#Properties file for org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.ui Bundle-Name = LTTng UI (legacy) Bundle-Vendor = Eclipse Linux Tools #Properties file for org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui (plugin.xml) perspective.category.name = LTTng Kernel (legacy) views.category.name = LTTng control.view.name = Control events.view.name = Events timeframe.view.name = Time Frame controlflow.view.name = Control Flow resources.view.name = Resources statistics.view.name = Statistics histogram.view.name = Histogram latency.view.name = Latency View wizard.category.name = LTTng project.new.wizard.name = LTTng Project project.new.wizard.description = Create a new LTTng project project.propertyPage.tracelibPath = LTTng Trace Library Path action.set.label = LTTng Action Set action.set.description = LTTng Action Set tracetype.category.lttng= LTTng tracetype.type.kernel = Kernel Trace #Commands and Menus commands.trace.category.name = LTTng Trace Commands commands.trace.category.description = LTTng Trace Commands commands.trace.import = Import Trace commands.trace.import.description = Import an LTTng Trace commands.trace.open = Open Trace commands.trace.open.description = Open an LTTng Trace commands.trace.rename = Rename Trace commands.trace.rename.description = Rename an LTTng Trace commands.trace.delete = Delete Trace commands.trace.delete.description = Delete an LTTng Trace commands.trace.selectparser = Select Parser commands.experiment.category.name = LTTng Experiment Commands commands.experiment.category.description = LTTng Experiment Commands commands.experiment.new = New Experiment commands.experiment.new.description = Create a new LTTng Experiment commands.experiment.selecttraces = Select Traces commands.experiment.selecttraces.description = Select LTTng Traces commands.experiment.open = Open Experiment commands.experiment.open.description = Open an LTTng Experiment commands.experiment.rename = Rename Experiment commands.experiment.rename.description = Rename an LTTng Experiment commands.experiment.delete = Delete Experiment commands.experiment.delete.description = Delete an LTTng Experiment # trace control (RSE) properties lttng.rse.subsystem.type.name=LTTng lttng.rse.subsystem.type.description=LTTng TCF Subsystem lttng.rse.subsystem.config.name = LTTng Tracing lttng.rse.subsystem.config.description = LTTng Tracing Subsystem Configuration action.set.label = LTTng RSE action set action.set.description = LTTng RSE action set menu.lttng.label = LTTng action.stop.label = Stop action.stop.tooltip = Stop the selected trace action.pause.label = Pause action.pause.tooltip = Pause tracing action.start.label = Start action.start.tooltip = Start tracing action.newtrace.label = New Trace action.newtrace.tooltip = Create a new trace action.configuretrace.label = Configure Trace action.configuretrace.tooltip = Configure the selected trace action.browse.label = Browse Trace action.browse.tooltip = Browse the trace folder of selected trace action.configuremarkers.label = Configure Markers action.configuremarkers.tooltip = Configure the markers of selected target action.delete.label = Delete Trace action.delete.tooltip = Delete the selected trace action.import.label = Import To Project action.import.tooltip = Import selected trace to a project