bt2: make ComponentSpec take a component class object
authorSimon Marchi <>
Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:31:15 +0000 (18:31 -0400)
committerFrancis Deslauriers <>
Tue, 27 Aug 2019 01:18:13 +0000 (21:18 -0400)
... rather than a plugin and component class name.  It can be a user
component class:

    class MySource(bt2._UserSourceComponent, ...):

    spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(MySource)

or a component class from a plugin:

    cc = bt2.find_plugin('my_plugin').source_component_classes['cerfeuil']
    spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(cc)

This is a bit more general compared to taking a plugin name and a
component class name, since it allows passing an component class that
does not come from a plugin.  It also allows the user to use component
classes from plugins in non-standard locations, by looking up plugins
manually with bt2.find_plugins_in_path.

For convenience, there is a new static method
bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class that creates a
ComponentSpec from a plugin and component class names.

Change-Id: I39e3fec6bbc7e7a9ba375065c9318b61b1791e35
Signed-off-by: Simon Marchi <>
CI-Build: Francis Deslauriers <>
Tested-by: jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Francis Deslauriers <>

index bd00de126395496ec933f7c1790259c81690a337..d14efe23fdd8889487a167e381ad5b9ed22205e7 100644 (file)
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ _ComponentAndSpec = namedtuple('_ComponentAndSpec', ['comp', 'spec'])
 class _BaseComponentSpec:
+    # Base for any component spec that can be passed to
+    # TraceCollectionMessageIterator.
     def __init__(self, params, obj, logging_level):
         if logging_level is not None:
@@ -61,35 +63,71 @@ class _BaseComponentSpec:
 class ComponentSpec(_BaseComponentSpec):
+    # A component spec with a specific component class.
     def __init__(
-        plugin_name,
-        class_name,
+        component_class,
-        logging_level=bt2_logging.LoggingLevel.NONE,
+        logging_level=bt2.LoggingLevel.NONE,
         if type(params) is str:
             params = {'inputs': [params]}
         super().__init__(params, obj, logging_level)
-        utils._check_str(plugin_name)
-        utils._check_str(class_name)
+        is_cc_object = isinstance(
+            component_class, (bt2._SourceComponentClass, bt2._FilterComponentClass)
+        )
+        is_user_cc_type = isinstance(
+            component_class, bt2_component._UserComponentType
+        ) and issubclass(
+            component_class, (bt2._UserSourceComponent, bt2._UserFilterComponent)
+        )
-        self._plugin_name = plugin_name
-        self._class_name = class_name
+        if not is_cc_object and not is_user_cc_type:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "'{}' is not a source or filter component class".format(
+                    component_class.__class__.__name__
+                )
+            )
-    @property
-    def plugin_name(self):
-        return self._plugin_name
+        self._component_class = component_class
-    def class_name(self):
-        return self._class_name
+    def component_class(self):
+        return self._component_class
+    @classmethod
+    def from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+        cls,
+        plugin_name,
+        component_class_name,
+        params=None,
+        obj=None,
+        logging_level=bt2.LoggingLevel.NONE,
+    ):
+        plugin = bt2.find_plugin(plugin_name)
+        if plugin is None:
+            raise ValueError('no such plugin: {}'.format(plugin_name))
+        if component_class_name in plugin.source_component_classes:
+            comp_class = plugin.source_component_classes[component_class_name]
+        elif component_class_name in plugin.filter_component_classes:
+            comp_class = plugin.filter_component_classes[component_class_name]
+        else:
+            raise KeyError(
+                'source or filter component class `{}` not found in plugin `{}`'.format(
+                    component_class_name, plugin_name
+                )
+            )
+        return cls(comp_class, params, obj, logging_level)
 class AutoSourceComponentSpec(_BaseComponentSpec):
+    # A component spec that does automatic source discovery.
     _no_obj = object()
     def __init__(self, input, params=None, obj=_no_obj, logging_level=None):
@@ -178,7 +216,7 @@ def _auto_discover_source_component_specs(auto_source_comp_specs, plugin_set):
         params['inputs'] = comp_inputs
-            ComponentSpec(
+            ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
@@ -220,11 +258,6 @@ def _get_ns(obj):
     return int(s * 1e9)
-class _CompClsType:
-    SOURCE = 0
-    FILTER = 1
 class _TraceCollectionMessageIteratorProxySink(bt2_component._UserSinkComponent):
     def __init__(self, params, msg_list):
         assert type(msg_list) is list
