3 AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/tests/utils
5 LIBTAP=$(top_builddir)/tests/utils/tap/libtap.la
7 libtestcommon_la_SOURCES = common.c common.h
8 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libtestcommon.la
10 # -Wl,--no-as-needed is needed for recent gold linker who seems to think
11 # it knows better and considers libraries with constructors having
12 # side-effects as dead code.
13 COMMON_TEST_LDADD = $(LIBTAP) $(builddir)/libtestcommon.la \
14 $(top_builddir)/lib/libbabeltrace2.la
16 test_bitfield_LDADD = $(LIBTAP) $(builddir)/libtestcommon.la
18 test_ctf_writer_LDADD = $(COMMON_TEST_LDADD)
20 test_bt_values_LDADD = $(COMMON_TEST_LDADD)
22 test_trace_ir_ref_LDADD = $(COMMON_TEST_LDADD)
24 test_graph_topo_LDADD = $(COMMON_TEST_LDADD)
26 noinst_PROGRAMS = test_bitfield test_ctf_writer test_bt_values \
27 test_trace_ir_ref test_graph_topo
29 test_bitfield_SOURCES = test_bitfield.c
30 test_ctf_writer_SOURCES = test_ctf_writer.c
31 test_bt_values_SOURCES = test_bt_values.c
32 test_trace_ir_ref_SOURCES = test_trace_ir_ref.c
33 test_graph_topo_SOURCES = test_graph_topo.c
36 noinst_PROGRAMS += test_plugin
37 test_plugin_LDADD = $(COMMON_TEST_LDADD)
38 test_plugin_SOURCES = test_plugin.c
39 SUBDIRS += test-plugin-plugins