-3. Run make
+4. Run make
-4. Set environment variables
+5. Set environment variables
setenv TTCN3_DIR /home/<user id>/titan/Install
setenv PATH /home/<userid>/titan.core/Install/bin/:${PATH}
for bash
-5. Run make install
+6. Run make install
make install
This will install Titan into /home/<user id>/titan/Install
-6. Optionally , run function/regression tests
+7. Optionally , run function/regression tests
cd /home/<user id>/titan/function_test
These tests might run for half an hour (regr.tests) to two hours (func.tests)
-7. Optionally , copy Titan into its final directory.
+8. Optionally , copy Titan into its final directory.
From here on, you can continue with the Titan installation guide, see /Install/docs,
to set/change environment variables etc.