=== Babeltrace~2 library include::common-common-env.txt[] `BABELTRACE_PLUGIN_PATH`='PATHS':: Set the list of directories, in order, in which dynamic plugins can be found before other directories are considered to 'PATHS' (colon-separated, or semicolon on Windows). `LIBBABELTRACE2_DISABLE_PYTHON_PLUGINS`=`1`:: Disable the loading of any Babeltrace~2 Python plugin. `LIBBABELTRACE2_INIT_LOG_LEVEL`='LVL':: Force the Babeltrace~2 library's initial log level to be 'LVL'. + If this environment variable is set, it overrides the log level set by the manopt:babeltrace2(1):--log-level option for the Babeltrace~2 library logger. + The available values for 'LVL' are: + -- include::common-log-levels.txt[] -- `LIBBABELTRACE2_NO_DLCLOSE`=`1`:: Make the Babeltrace~2 library leave any dynamically loaded modules (plugins and plugin providers) open at exit. This can be useful for debugging purposes. `LIBBABELTRACE2_PLUGIN_PROVIDER_DIR`='DIR':: Set the directory from which the Babeltrace~2 library dynamically loads plugin provider shared objects to 'DIR'. + If this environment variable is set, it overrides the default plugin provider directory. === Babeltrace~2 Python bindings `BABELTRACE_PYTHON_BT2_LOG_LEVEL`='LVL':: Force the Babeltrace~2 Python bindings log level to be 'LVL'. + If this environment variable is set, it overrides the log level set by the manopt:babeltrace2(1):--log-level option for the Python bindings logger. + The available values for 'LVL' are: + -- include::common-log-levels.txt[] --