// Render with Asciidoctor ifndef::env-github[] :toc: left endif::env-github[] = barectf 8 March 2022 Philippe Proulx image::https://barectf.org/barectf-logo.svg[{nbsp}] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/barectf[image:https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/barectf.svg[]] https://ci.lttng.org/job/barectf_master_linuxbuild[image:https://img.shields.io/jenkins/s/https/ci.lttng.org/barectf_master_linuxbuild.svg[]] [.lead] https://barectf.org/[**_barectf_**] (from _bare_ metal and _CTF_) is a generator of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracing_(software)[tracer] which produces https://diamon.org/ctf/[CTF] data streams. [NOTE] ==== This README mostly documents barectf development. To learn how to use barectf, read its https://barectf.org/docs/barectf/[documentation]. ==== == Install barectf See the barectf documentation's https://barectf.org/docs/barectf/3.1/install.html[Install barectf] page. == Build barectf barectf is a https://python-poetry.org/[Poetry] project. To build barectf from this repository: . https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation[Install Poetry]. . Build the project: + ---- $ poetry build ---- + The `dist` directory contains the distribution archives. == Build the barectf documentation This repository contains an https://docs.antora.org/antora/latest/component-version/[Antora documentation component version] under the `docs` directory. This component version is the source of the https://barectf.org/docs/[barectf documentation website]. You can refer to this component version in your https://docs.antora.org/antora/latest/playbook/[Antora playbook file], for example: [source,yaml] ---- site: # ... content: sources: - url: https://github.com/efficios/barectf branches: [stable-3.1] start_path: docs # ... ui: # ... ---- == Test barectf To run the barectf tests: . Make sure you have the testing requirements: ** A little-endian architecture. + YAML configuration files of tracing tests use a little-endian native byte order. ** https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html[tox] ** A C{nbsp}compiler. + If your C{nbsp}compiler is not the command `cc`, then set the `CC` environment variable to your compiler's path and export it to run the barectf tests. ** https://www.gnu.org/software/make/[GNU Make] . Run the tests: + ---- $ tox ---- == Get help See the barectf documentation's https://barectf.org/docs/barectf/3.1/get-help.html[Get help] page.