@@ -421,8 +454,8 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2_message_iterator._MessageIterator):
         comp_cls = plugin.filter_component_classes['trimmer']
         return self._graph.add_component(comp_cls, name, params)
-    def _get_unique_comp_name(self, comp_spec):
-        name = '{}-{}'.format(comp_spec.plugin_name, comp_spec.class_name)
+    def _get_unique_comp_name(self, comp_cls):
+        name =
         comps_and_specs = itertools.chain(
             self._src_comps_and_specs, self._flt_comps_and_specs
@@ -433,30 +466,9 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2_message_iterator._MessageIterator):
         return name
-    def _component_spec_class(self, comp_spec, comp_cls_type):
-        plugin = bt2.find_plugin(comp_spec.plugin_name)
-        if plugin is None:
-            raise ValueError('no such plugin: {}'.format(comp_spec.plugin_name))
-        if comp_cls_type == _CompClsType.SOURCE:
-            comp_classes = plugin.source_component_classes
-        else:
-            comp_classes = plugin.filter_component_classes
-        if comp_spec.class_name not in comp_classes:
-            cc_type = 'source' if comp_cls_type == _CompClsType.SOURCE else 'filter'
-            raise ValueError(
-                'no such {} component class in "{}" plugin: {}'.format(
-                    cc_type, comp_spec.plugin_name, comp_spec.class_name
-                )
-            )
-        return comp_classes[comp_spec.class_name]
-    def _create_comp(self, comp_spec, comp_cls_type):
-        comp_cls = self._component_spec_class(comp_spec, comp_cls_type)
-        name = self._get_unique_comp_name(comp_spec)
+    def _create_comp(self, comp_spec):
+        comp_cls = comp_spec.component_class
+        name = self._get_unique_comp_name(comp_cls)
         comp = self._graph.add_component(
             comp_cls, name, comp_spec.params, comp_spec.obj, comp_spec.logging_level
@@ -499,25 +511,24 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2_message_iterator._MessageIterator):
         self._connect_src_comp_port(component, port)
     def _get_greatest_operative_mip_version(self):
-        def append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, comp_specs, comp_cls_type):
+        def append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, comp_specs):
             for comp_spec in comp_specs:
-                comp_cls = self._component_spec_class(comp_spec, comp_cls_type)
-                    bt2.ComponentDescriptor(comp_cls, comp_spec.params, comp_spec.obj)
+                    bt2.ComponentDescriptor(
+                        comp_spec.component_class, comp_spec.params, comp_spec.obj
+                    )
         descriptors = []
-        append_comp_specs_descriptors(
-            descriptors, self._src_comp_specs, _CompClsType.SOURCE
-        )
-        append_comp_specs_descriptors(
-            descriptors, self._flt_comp_specs, _CompClsType.FILTER
-        )
+        append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, self._src_comp_specs)
+        append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, self._flt_comp_specs)
         if self._stream_intersection_mode:
             # we also need at least one `flt.utils.trimmer` component
-            comp_spec = ComponentSpec('utils', 'trimmer')
-            append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, [comp_spec], _CompClsType.FILTER)
+            comp_spec = ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'utils', 'trimmer'
+            )
+            append_comp_specs_descriptors(descriptors, [comp_spec])
         mip_version = bt2.get_greatest_operative_mip_version(descriptors)
@@ -543,7 +554,7 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2_message_iterator._MessageIterator):
         # create extra filter components (chained)
         for comp_spec in self._flt_comp_specs:
-            comp = self._create_comp(comp_spec, _CompClsType.FILTER)
+            comp = self._create_comp(comp_spec)
             self._flt_comps_and_specs.append(_ComponentAndSpec(comp, comp_spec))
         # connect the extra filter chain
@@ -561,7 +572,7 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2_message_iterator._MessageIterator):
         # it does not exist yet (it needs the created component to
         # exist).
         for comp_spec in self._src_comp_specs:
-            comp = self._create_comp(comp_spec, _CompClsType.SOURCE)
+            comp = self._create_comp(comp_spec)
             self._src_comps_and_specs.append(_ComponentAndSpec(comp, comp_spec))
         # Now we connect the ports which exist at this point. We allow
index 162617080049f65558c2dbe752b3a092455512ac..3abbe358b5a579441139928192b4bd3e6cad26a8 100644 (file)
@@ -40,28 +40,135 @@ _AUTO_SOURCE_DISCOVERY_PARAMS_LOG_LEVEL_PATH = os.path.join(
+class _SomeSource(
+    bt2._UserSourceComponent, message_iterator_class=bt2._UserMessageIterator
+    pass
+class _SomeFilter(
