
629 }
631 if (ret == null) {
632 /*
633 * If we did our job correctly, there should be intervals for every
634 * possible attribute, over all the valid time range.
635 */
636 throw new IllegalStateException("Incoherent interval storage"); //$NON-NLS-1$
637 }
638 return ret;
639 }
641 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
642 // Debug methods
643 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 static void logMissingInterval(int attribute, long timestamp) {
646 Activator.getDefault().logInfo("No data found in history for attribute " + //$NON-NLS-1$
647 attribute + " at time " + timestamp + //$NON-NLS-1$
648 ", returning dummy interval"); //$NON-NLS-1$
649 }
651 /**
652 * Print out the contents of the inner structures.
653 *
654 * @param writer
655 * The PrintWriter in which to print the output
656 */
657 public void debugPrint(@NonNull PrintWriter writer) {
658 getAttributeTree().debugPrint(writer);
659 transState.debugPrint(writer);
660 backend.debugPrint(writer);
661 }
663 }
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