# Pandi, Krisztian
# Raduly, Csaba
# Szabados, Kristof
+# Szabo, Bence Janos
-# This Makefile was generated by the Makefile Generator
-# of the TTCN-3 Test Executor version 1.7.pre0 build 2
-# for Attila Balasko (ethbaat@ehubuux110) on Thu Jan 18 09:37:03 2007
+TOPDIR := ../../../..
+include $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.regression
+.SUFFIXES: .ttcn .hh
+.PHONY: all clean dep run
-# The following make commands are available:
-# - make, make all Builds the executable test suite.
-# - make archive Archives all source files.
-# - make check Checks the semantics of TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules.
-# - make clean Removes all generated files.
-# - make compile Translates TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules to C++.
-# - make dep Creates/updates dependency list.
-# - make objects Builds the object files without linking the executable.
-# Set these variables...
-# The path of your TTCN-3 Test Executor installation:
-# Uncomment this line to override the environment variable.
-# TTCN3_DIR =
-# Your platform: (SOLARIS, SOLARIS8, LINUX, FREEBSD or WIN32)
-# Your C++ compiler:
-CXX = g++
-# Flags for the C++ preprocessor (and makedepend as well):
-# Flags for the C++ compiler:
-# Flags for the linker:
-# Flags for the TTCN-3 and ASN.1 compiler:
-# Execution mode: (either ttcn3 or ttcn3-parallel)
-TTCN3_LIB = ttcn3-parallel
-# The path of your OpenSSL installation:
-# If you do not have your own one, leave it unchanged.
-# Directory to store the archived source files:
-# Note: you can set any directory except ./archive
-ARCHIVE_DIR = backup
-# You may change these variables. Add your files if necessary...
-# TTCN-3 modules of this project:
TTCN3_MODULES = PIPEasp_PortType.ttcn PIPEasp_Types.ttcn
-# ASN.1 modules of this project:
-# C++ source & header files generated from the TTCN-3 & ASN.1 modules of
-# this project:
-GENERATED_SOURCES = PIPEasp_PortType.cc PIPEasp_Types.cc
-GENERATED_HEADERS = PIPEasp_PortType.hh PIPEasp_Types.hh
GENERATED_SOURCES := $(foreach file, $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=), $(addprefix $(file), .cc _seq.cc _set.cc _seqof.cc _setof.cc _union.cc))
-# C/C++ Source & header files of Test Ports, external functions and
-# other modules:
-# Object files of this project that are needed for the executable test suite:
-OBJECTS = PIPEasp_PortType.o PIPEasp_Types.o PIPEasp_PT.o
-# Other files of the project (Makefile, configuration files, etc.)
-# that will be added to the archived source files:
-OTHER_FILES = Makefile
-# The name of the executable test suite:
-TARGET = PIPEasp_PortType
+all: $(TARGET)
-# Do not modify these unless you know what you are doing...
-# Platform specific additional libraries:
-SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl
-SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl
-# Rules for building the executable...
-all: $(TARGET) ;
-objects: $(OBJECTS) ;
- $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) \
- -L$(TTCN3_DIR)/lib -l$(TTCN3_LIB) \
- -L$(OPENSSL_DIR)/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)
-.cc.o .c.o:
- $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+ $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -L$(TTCN3_DIR)/lib -l$(TTCN3_LIB) -L$(OPENSSL_DIR)/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS)
- @if [ ! -f $@ ]; then rm -f compile; $(MAKE) compile; fi
- $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -s $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \
+ @if [ ! -f $@ ]; then $(RM) compile; $(MAKE) compile; fi
- $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \
- touch $@
+ $(filter-out -Nold -E, $(TTCN3_COMPILER)) $(COMPILER_FLAGS) $^
+ touch compile
+clean distclean:
- $(GENERATED_SOURCES) compile \
- tags *.log
- mkdir -p $(ARCHIVE_DIR)
- tar -cvhf - $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(ASN1_MODULES) \
- | gzip >$(ARCHIVE_DIR)/`basename $(TARGET) .exe`-`date '+%y%m%d-%H%M'`.tgz
-# Add your rules here if necessary...
+ $(GENERATED_SOURCES) *.log Makefile.bak
\ No newline at end of file