# Sed commands that finish translating the GDB Unix Makefile to MPW syntax. /^host_alias =/s/^/#/ /^target_alias =/s/^/#/ /^host_makefile_frag@$/d /^target_makefile_frag@$/d /@ENABLE_CFLAGS@/s/@ENABLE_CFLAGS@/{ENABLE_CFLAGS}/g /^ENABLE_CFLAGS=/s/^/#/ # Edit all the symbolic definitions pointing to various libraries and such. /^INCLUDE_DIR = /s/"{srcdir}":include/"{topsrcdir}"include:/ /^MMALLOC_DIR = /s/::mmalloc/mmalloc:/ /^MMALLOC_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/ /^MMALLOC =/s/=.*$/=/ /MMALLOC_CFLAGS =/s/=.*$/= -d NO_MMALLOC/ /^BFD_DIR = /s/::bfd/bfd:/ /^BFD = /s/{BFD_DIR}:libbfd/{BFD_DIR}libbfd/ /^BFD_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/ /^READLINE_DIR = /s/::readline/readline:/ /^READLINE =/s/=.*$/=/ /^READLINE_SRC = /s/"{srcdir}"/"{topsrcdir}"/ /^INCLUDE_CFLAGS = /s/$/ -i "{topsrcdir}"include:mpw: -i ::extra-include:/ /^SER_HARDWIRE =/s/ser-unix/ser-mac/ /^TERMCAP =/s/ =.*$/ =/ # Whack out various autoconf vars that we don't need. /@CONFIG_LDFLAGS@/s/@CONFIG_LDFLAGS@//g /@HLDFLAGS@/s/@HLDFLAGS@//g /@DEFS@/s/@DEFS@//g /@YACC@/s/@YACC@/byacc/g /@ENABLE_OBS@/s/@ENABLE_OBS@//g /@ENABLE_CLIBS@/s/@ENABLE_CLIBS@//g /@LIBS@/s/@LIBS@//g # Whack out autoconf hook for thread debugging. /@THREAD_DB_OBS@/s/@THREAD_DB_OBS@//g # Fix up paths to include directories. /INCLUDE_DIR/s/"{s}"{INCLUDE_DIR}/{INCLUDE_DIR}/g /INCLUDE_DIR/s/{INCLUDE_DIR}:/{INCLUDE_DIR}/g /INCLUDE_DIR/s/"{INCLUDE_DIR}":/"{INCLUDE_DIR}"/g /{BFD_DIR}/s/"{BFD_DIR}":/"{BFD_DIR}"/g /{BFD_DIR}/s/\([ ]\){BFD_DIR}/\1::{BFD_DIR}/g /{BFD_DIR}/s/\([ ]\)"{BFD_DIR}"/\1::"{BFD_DIR}"/g /{BFD_SRC}/s/"{s}"{BFD_SRC}/{BFD_SRC}/g /{BFD_SRC}/s/{BFD_SRC}:/{BFD_SRC}/g /{READLINE_SRC}/s/"{s}"{READLINE_SRC}/{READLINE_SRC}/g /^readline_headers =/,/^$/c\ readline_headers =\ # This isn't really useful, and seems to cause nonsensical complaints. /{ALLDEPFILES}/s/{ALLDEPFILES}//g /^copying.c \\Option-f /,/^$/d # Fix the syntax of bits of C code that go into version.c. /char /s/'char .Option-x/'char */ # Point at files in the obj dir rather than src dir. /version/s/"{s}"version\.c/"{o}"version.c/g /version/s/^version\.c/"{o}"version.c/ /config/s/"{s}"config\.h/"{o}"config.h/g /config/s/^config\.h/"{o}"config.h/ /xm/s/"{s}"xm\.h/"{o}"xm.h/g /xm/s/^xm\.h/"{o}"xm.h/ /tm/s/"{s}"tm\.h/"{o}"tm.h/g /tm/s/^tm\.h/"{o}"tm.h/ /nm/s/"{s}"nm\.h/"{o}"nm.h/g /nm/s/^nm\.h/"{o}"nm.h/ /exp.tab.c/s/"{s}"\([a-z0-9]*\)-exp\.tab\.c/"{o}"\1-exp.tab.c/g /exp.tab.c/s/^\([a-z0-9]*\)-exp\.tab\.c/"{o}"\1-exp.tab.c/ /y.tab/s/"{s}"y.tab\.c/"{o}"y.tab.c/g /y.tab/s/^y.tab\.c/"{o}"y.tab.c/ /init/s/"{s}"init\.c-tmp/"{o}"init.c-tmp/g /init/s/^init\.c-tmp/"{o}"init.c-tmp/ /init/s/"{s}"init\.c/"{o}"init.c/g /init/s/^init\.c/"{o}"init.c/ # Fix up the generation of version.c. /"{o}"version.c \\Option-f Makefile/,/^$/c\ "{o}"version.c \\Option-f Makefile\ echo -n 'char *version = "' >"{o}"version.c\ echo -n "{VERSION}" >>"{o}"version.c\ echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\ echo -n 'char *host_name = "' >>"{o}"version.c\ echo -n "{host_alias}" >>"{o}"version.c\ echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\ echo -n 'char *target_name = "' >>"{o}"version.c\ echo -n "{target_alias}" >>"{o}"version.c\ echo '";' >>"{o}"version.c\ /ansidecl/s/include "{s}""ansidecl.h"/include "ansidecl.h"/ # Open-brace in a command causes much confusion; replace with the # result from a script. /initialize_all_files ()/c\ Echo -n 'void initialize_all_files () ' >> "{o}"init.c-tmp\ open-brace >> "{o}"init.c-tmp # Replace the whole sed bit for init.c; it's simpler that way... /echo {OBS} {TSOBS}/,/echo '}'/c\ For i in {OBS} {TSOBS}\ Set filename "`Echo {i} | sed \\Option-d\ -e '/^Onindy.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/^nindy.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/ttyflush.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/xdr_ld.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/xdr_ptrace.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/xdr_rdb.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/udr.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/udip2soc.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/udi2go32.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/version.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e '/[a-z0-9A-Z_]*-exp.tab.c.o/d' \\Option-d\ -e 's/\\.c\\.o/.c/' \\Option-d\ -e 's/^://'`"\ If "{filename}" != ""\ sed <"{s}""{filename}" >>"{o}"init.c-tmp -n \\Option-d\ -e '/^_initialize_[a-z_0-9A-Z]* *(/s/^\\([a-z_0-9A-Z]*\\).*/ {extern void \\1 (); \\1 ();}/p'\ End If\ End For\ Echo '}' >>"{o}"init.c-tmp # Fix the main compile/link command. /{CC_LD} {INTERNAL_LDFLAGS} -o gdb/,/"{o}"init.c.o {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_FILES} {CLIBS} {LOADLIBES}/c\ {CC_LD} {INTERNAL_LDFLAGS} -o gdb{PROG_EXT} "{o}"init.c.o {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_FILES} {CLIBS} {LOADLIBES} {EXTRALIBS}\ {MAKEPEF} gdb{PROG_EXT} -o gdb {MAKEPEF_TOOL_FLAGS} {MAKEPEF_FLAGS}\ {REZ} "{s}"mac-gdb.r -o gdb -append -d PROG_NAME='"'gdb'"' -d VERSION_STRING='"'{version}'"'\ # Replace the install actions with MPW-friendly script. /^install \\Option-f /,/^$/c\ install \\Option-f all install-only\ \ install-only \\Option-f \ NewFolderRecursive "{bindir}"\ Duplicate -y gdb "{bindir}"gdb\ If "`Exists SiowGDB`" != ""\ Duplicate -y SiowGDB "{bindir}"SiowGDB\ End If\ # Don't do any recursive subdir stuff. / subdir_do/s/{MAKE}/null-command/ # Edit out actions that only confuse MPW Make. /^config.status \\Option-f/,/^$/d /^Makefile \\Option-f/,/^$/d # Don't test config.h dependencies. /^"{o}"config.h \\Option-f/s/^/#/ # Add an action to build SIOWgdb. $a\ SIOWgdb \\Option-f {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_DEPS} {CDEPS} "{o}"init.c.o\ Delete -i -y SIOWgdb\ {CC_LD} {INTERNAL_LDFLAGS} -t 'APPL' -c 'gdb ' -o SIOWgdb{PROG_EXT} "{o}"init.c.o {OBS} {TSOBS} {ADD_FILES} {CLIBS} {SIOW_LIB} {LOADLIBES} {EXTRALIBS}\ {MAKEPEF} SIOWgdb{PROG_EXT} -o SIOWgdb -ft 'APPL' -fc 'gdb ' {MAKEPEF_FLAGS} \ {REZ} -o SIOWgdb "{RIncludes}"siow.r -append -d __kPrefSize=5000 -d __kMinSize=2000 -d APPNAME='"'SIOWgdb'"' \ {REZ} "{s}"mac-gdb.r -o SIOWgdb -append -d VERSION_STRING='"'{version}'"'\