`NONE`:: `N`:: Logging is disabled. `FATAL`:: `F`:: Severe errors that lead the execution to abort immediately. + This level should be enabled in production. `ERROR`:: `E`:: Errors that might still allow the execution to continue. + Usually, once one or more errors are reported at this level, the application, plugin, or library won't perform any more useful task, but it should still exit cleanly. + This level should be enabled in production. `WARN`:: `WARNING`:: `W`:: Unexpected situations which still allow the execution to continue. + This level should be enabled in production. `INFO`:: `I`:: Informational messages that highlight progress or important states of the application, plugins, or library. + This level can be enabled in production. `DEBUG`:: `D`:: Debugging information, with a higher level of details than the `TRACE` level. + This level should :not: be enabled in production. `TRACE`:: `T`:: Low-level debugging context information. + This level should :not: be enabled in production.