= babeltrace2(1) :manpagetype: program :revdate: 14 September 2019 == NAME babeltrace2 - Convert or process one or more traces, and more == SYNOPSIS [verse] *babeltrace2* [opt:--debug | opt:--verbose | opt:--log-level='LVL'] [opt:--omit-home-plugin-path] [opt:--omit-system-plugin-path] [opt:--plugin-path='PATH'[:__PATH__]...] ['<>'] ['CMD ARGS'] == DESCRIPTION `babeltrace2` is an open-source trace converter and processor command-line program. The tool can open one or more traces and convert between multiple formats, possibly with one or more filters in the conversion path, and perform other operations depending on the command 'CMD' (see <>). [NOTE] -- You might be looking for the man:babeltrace2-convert(1) command's manual page; the `convert` command is the default command of `babeltrace2` and is backward compatible with man:babeltrace(1). See <> for `convert` command examples. -- include::common-see-babeltrace2-intro.txt[] Most of the `babeltrace2` commands load Babeltrace~2 plugins to perform their operation. The search path for Babeltrace~2 plugins is, in this order: . The colon-separated (or semicolon, on Windows) list of directories in the `BABELTRACE_PLUGIN_PATH` environment variable. . The colon-separated (or semicolon, on Windows) list of directories in the opt:--plugin-path option. . `$HOME/.local/lib/babeltrace2/plugins` . +{system_plugin_path}+ You can use the man:babeltrace2-list-plugins(1) command to dynamically list the available plugins and what they offer. See <> for a list of plugins shipped with Babeltrace~2. == OPTIONS opt:-d:: opt:--debug:: Legacy option: this is equivalent to opt:--log-level=`TRACE`. opt:-l 'LVL':: opt:--log-level='LVL':: Set the log level of all known Babeltrace~2 loggers to 'LVL', including individual components for the man:babeltrace2-convert(1) and man:babeltrace2-run(1) commands. + You can override the log level of a specific component with the nlopt:--log-level option of the man:babeltrace2-convert(1) or man:babeltrace2-run(1) commands. + You can override the log level of the library with the `LIBBABELTRACE2_INIT_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable. + You can override the log level of the CLI with the `BABELTRACE_CLI_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable. + You can override the log level of the Babeltrace~2 Python bindings with the `BABELTRACE_PYTHON_BT2_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable. + The available values for 'LVL' are: + -- include::common-log-levels.txt[] -- opt:--omit-home-plugin-path:: Do not search for plugins in `$HOME/.local/lib/babeltrace2/plugins`. opt:--omit-system-plugin-path:: Do not search for plugins in +{system_plugin_path}+. opt:--plugin-path='PATH'[:__PATH__]...:: Add 'PATH' to the list of paths in which plugins can be found. opt:-v:: opt:--verbose:: Legacy option: this is equivalent to opt:--log-level=`INFO`. + If 'CMD' is `convert` or is missing, then this also sets the manparam:sink.text.pretty:verbose parameter of the implicit compcls:sink.text.pretty component (see man:babeltrace2-sink.text.pretty(7)) to true. opt:-h:: opt:--help:: Show help and quit. opt:-V:: opt:--version:: Show version and quit. [[commands]] == COMMANDS The following commands also have their own nlopt:--help option. `convert`:: Convert one or more traces to a given format, possibly with filters in the conversion path. + This is the default command: you don't need to explicitly specify this command's name to use it. + This command is backward compatible with the man:babeltrace(1) program. + See man:babeltrace2-convert(1). `help`:: Get help for a specific plugin or plugin's component class. + See man:babeltrace2-help(1). `list-plugins`:: List the available Babeltrace~2 plugins and their component classes. + See man:babeltrace2-list-plugins(1). `query`:: Query an object from a component class. + See man:babeltrace2-query(1). `run`:: Build a trace processing graph and run it. + See man:babeltrace2-run(1). [[plugins]] == PROJECT'S PLUGINS The following plugins are provided by the Babeltrace~2 project itself. man:babeltrace2-plugin-ctf(7):: CTF trace input (from the file system and from the LTTng-live protocol) and output to the file system. + Component classes: + * man:babeltrace2-source.ctf.fs(7) * man:babeltrace2-source.ctf.lttng-live(7) * man:babeltrace2-sink.ctf.fs(7) ifeval::[{enable_debug_info} == 1] man:babeltrace2-plugin-lttng-utils(7):: Processing graph utilities for LTTng traces. + Component class: + * man:babeltrace2-filter.lttng-utils.debug-info(7) endif::[] man:babeltrace2-plugin-text(7):: Plain text input and output. + Component classes: + * man:babeltrace2-source.text.dmesg(7) * man:babeltrace2-sink.text.details(7) * man:babeltrace2-sink.text.pretty(7) man:babeltrace2-plugin-utils(7):: Processing graph utilities. + Component classes: + * man:babeltrace2-filter.utils.muxer(7) * man:babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer(7) * man:babeltrace2-sink.utils.counter(7) * man:babeltrace2-sink.utils.dummy(7) [[examples]] == EXAMPLES The following examples are the same as the man:babeltrace2-convert(1) manual page's examples because `convert` is the default `babeltrace2` program's command. include::common-convert-examples.txt[] include::common-cli-env.txt[] include::common-cli-files.txt[] include::common-cmd-footer.txt[] == SEE ALSO man:babeltrace2-intro(7), man:babeltrace2-convert(1), man:babeltrace2-help(1), man:babeltrace2-list-plugins(1), man:babeltrace2-query(1), man:babeltrace2-run(1)