+    bt2._UserFilterComponent, message_iterator_class=bt2._UserMessageIterator
+    pass
+class _SomeSink(bt2._UserSinkComponent):
+    def _user_consume(self):
+        pass
 class ComponentSpecTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_create_good_no_params(self):
-        bt2.ComponentSpec('plugin', 'compcls')
+    def setUp(self):
+        # A source CC from a plugin.
+        self._dmesg_cc = bt2.find_plugin('text').source_component_classes['dmesg']
+        assert self._dmesg_cc is not None
+        # A filter CC from a plugin.
+        self._muxer_cc = bt2.find_plugin('utils').filter_component_classes['muxer']
+        assert self._muxer_cc is not None
+        # A sink CC from a plugin.
+        self._pretty_cc = bt2.find_plugin('text').sink_component_classes['pretty']
+        assert self._pretty_cc is not None
+    def test_create_source_from_name(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class('text', 'dmesg')
+        self.assertEqual(, 'dmesg')
-    def test_create_good_with_params(self):
-        bt2.ComponentSpec('plugin', 'compcls', {'salut': 23})
+    def test_create_source_from_plugin(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(self._dmesg_cc)
+        self.assertEqual(, 'dmesg')
-    def test_create_good_with_path_params(self):
-        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec('plugin', 'compcls', 'a path')
+    def test_create_source_from_user(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(_SomeSource)
+        self.assertEqual(, '_SomeSource')
+    def test_create_filter_from_name(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class('utils', 'muxer')
+        self.assertEqual(, 'muxer')
+    def test_create_filter_from_object(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(self._muxer_cc)
+        self.assertEqual(, 'muxer')
+    def test_create_sink_from_name(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            KeyError,
+            'source or filter component class `pretty` not found in plugin `text`',
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class('text', 'pretty')
+    def test_create_sink_from_object(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            TypeError, "'_SinkComponentClass' is not a source or filter component class"
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec(self._pretty_cc)
+    def test_create_from_object_with_params(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(self._dmesg_cc, {'salut': 23})
+        self.assertEqual(spec.params['salut'], 23)
+    def test_create_from_name_with_params(self):
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'text', 'dmesg', {'salut': 23}
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(spec.params['salut'], 23)
+    def test_create_from_object_with_path_params(self):
+        spec = spec = bt2.ComponentSpec(self._dmesg_cc, 'a path')
         self.assertEqual(spec.params['inputs'], ['a path'])
-    def test_create_wrong_plugin_name_type(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            bt2.ComponentSpec(23, 'compcls')
+    def test_create_from_name_with_path_params(self):
+        spec = spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'text', 'dmesg', 'a path'
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(spec.params['inputs'], ['a path'])
-    def test_create_wrong_component_class_name_type(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            bt2.ComponentSpec('plugin', 190)
+    def test_create_wrong_comp_class_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            TypeError, "'int' is not a source or filter component class"
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec(18)
+    def test_create_from_name_wrong_plugin_name_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'int' is not a 'str' object"):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(23, 'compcls')
+    def test_create_from_name_non_existent_plugin(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            ValueError, "no such plugin: this_plugin_does_not_exist"
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'this_plugin_does_not_exist', 'compcls'
+            )
+    def test_create_from_name_wrong_component_class_name_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'int' is not a 'str' object"):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class('utils', 190)
     def test_create_wrong_params_type(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            bt2.ComponentSpec('dwdw', 'compcls',
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            TypeError, "cannot create value object from 'datetime' object"
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec(self._dmesg_cc,
+    def test_create_from_name_wrong_params_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+            TypeError, "cannot create value object from 'datetime' object"
+        ):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'text', 'dmesg',
+            )
