/* CTF 1.8 */ typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; base = 10; } := uint8_t; typealias integer { size = 32; align = 32; signed = false; base = hex; } := uint32_t; typealias integer { size = 32; align = 32; signed = true; base = hex; } := TYPE; trace { major = 0; minor = 1; uuid = "2a6422d0-6cee-11e0-8c08-cb07d7b3a564"; byte_order = le; packet.header := struct { uint32_t magic; uint8_t uuid[16]; }; }; /* Value -1024 is below the min value of TYPE. */ event { name = string; fields := struct { enum : TYPE { VAL1, VAL2, VAL3 = -1024 } field; }; };