Convert project to a Poetry project
[deliverable/barectf.git] / tox.ini
1 [tox]
2 minversion = 3.3
3 isolated_build = true
4 envlist = tests
5 skipsdist = True
7 [testenv]
8 whitelist_externals = poetry
9 passenv = TERM TERMINFO
11 [testenv:tests]
12 changedir = tests
13 commands =
14 poetry install -v
15 poetry run bash ./test.bash -t
17 [testenv:pep8]
18 deps = flake8 >= 2.5
19 commands = flake8
21 [flake8]
22 # E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
23 # also ignore E501 because barectf has very long lines
24 show-source = True
25 ignore = E123,E125,E501
26 builtins = _
27 exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*lib/python*,*egg,build
29 [testenv:pylint-errors]
30 deps = pylint >= 1.6
31 commands =
32 poetry install -v
33 poetry run pylint -f colorized -E barectf
35 [testenv:pylint-warnings]
36 deps = pylint >= 1.6
37 commands =
38 poetry install -v
39 poetry run pylint -f colorized -d all -e W -r n barectf
41 [testenv:pylint-full]
42 deps = pylint >= 1.6
43 commands =
44 poetry install -v
45 poetry run pylint -f colorized --disable=all -e R,E,W barectf
This page took 0.033656 seconds and 5 git commands to generate.