+    def test_create_wrong_log_level_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'str' is not an 'int' object"):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec(self._dmesg_cc, logging_level='banane')
+    def test_create_from_name_wrong_log_level_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'str' is not an 'int' object"):
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'text', 'dmesg', logging_level='banane'
+            )
 # Return a map, msg type -> number of messages of this type.
@@ -80,47 +187,73 @@ def _count_msgs_by_type(msgs):
 class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_create_wrong_stream_intersection_mode_type(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, stream_intersection_mode=23)
     def test_create_wrong_begin_type(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, begin='hi')
     def test_create_wrong_end_type(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, begin='lel')
-    def test_create_no_such_plugin(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('77', '101', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs)
     def test_create_begin_s(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, begin=19457.918232)
     def test_create_end_s(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, end=123.12312)
     def test_create_begin_datetime(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
     def test_create_end_datetime(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
     def test_iter_no_intersection(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs)
         msgs = list(msg_iter)
         self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 28)
@@ -129,7 +262,9 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     # Same as the above, but we pass a single spec instead of a spec list.
     def test_iter_specs_not_list(self):
-        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+        )
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(spec)
         msgs = list(msg_iter)
         self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 28)
@@ -137,14 +272,22 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 8)
     def test_iter_custom_filter(self):
-        src_spec = bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)
-        flt_spec = bt2.ComponentSpec('utils', 'trimmer', {'end': '13515309.000000075'})
+        src_spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+        )
+        flt_spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'utils', 'trimmer', {'end': '13515309.000000075'}
+        )
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(src_spec, flt_spec)
         hist = _count_msgs_by_type(msg_iter)
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 5)
     def test_iter_intersection(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(
             specs, stream_intersection_mode=True
@@ -154,13 +297,19 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 3)
     def test_iter_intersection_no_inputs_param(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('text', 'dmesg', {'read-from-stdin': True})]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'text', 'dmesg', {'read-from-stdin': True}
+            )
+        ]
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, stream_intersection_mode=True)
     def test_iter_no_intersection_two_traces(self):
-        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)
+        spec = bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+            'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+        )
         specs = [spec, spec]
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs)
         msgs = list(msg_iter)
@@ -169,13 +318,21 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 16)
     def test_iter_no_intersection_begin(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, begin=13515309.000000023)
         hist = _count_msgs_by_type(msg_iter)
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 6)
     def test_iter_no_intersection_end(self):
-        specs = [bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH)]
+        specs = [
+            bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                'ctf', 'fs', _3EVENTS_INTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+            )
+        ]
         msg_iter = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(specs, end=13515309.000000075)
         hist = _count_msgs_by_type(msg_iter)
         self.assertEqual(hist[bt2._EventMessage], 5)
@@ -207,7 +364,9 @@ class TraceCollectionMessageIteratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-                bt2.ComponentSpec('ctf', 'fs', _NOINTERSECT_TRACE_PATH),
+                bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class(
+                    'ctf', 'fs', _NOINTERSECT_TRACE_PATH
+                ),
         msgs = list(msg_iter)
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