#Properties file for org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui Bundle-Vendor = Eclipse Linux Tools Bundle-Name = TMF UI #Properties file for org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui (plugin.xml) perspective.category.name = Tracing views.category.name = Tracing events.view.name = Events filters.view.name = Filters colors.view.name = Colors timechart.view.name = Time Chart statistics.view.name = Tmf Statistics events.editor.name = Events Editor eventsview.editor.name = Events View uml2sd.view.name = Sequence Diagram wizard.category.name = Tracing project.new.wizard.name = Tracing Project project.new.wizard.description = Create a new Tracing project project.new.wizard.custom.text.parser = Custom Text Parser project.new.wizard.custom.xml.parser = Custom XML Parser project.import.wizard.name = Trace Import preference.page.trace.name = Tracing preference.page.uml2sd.name = UML2 Sequence Diagram ##Commands and Menus binding.scheme = Tracing binding.scheme.description = Default key binding for tracing binding.context = Tracing # Trace folder commands.trace_folder.category.name = Trace Folder Commands commands.trace_folder.category.description = Trace Folder Commands commands.trace_folder.import = Import... commands.trace_folder.import.mnemonic = I commands.trace_folder.import.description = Import traces in the project commands.trace_folder.refresh = Refresh commands.trace_folder.refresh.mnemonic = F commands.trace_folder.refresh.description = Refresh Traces Folder # Trace commands.trace.category.name = Trace Commands commands.trace.category.description = Trace Commands commands.trace.open = Open commands.trace.open.mnemonic = O commands.trace.open.description = Open a Trace commands.trace.copy = Copy... commands.trace.copy.mnemonic = C commands.trace.copy.description = Copy a Trace commands.trace.rename = Rename... commands.trace.rename.mnemonic = R commands.trace.rename.description = Rename a Trace commands.trace.delete = Delete commands.trace.delete.mnemonic = D commands.trace.delete.description = Delete a Trace commands.trace.select_trace_type = Select Trace Type... commands.trace.select_trace_type.mnemonic = T commands.trace.select_trace_type.description = Select a trace type commands.trace.select_trace_type.bundle = Bundle commands.trace.select_trace_type.type = Trace Type commands.trace.select_trace_type.icon = Icon # Experiment folder commands.experiment_folder.category.name = Experiment Folder Commands commands.experiment_folder.category.description = Experiment Folder Commands commands.experiment_folder.new = New... commands.experiment_folder.new.mnemonic = N commands.experiment_folder.new.description = Create Tracing Experiment commands.experiment_folder.refresh = Refresh commands.experiment_folder.refresh.mnemonic = F commands.experiment_folder.refresh.description = Refresh Experiments Folder # Experiment commands.experiment.category.name = Experiment Commands commands.experiment.category.description = Experiment Commands commands.experiment.selecttraces = Select Traces... commands.experiment.selecttraces.mnemonic = S commands.experiment.selecttraces.description = Select Traces commands.experiment.open = Open commands.experiment.open.mnemonic = O commands.experiment.open.description = Open a Tracing Experiment commands.experiment.copy = Copy... commands.experiment.copy.mnemonic = C commands.experiment.copy.description = Copy a Tracing Experiment commands.experiment.rename = Rename... commands.experiment.rename.mnemonic = R commands.experiment.rename.description = Rename a Tracing Experiment commands.experiment.delete = Delete ommands.experiment.delete.mnemonic = D commands.experiment.delete.description = Delete a Tracing Experiment commands.experiment.refresh = Refresh commands.experiment.refresh.mnemonic = F commands.experiment.refresh.description = Refresh the Experiment # Custom parsers commands.parser.category.name = Parser Commands commands.parser.category.description = Parser Commands commands.parser.manage = Manage Custom Parsers commands.parser.manage.description = Manage Custom Parsers contenttype.trace = TMF Trace parser.provider.extension-point.name = Parser Providers navigatorContent.name = TMF Elements contexts.uml2sd = UML2 Sequence Diagram Viewer commands.uml2sd.category.name = UML2 Sequence Diagram Viewer Commands commands.uml2sd.category.description = UML2 Sequence Diagram Viewer Commands commands.uml2sd.scrollup = Scroll up commands.uml2sd.scrollup.description = Scroll up the sequence diagram commands.uml2sd.scrolldown = Scroll down commands.uml2sd.scrolldown.description = Scroll down the sequence diagram commands.uml2sd.scrollleft = Scroll left commands.uml2sd.scrollleft.description = Scroll left the sequence diagram commands.uml2sd.scrollright = Scroll right commands.uml2sd.scrollright.description = Scroll right the sequence diagram commands.uml2sd.goto = Go to associated message commands.uml2sd.goto.description = Go to the associated message commands.uml2sd.showend = Show node end commands.uml2sd.showend.description = Show the node end commands.uml2sd.showstart = Show node start commands.uml2sd.showstart.description = Show the node start